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Table of Contents
Front Matter
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Chapter 1. How Many E’s in Road Safety?
1. Introduction
2. Education
3. Enforcement
4. Engineering
5. Exposure
6. Examination of Competence and Fitness
7. Emergency Response
8. Evaluation
9. Conclusion
Chapter 2. Driver Control Theory
1. Introduction
2. The Task–Capability Interface Model
3. Task Difficulty Allostasis: Temporary Influences on Risk Threshold
4. Compliance
5. Risk Allostasis Theory
6. Alternative Conceptualizations of Driver Goals
Chapter 3. Case–Control Studies in Traffic Psychology
1. Introduction
2. Epidemiological Study Designs
3. Case–Control Studies
4. Conclusions
Chapter 4. Self-Report Instruments and Methods
1. Introduction
2. For What Kind of Traffic Research Can Self-Report be Used?
3. Self-Reports of Accidents, Near Accidents, and Mileage
4. Validity of Self-Reports of Driving
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Naturalistic Observational Field Techniques for Traffic Psychology Research
1. Introduction
2. Techniques
3. Applications in Traffic Psychology
4. How to Design A Community-Based Safety Belt Use Survey
5. Conclusions
Chapter 6. Naturalistic Driving Studies and Data Coding and Analysis Techniques
1. Introduction
2. Traffic Conflict Technique
3. Philosophy of Large-Scale Instrumented Vehicle Studies
4. Life Cycle of Naturalistic Vehicle Studies
5. Conclusions
Chapter 7. Driving Simulators as Research Tools in Traffic Psychology
1. Introduction
2. What is a Driving Simulator?
3. Why Use a Driving Simulator?
4. To Move or Not
5. What Kind of Simulator to Use
6. How Valid are Driving Simulators as Research Tools?
7. Problems in Using Simulators: Simulator Sickness
8. Experimental Design
9. Conclusions
Chapter 8. Crash Data Sets and Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Data
3. Data Analysis
Chapter 9. Neuroscience and Young Drivers
1. Younger Drivers
2. Evidence from Developmental Neuroscience Research
3. Critical Aspects of Driving Linked with Neurological Development
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 10. Neuroscience and Older Drivers
1. Neuroscience and Older Drivers
2. Medical Issues and Older Drivers
3. Other Considerations for Older Drivers
4. Conclusion
Chapter 11. Visual Attention While Driving
1. Introduction
2. Do Drivers Look at Critical Information?
3. Measures of Glance Duration
4. Measures of Spread
5. Conclusions
Chapter 12. Social, Personality, and Affective Constructs in Driving
1. Introduction
2. Personal Factors and Driving Outcomes
3. The Context in Driving Outcomes
4. Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 13. Mental Health and Driving
1. Mental Health Impacts
2. The Effects of Mental Health on Driving
3. Effects of Driving on Mental Health
4. Summary
Chapter 14. Person and Environment
1. Person and Environment: Behavior and Accidents
2. Traffic Culture: Goals and Mechanisms
3. Conclusion
Chapter 15. Human Factors and Ergonomics
1. Introduction
2. The View from the Driver’s Seat: Driver-Centered Design Implications
3. Driver Variables Affecting the Driver–Vehicle Interaction
4. Vehicle Variables Affecting the Driver–Vehicle Interaction
5. Environmental Variables
6. Conclusion
Chapter 16. Factors Influencing Safety Belt Use
1. Introduction
2. Effectiveness
3. Measurement
4. International Safety Belt Use
5. Safety Belt Use in the United States
6. Factors that Influence Safety Belt Use
7. Conclusions
Chapter 17. Alcohol-Impaired Driving
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Large-Scale Prevention of Alcohol-Impaired Driving
4. Non-Policy Programs for Large-Scale Prevention of Dui
5. Policy and Legal Initiatives for Large-Scale Prevention of Dui
6. Multicomponent Community Systems Approaches to the Prevention of Dui
7. Conclusion
Chapter 18. Speed(ing)
