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Imperial Library
Art. I. Essay on Musical Temperament.
Proposition I.
Scholium 1.
Scholium 2.
Proposition II.
Proposition III.
Scholium 3.
Proposition IV.
Art. II. Review of an elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology.
Art. III. New Locality of Fluor Spar, or Fluat of Lime and of Galena, or Sulphuret of Lead.
Art. IV. Carbonate of Magnesia, and very uncommon Amianthus.
Art. V. Native Copper.
Art. VI. Petrified Wood from Antigua.
Art. VII. Porcelain and Porcelain Clays.
Art. VIII. Native Sulphur from Java.
Art. IX. Productions of Wier's Cave, in Virginia.
Art. X. Remarks on the Mineralogy and Geology of the the Northwestern part of the State of Virginia, and the Eastern part of the State of Tennessee.
Art. XI. Notice of Professor Mitchill's Edition of Cuvier's Essay on the Theory of the Earth.
Art. XII. Notice of Eaton's Index to the Geology of the Northern States.
Art. XIII. Notice of M. Brongniart on Organized Remains.
Art. XIV. Observations on a species of Limosella, recently discovered in the United States.
Art. XV. Professor Bigelow on the comparative Forwardness of the Spring in different Parts of the United States, in 1817.
Art. XVI. A Journal of the Progress of Vegetation near Philadelphia.
Art. XVII. Description of a New Species of North American Marten, (Mustela vulpina).
Art. XVIII. Natural History of the Scytalus Cupreus, or Copper-head Snake.
Art. XIX. On a Method of Augmenting the Force of Gunpowder.
Art. XX. On The Connexion between Magnetism and Light.
Art. XXI. On a new Means of producing Heat and Light.
Art. XXII. On the Changes which have taken place in the Wells of Water situated in Columbia, South-Carolina.
Art. XXIII. Respiration of Oxygen Gas.
Art. XXIV. On the Compound Blowpipe.
Art. XXV. The Northwest Passage, the North Pole, and the Greenland Ice.
Art. I. Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of a Section of Massachusetts on Connecticut River.
Art. II. On the Prairies and Barrens of the West.
Art. III. Account of the Coal Mines in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia.
Art. IV. Sketch of the Geology and Mineralogy of a part of the State of Indiana.
Art. V. New localities of Agate, Chalcedony, Chabasie, Stilbite, Analcime, Titanium, Prehnite, &c.
Art. VI. Account of the Strata perforated by, and of the Minerals found in, the great adit to the Southampton Lead Mine.
Art. VII. On the Peat of Dutchess County.
Art. VIII. Notices of Geology in the West-Indies.
Art. IX. Discovery of Native Crystallized Carbonate of Magnesia on Staten-Island.
Art. X. On a curious substance which accompanies the native Nitre of Kentucky and of Africa.
Art. XI. Descriptions of species of Sponges observed on the shores of Long-Island.
Art. XII. Memoir on the Xanthium maculatum, a New Species from the State of New-York, &c.
Art. XIII. Description of the Phalaena Devastator, (the Insect that produces the Cut-worm.
Art. XIV. Description of a New Genus of North American Fresh water Fish, Exoglossum.
Art. XV. On the Revolving Steam-Engine.
Art. XVI. Cautions regarding Fulminating Powders.
Art. XIX. Account of an economical method of obtaining Gelatine from bones, as practised in Paris.
Art. XX. Experiments made in France upon the Use of Distilled Seawater for domestic purposes, and its Effects on the Constitution, when taken as a Beverage.
Art. XXI. Essay on Musical Temperament.
Proposition V.
Proposition VI.
Proposition VII.
Proposition VIII.
Scholium 1.
Scholium 2.
Scholium 3.
Proposition IX.
Proposition X.
Scholium 1.
Scholium 2.
Scholium 3.
Proposition XI.
Art. XXII. Notice of Colonel Trumbull's Picture of the Declaration of Independence.
Art. XXIII. An Address to the People of the Western Country.
