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Imperial Library
Title page
1) Hot in the city
2) Carding Jackson Ledbetter
3) Stood up
4) Even bigger
5) Failure to thrive
6) Sunday at Mama’s house
7) H is for homo
8) The swimming hole
9) My name is Juan
10) Kayla gets out
11) Why, Daddy?
12) Having jumped off the bridge
13) Fifteen items or less
14) Write about Noah?
15) Cutting a rug
16) Can we court?
17) A letter to Iron Man
18) At the library
19) Dead to me now
20) The mysterious life of kudzu
21) Looking for Kayla
22) Can you sing?
23) A visit from Juan
24) You can play in my garden
25) A bed for three?
26) Making love
27) Weather radio
28) You’re late
29) Mrs. Warren makes a purchase
30) Daughter of Jackson
31) What are you wearing?
32) You’ll be late
33) A camping we will go
34) Wild pigs
35) Fishing
36) Skinny-dipping
37) The story of my life
38) Father Ginderbach
39) Striking a blow
40) Not the Waltons
41) Some TLC
42) Fun with Elvis
43) What are you looking at?
44) Baptizing the grill
45) Are you mad?
46) Juan visits again
47) Voice mail
48) A mother-like person
49) Tyrone has a laugh
50) One more chance?
51) Funeral for a former friend
52) Is she sleeping?
53) Nothing to say
54) Tonya brings food
55) Hello, it was me
56) Mr. Owen has a laugh
57) Love me tender
58) Paging Jackson
59) Old buddies
60) Invitations
61) Unfortunate timing
62) It’s my birthday
63) Coupon Nazis
64) The party
65) Fireworks for Noah
66) A love story
67) Good-byes again
68) Protest
69) Are we still courting?
70) Do you really know the way I feel?
71) They wish us a Merry Christmas
72) A visit from Santa
About the Author
Romance from Dreamspinner Press
Romance from Dreamspinner Press
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