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Half Title Page
Title Page
About the Authors
Part I. Background on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Cognitive Processing Therapy
1. The Origins of Cognitive Processing Therapy
The Origins of CPT
Theoretical Influences
Early Development of CPT
Dissemination of CPT
A Biological Model of PTSD and CPT
A Change in Name and a Note on Terminology
2. Research on CPT
Randomized Controlled Trials
Secondary Conditions and Potential Moderators of Treatment
Program Evaluation/Effectiveness Studies
Part II. Setting the Stage Clinically
3. Treatment Considerations
For Which Clients Is CPT Appropriate?
When Should the CPT Protocol Begin?
Choosing a Format for CPT
Pretreatment Assessment
Case Conceptualization
4. Preparing to Deliver CPT
Introducing CPT
Socratic Dialogue
Therapist Readiness
Therapist Issues: Therapist Errors and Stuck Points
Part III. CPT Manual
5. Overview of PTSD and CPT: Session 1
Goals for Session 1
Procedures for Session 1
Setting the Agenda
Discussing the Symptoms of and a Functional Model of PTSD
Describing Cognitive Theory
Discussing the Role of Emotions
Reviewing the Index Trauma
Describing the Therapy
Giving the First Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session
6. Finding Stuck Points: Sessions 2 and 3
Goals for Sessions 2 and 3
Session 2: Examining the Impact of Trauma
Procedures for Session 2
Reviewing the Client's Scoreson the Self-Report Measures
Having the Client Read the Impact Statement, and Identifying Stuck Points
Addressing Nonadherence with the Impact Statement and Other Practice Assignments
Examining Connections among Events, Thoughts, and Feelings
Introducing the ABC Worksheet
Describing and Discussing Stuck Points More Fully
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 3: Working with Events, Thoughts, and Feelings
Goals for Session 3
Procedures for Session 3
Reviewing the Client's Scores on the Self-Report Measures
Reviewing the Client's Completion of Practice Assignments
Reviewing ABC Worksheets and Using These to Examine Events, Thoughts, and Emotions
Using Trauma-Related ABC Worksheet(s) to Begin Challenging Assimilated Cognitions
Giving the Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
7. Processing the Index Event: Sessions 4 and 5
Goals for Sessions 4 and 5
Session 4: Examining the Index Event
Procedures for Session 4
Reviewing the Client's ABC Worksheets
Cognitive Processing: Addressing Assimilated Stuck Points
Differentiating among Intention, Responsibility, and the Unforeseeable
Introducing the Challenging Questions Worksheet
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 5: Using the Challenging Questions Worksheet
Procedures for Session 5
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Questions Worksheets
Introducing the Patterns of Problematic Thinking Worksheet
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
8. Learning to Self-Challenge: Sessions 6 and 7
Goals for Sessions 6 and 7
Session 6: Patterns of Problematic Thinking Worksheet and Introduction to Challenging Beliefs Worksheet
Procedures for Session 6
Conducting a Midprotocol Assessment of Treatment Response
Reviewing the Patterns of Problematic Thinking Worksheet
Introducing the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet with a Trauma Example
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 7: Challenging Beliefs Worksheets and Introduction to Modules
Procedures for Session 7
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Providing an Overview of the Five Themes
Introducing the Safety Theme
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
9. Trauma Themes—Safety, Trust, and Power/Control: Sessions 8–10
Goals for Sessions 8, 9, and 10
Session 8: Processing Safety and Introducing Trust
Procedures for Session 8
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Introducing the Trust Theme
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 9: Processing Trust and Introducing Power/Control
Procedures for Session 9
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Introducing the Power/Control Theme
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 10: Processing Power/Control and Introducing Esteem
Procedures for Session 10
Reviewing the Client's Trust Star Worksheet and Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Introducing the Esteem Theme
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
10. Esteem, Intimacy, and Facing the Future: Session 11, Session 12, and Aftercare
Goals for Sessions 11 and 12
Session 11: Review of Esteem and Introducing Intimacy
Procedures for Session 11
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Reviewing the Assignments on Giving and Receiving Compliments/Behavioral Activation
Discussing Therapy Termination
Introducing the Intimacy Theme
Giving the New Practice Assignment
Checking the Client's Reactions to the Session and the Practice Assignment
Session 12: Processing Intimacy and the Final Impact Statement
Procedures for Session 12
Reviewing the Client's Challenging Beliefs Worksheets
Reviewing the Client's Original and New Impact Statements
Reviewing the Course of Treatment and the Client's Progress
Identifying the Client's Goals for the Future
A Note on Aftercare
Part IV. Alternatives in Delivery and Special Considerations
11. Variations on CPT: CPT with Written Accounts, Variable-Length CPT, and CPT for Acute Stress Disorder
CPT with Written Accounts
Variable-Length CPT
CPT for Acute Stress Disorder
12. Group CPT and CPT for Sexual Abuse
Group CPT
CPT for Sexual Abuse
13. Issues in Working with Different Trauma Types
Combat and the Warrior Ethos
Sexual Assault
Intimate-Partner Violence
Disasters and Accidents
Trauma among Clients with Brain Injuries, Low Intelligence, or Aging/Dementia
PTSD Complicated by Grief
Trauma in Adolescence and Its Effects on Other Developmental Periods
14. Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adaptations
Racial/Ethnic and Sexual Orientation Diversity
Religion and Morality
Adaptations of CPT for Other Languages/Cultures
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