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Food & Feelings Pre-Assessment
1 - The Function of Feelings
What is the purpose of feelings?
How do I know when I have a feeling or an emotion?
How can I know exactly what emotion I’m feeling?
What feelings are normal and what ones are not?
Can I control my feelings?
Why won’t bad feelings simply go away?
2 - Fear of Feelings
Are all feelings created equal?
Do I have feelings about my feelings?
How did I learn to fear my feelings?
How can I learn to accept all of my feelings?
3 - Feelings, Not Food
What is the connection between feeding and feeling?
Why does food taste so good when I feel so bad?
Is it ever okay to overeat or skip meals in response to disturbing feelings?
How can I separate feeling from feeding?
4 - The Seven Most Difficult Feelings for Disordered Eaters
Are there really only seven difficult feelings?
Does everyone experience painful feelings the same way?
Practice, practice, practice
5 - Guilt
What is the purpose of guilt?
Can people make me feel guilty?
Does everyone feel guilt?
How did I learn about guilt?
Can I have too much guilt?
Is there a correlation between feeling guilty and my issues with food and weight?
6 - Shame
How do I know if I’m feeling shame?
What’s the difference between guilt and shame?
What is the purpose of shame?
Can people make me feel ashamed?
Where does shame come from?
What does shame-based behavi or mean?
How does feeling shame drive me to focus on food and weight?
7 - Helplessness
Why don’t I recognize helplessness?
How do I know if I’m feeling helpless?
What is the purpose of helplessness?
Why is helplessness so unbearable?
Can I avoid feeling helpless?
How does feeling helpless drive me to focus on food and weight?
8 - Anxiety
How do I know if I’m feeling anxious?
Is anxiety the same as fear?
Is anxiety a good or a bad thing?
Is there such a thing as chronic anxiety?
Are some people more anxious than others?
How does feeling anxious drive me to focus on food and weight?
9 - Disappointment
How do I know if I’m feeling disappointed?
What is the purpose of disappointment?
Why does disappointment hurt so badly?
How did I learn about disappointment?
If I weren’t so needy, would I be disappointed less?
How does feeling disappointed drive me to focus on food and weight?
10 - Confusion
How do I know if I’m feeling confused?
Why is confusion so difficult to tolerate?
What is the purpose of confusion?
How does fear play a part in confusion?
How is confusion related to my problems with food and weight?
11 - Loneliness
How do I know if I’m feeling lonely?
What is the purpose of loneliness?
What factors influence my experience of loneliness?
Disconnection from Self
Is feeling lonely the same as feeling bored or empty?
Can I avoid loneliness?
Is keeping busy a good cure for loneliness?
How does feeling lonely or empty drive me to focus on food?
12 - Freeing Your Feelings
How can I learn to become comfortable with my feelings?
How do I go about actually experiencing my feelings?
What else can I do with feelings, other than experience them?
What are the barriers to experiencing feelings?
Will my life improve when I start to feel my feelings?
Will becoming emotionally healthier change my relationship with other people?
13 - Triggers to Intense Feelings and Disordered Eating
What is an emotional trigger?
What factors affect my ability to handle emotional triggers?
Can I overreact to triggers?
How can I stop acting out with food in response to emotional triggers?
Changing Your Beliefs
Handling Feelings
Eliminating Acting Out With Food
What else can I do to separate food and feeling?
14 - Feeling Your Way to Happiness, Health, and a Natural Body Weight
Will experiencing my feelings really change my relationship with food?
How will I know my body’s natural weight?
Food & Feelings Post-Assessment
Food & Feelings Action Plan
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