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Imperial Library
Title Page
Night Born
The Night-born Child
1. Worm
2. Null
3. The Chief External
4. The Loranthian Scroll
5. Complications
6. Beastial
7. Forest Lessons
8. In the Dark
9. Shrine
10. The Path of Pain
11. The Brilliant Host
12. The Old Ways
13. Rewards
14. New Homes and Old Enemies
15. Revenge
16. Learn Quick
17. The Chase Begins
18. Messengers
19. Always Hungry
20. Rukmol, Bugat, and Rodak
21. The Fourteenth Maxim
22. Loyalties
23. The Night-born Novitiate
Epilogue: The Hexan
Battle Born
The Message
1. Light in the Dark
2. Falan Brecha
3. Asai Juice
4. Banquet
5. Thorogood
6. The Lady of the North
7. Alarms
8. Green and Red
9. Who’s Fastest?
10. Battle Magic
11. A Strange Sort of Ally
12. The White-Faced Legion
13. The Importance of Brother Menier
14. Expedition
15. The Estreek
16. Aldburg
17. The Path of Honor
18. The Traitor
19. The Right Side of History
Epilogue: The Amulet
Before the Gate
Before the Gate
1. Night Visitors
2. Old Enemies
3. A Rose of Pain
4. The Baleful Signs
5. The Attack Dogs of the Ungol
6. Return to Everdell
7. The Warband of Dol-Markel
8. At the Gate
9. A Familiar Feeling
10. Mother Istarion
11. The Circle
12. The Aesther
13. A Line Against the Darkness
14. The Crystal Forest
15. The Ferryman
16. The Kelpoi
17. Take What You Came For
18. Incursion
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