Art. XXIV. Extract of a Letter from Colonel Gibbs to the Editor.
Art. XXV. A New Lamp, without Flame.
Art. I. Hints on some of the Outlines of Geological Arrangement, with particular Reference to the System of Werner.
Art. II. On the Geology, Mineralogy, Scenery, and Curiosities of Parts of Virginia, Tennessee, and the Alabama and Mississippi Territories, &c.
Art. III. Notice of the Scenery, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, &c. of Belmont County, Ohio.
Art. IV. Remarks on the Structure of the Calton Hill, near Edinburgh, Scotland; and on the Aqueous origin of Wacke.
Art. V. Localities of Minerals.
Art. VI. A List of Plants found in the neighbourhood of Connasarga River, (Cherokee Country) where Springplace is situated.
Art. VII. Description of a new species of Asclepias.
Art. VIII. Description of a New Genus of American Grass. Diplocea Barbata.
Art. IX. Floral Calendar, &c.
Art. X. Notes on Herpetology.
Art. XI. Outline of a Theory of Meteors.
Art. XII. Observations upon the prevailing Currents of Air in the State of Ohio and the Regions of the West.
Art. XIII. On a singular Disruption of the Ground, apparently by Frost.
Art. XIV. On a New Form of the Electrical Battery.
Art. XV. Chemical Examination of the Berries of the Myrica Cerifera, or Wax Myrtle.
Art. XVI. Analysis of Wacke.
Art. XVII. On the Comparative Quantity of Nutritious Matter which may be obtained from an Acre of Land when cultivated with Potatoes or Wheat.
Art. XVIII. Biographical Notice of the late Archibald Bruce, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica, and Mineralogy in the Medical Institution of the State of New-York, and Queen's College, New-Jersey.
Art. XIX. 1. Dr. J. W. Webster's Lectures.
Art. I. On the Geology, Mineralogy, Scenery, and Curiosities of Parts of Virginia, Tennessee, and of the Alabama and Mississippi Territories, &c.
Art. II. On the Origin of Prairies.
Art. III. Sketch of the Mineralogy and Geology of the Vicinity of Williams' College, Williamstown, Mass.
Art. IV. On the Tourmalines and other Minerals found at Chesterfield and Goshen, Massachusetts.
Art. V. Observations on the Minerals connected with the Gneiss range of Litchfield county.
Art. VI. An Account of two North American Species of Rottböllia, discovered on the Sea-coast in the State of Georgia.
Art. VII. Floral Calendar kept at Deerfield, Massachusetts, with Miscellaneous Remarks.
Art. VIII. Description and Natural Classification of the Genus Floerkea.
Art. IX. Descriptions of Three New Genera of Plants, from the State of New-York. Cylactis, Nemopanthus, and Polanisia.
Art. X. Notice on the Myosurus Shortii.
Art. XI. Description of a New Species of Gnaphalium.
Art. XII. Observations on some Species of Zoophytes. Shells, &c. principally Fossil.
Art. XIII. Observations on Salt Storms, and the Influence of Salt and Saline Air upon Animal and Vegetable Life.
Art. XIV. Thoughts on Atmospheric Dust.
Art. XV. On the Effect of Vapour on Flame.
Art. XVI. Analysis of the Harrodsburg Salts.
Art. XVII. Additional Notice of the Tungsten and Tellurium, mentioned in our last Number.
Art. XVIII. A Substitute for Woulfe's or Nooth's Apparatus.
Art. XIX. A New Theory of Galvanism, supported by some Experiments and Observations made by means of the Calorimotor, a new Galvanic Instrument.
Art. XX. An improved Method of obtaining the Formulæ for the Sines and Cosines of the Sum and Difference of two Arcs.
Art. XXI. An Account of several Ancient Mounds, and of two Caves, in East Tennessee.
Art. XXII. Facts illustrative of the Powers and Operations of the Human Mind in a Diseased State.
Art. XXIII. 1. Discovery of American Cinnabar and Native Lead.
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