1. Introduction
2. Speed(ing) Research as a Quality Control Initiative
3. The Consequences of Speed(ing): A Postmortem Analysis
4. Antecedents to Speed(ing)
5. Using Big Pictures in Practice: is it Possible to Improve the Quality of Speed(ing)?
Chapter 19. Running Traffic Controls
1. Crashes: the Basis for Concern
2. Frequency of Violations
3. Driver Characteristics
4. Driver Attitudes
5. Driver Response to Enforcement
6. Summary
Chapter 20. Driver Distraction
1. Introduction
2. Driver Distraction: Definition
3. Driver Inattention: Definition
4. A Model of Driver Inattention
5. Sources and Types of Distraction
6. Moderating Factors
7. Interference and Theories of Interference
8. Impact on Driving Performance
9. Impact on Safety
10. Managing Distraction
11. Conclusion
Chapter 21. Driver Fatigue
1. Introduction
2. Crash Statistics and National Surveys
3. Causal Factors of Driver Fatigue
4. High-Risk Populations
5. Countermeasures and Detection/Warning Technologies
6. Conclusions and Future Research
Chapter 22. Young Children and “Tweens”
1. Introduction
2. Global Economic Disparities in Road Traffic Injuries
3. Regional Differences in Priority Issues and Standard Practices for Protecting Children
4. Key Strategies for Preventing Road Traffic Injuries Among Children
5. Recommendations for Protecting Child Occupants in Motor Vehicles
6. Conclusions
Chapter 23. Young Drivers
1. Introduction
2. Epidemiology of Teen Driving in the United States: Risk and Protective Factors for Crashes
3. Developmental and Psychosocial Considerations for Teen Drivers
4. Impact of Developmental Disabilities on Teen Driving
5. Recommendations for Developing Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Safe Driving Among Teens
6. Conclusion
Chapter 24. Older Drivers
1. Introduction
2. Challenges Faced by Older Drivers
3. Summary and Recommendations
Chapter 25. Pedestrians
1. The Nature of the Problem
2. Need for Multifaceted Programs
3. Engineering Elements
4. Educational Elements
5. Enforcement Elements
6. Specific Issues Regarding Pedestrian Safety
7. Summary
Chapter 26. Bicyclists
1. Introduction
2. Bicycles, Cars, and Public Acceptance
3. Bicycling, Infrastructure, and Driver Attention
4. The Minority Status of Bicycling, Stereotypes, and Driver Behavior
5. The Human Nature of Bicyclists
6. Summary
Chapter 27. Motorcyclists
1. Introduction
2. Trends in Motorcycle Use and Safety
3. Characteristics of Crashes
4. Correlates of Crashes
5. Understanding Riding Behavior
6. Conclusion
Chapter 28. Professional Drivers
1. Introduction
2. Truck Drivers
3. Bus Drivers
4. Taxi Drivers
5. Summary
Chapter 29. Driver Education and Training
1. Introduction
2. Education and Training without a Theory
3. Connections between Typical Novice Driver Accidents and the Goals and Contents of Driver Education
4. Basic Driver Licensing Models and Presuppositions Behind Different Models
5. How Effective are Driver Licensing Models in Practice?
6. Goals and Contents of Driver Education: GDE
7. Future of Driver Education and Training
Chapter 30. Persuasion and Motivational Messaging
1. Overview
2. Reviewing Current Research
3. Laying the Foundations
4. Step 1: Understand the need and Audience
5. Step 2: Clarify the Assumptions
6. Step 3: Prepare the Plan
7. Step 4: Build the Content
8. Step 5: Plan, Pilot Test, and Refine
9. Step 6: Implement
10. Step 7: Review, Refine, and Regenerate
11. Conclusion
Chapter 31. Enforcement
1. Introduction
2. The Enforcement System
3. Theoretical Bases for Enforcement
4. The Technology of Enforcement: Live Officers Versus Automation
5. Enforcement Effectiveness in Reducing Risk Behaviors
6. Enforcement Effectiveness in Reducing Crashes and Casualties
7. Challenges for Enforcement Effectiveness
8. Future Considerations for Research
9. Conclusions
Chapter 32. The Intersection of Road Traffic Safety and Public Health
1. Introduction
2. History and Burden of the Traffic Injury Problem
3. A Public Health Perspective
4. Documenting Progress
5. Using Public Health and Traffic Psychology to Improve Traffic Safety
6. Challenges and Opportunities for the Future
7. Conclusions
Chapter 33. Public Policy
1. An Analytic Model of Policy Making
2. Outline of the Potential Contribution of Traffic Psychology to Policy Making
3. The Scope for Improving Road Safety: An Overview and a Discussion of Some Measures
4. Discussion and Summary
Chapter 34. Travel Mode Choice
1. Introduction and some History
2. Impact of Motorized Transport on the Planet
3. Public Values and Attitudes on Car use and Climate Change in the United Kingdom
4. The Costs of Change
5. The Journey Experience
6. Attitudes Toward Car use and the Environment
7. Substituting More Sustainable Modes for Car use
8. Demand-Side Behavior Change
9. Conclusions
Chapter 35. Road Use Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Results
4. Summary
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