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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Brief Contents
Contents in Detail
Why Should I Learn to Code?
Why Should I Learn Java?
What’s in This Book
What Tools Do I Need?
Online Resources
Start Now!
1: Getting Started
Java on Windows, macOS, and Linux
Installing Java 8 and 9 for Developers
Installing the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Setting Up Eclipse
Installing the WindowBuilder Editor
Customizing Eclipse’s Look and Feel
Installing Android Studio for Mobile App Development
Getting to Know Java with JShell
Running JShell
Working with Java Expressions in JShell
Declaring Java Variables in JShell
Printing Output in Java
JShell Commands
What You Learned
2: Build a Hi-Lo Guessing Game App!
Planning the Game Step-by-Step
Creating a New Java Project
Creating the HiLo Class
Generating a Random Number
Getting User Input from the Keyboard
Making the Program Print Output
Loops: Ask, Check, Repeat
if Statements: Testing for the Right Conditions
Adding a Play Again Loop
Testing the Game
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Expanding Your Range
#2: Counting Tries
#3: Playing MadLibs
3: Creating a GUI for Our Guessing Game
Practicing with JShell
Creating a GUI in Four Lines of Code
Creating an Interactive GUI in 10 Lines of Code!
Setting Up the GUI App in Eclipse
GUI Design with Eclipse’s WindowBuilder Editor
Designing the User Interface
Setting GUI Properties in the Properties Pane
Customizing GUI Components in the Palette Pane
Aligning GUI Elements
Naming GUI Components for Coding
Connecting the GUI to Your Java Code
Adding a Method to Check the Player’s Guess
Getting Text from a JTextField
Converting Strings to Numbers
Starting a New Game
Listening for User Events: Click to Guess!
Setting Up the GUI Window
Time to Play!
Adding a Play Again Feature
Improving the UX
Allowing Users to Press Enter to Guess
Automatically Removing Old Guesses
Handling Bad User Input
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Showing Users How Many Tries They Took
#2: Showing and Hiding a Play Again Button
#3: Creating a GUI MadLib
4: Creating Your First Android App
Starting a New Android Studio App Project
Building the GUI Layout in Design View
Naming GUI Components in Android Studio
Connecting the GUI to Java in Android Studio
Adding Methods to Check the Guess and Begin a New Game
Handling Events in Android
Running the App on the Android Emulator
Running the App on a Real Android Device
Preparing Your Device
Connecting Your Device
Running the App on Your Device
Improving the UX
Centering the User’s Guess in the Text Field
Adding a Listener for the Enter Key
Adding One More Finishing Touch
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: “Toast”-ing to the Number of Tries
#2: Adding Visual Appeal
#3: Creating a MadLibs Mobile App
5: Polishing Your App by Adding Menus and Preferences
Adding an Options Menu in Android
Adding Items to the Menu’s XML File
Displaying the Options Menu
Responding to User Selections
Creating an Alert Dialog Pop-up for the About Screen
Changing the Guessing Range
Adding a Variable for the Range
Using the range Variable
Building the Dialog to Allow the User to Select the Range
Storing User Preferences and Game Stats
Storing and Retrieving the User’s Preferred Range
Storing the Number of Games Won
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: You Win Some, You Lose Some
#2: Ratio of Wins to Losses
6: Deciphering Secret Messages
The Caesar Cipher
Setting Up the Secret Messages App
Creating the Secret Messages Project in Eclipse
Beginning to Code SecretMessages.java
Messing with Strings
Characters and Values in Java
Encoding Just the Letters
Closing the Scanner
Adding a Custom Key Value
Encoding Digits
Running Command Line Apps Without Eclipse
Finding Your Workspace Folders
Opening a Command Line Window
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Looping the Loop
#2: Reversing and Encoding
#3: Safely Handling Keys with try and catch
7: Creating Advanced GUIs and Sharing Your App
Setting Up the Secret Messages GUI App Project
Designing the GUI and Naming Components
Coding the Secret Messages GUI App
Creating the encode() Method
Writing the Event Handler for the Encode/Decode Button
Handling Bad Input and User Errors
Building the main() Method and Running the App
Improving the GUI
Setting Line Wrap and Word Wrap
Handling Bad Input and User Errors: Part 2
Adding a Slider to the Secret Messages GUI
Code Cracking with the Slider
Bonus: Sharing Your App as a Runnable JAR File
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Movin’ On Up!
#2: Scrolling Away!
#3: Changing the Text to Change the Slider
8: Make Secret Messages a Phone App to Share with Friends!
Setting Up the Mobile GUI
Designing the Mobile GUI
Wiring the GUI to the Java Code
Connecting the Encode Button to the encode() Method
Testing the App
Working with the SeekBar
Running the App on the Emulator and on an Android Device
Bonus: Customizing the Floating Action Button
Receiving Secret Messages from Other Apps
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Creating a Move Up Button
#2: Changing the SeekBar’s Progress
9: Paint Colorful Bubbles with Your Mouse!
Creating the BubbleDraw Project Files
Building the BubbleDraw Frame
Creating a Class for Bubbles
Defining a Bubble
Designing a Bubble’s Methods
Storing Bubbles in an ArrayList
Adding a Constructor to the BubblePanel Class
Adding a Method to Draw on the Screen
Testing the BubblePanel Class
Handling Mouse Events from the User
Creating a Reusable Event Listener
Handling Clicks and Drags
Bonus: Handling MouseWheel Events
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: No Bubble Too Small
#2: PixelDraw!
10: Adding Animation and Collision Detection with Timers
Copying the BubbleDraw Java Project to Create BubbleDrawGUI
Renaming the Main Class and Java File
Adding Transparency
Adding Animation: Bubbles Rising!
Adding a Timer
Setting the Timer
Preparing the Animation
Starting the Timer
Forever Blowing Bubbles: Adding Random Speed and Direction
Building a GUI for Our Animated Drawing App
Setting Up the GUI Panel and Buttons
Coding the Clear and Pause/Start Buttons
Bouncing off the Walls with Collision Detection
A Soft Bounce
A Hard Bounce
Adding a Slider to Control the Animation Speed
Customizing the Slider
Implementing the Slider Event Handler
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: No Bubble Left Behind
#2: Flexi-Draw!
#3: PixelDraw 2.0
11: Making BubbleDraw a Multitouch Android App
Setting Up the BubbleDraw Project
Creating the BubbleView Constructor
Adding the Animation Variables
Creating the BubbleView() Constructor
Preparing the Layout to Use BubbleView
Modifying the Bubble Class
Drawing in Android with the onDraw() Method
Testing BubbleDraw with 100 Bubbles
Adding testBubbles()
Fixing the OnTouchListener Error
Running the BubbleDraw App
Using Threaded Animation and Multitasking in Java
Using Touch to Draw with Your Finger
Using Multitouch to Draw with 10 Fingers at a Time!
Testing Multitouch Events on an Android Device
Changing the App Launcher Icon
Creating a Custom App Icon
Adding the Custom Icon to Your App
Displaying Your New Icon
Changing the App Name
What You Learned
Programming Challenges
#1: Combining One-Finger and Multitouch Events, v1.0
#2: Combining One-Finger and Multitouch Events, v2.0
Appendix: Debugging and Avoiding Common Errors in Java
Spelling and Case
Correcting Typos in Eclipse
Correcting Typos in Android Studio
Avoiding Other Common Spelling Errors
Comparison Trouble
Grouping Symbols
Quick Fixes in Eclipse
Code Completion in Android Studio
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