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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Preface and Acknowledgements
List of Illustrations
Chronology of Byzantine and Islamic History from Justinian to the First Crusade
Introduction: Byzantium, Islam and Catholic Europe–The Battle of Manzikert as Historical Nexus
Chapter 1 - Byzantine Warfare from Justinian to Herakleios
Justinian’s Wars and the Early Byzantine Army
Tug-of-war in the East and the Battle of Dara
The North African Campaign and the Battle of Tricameron
The Gothic War in Italy and the Battles of Taginae and Casilinus River
Strategic Challenges in the East in the Late Sixth and Early Seventh Centuries
Chapter 2 - Islamic Warfare from Muhammad to the Rashidun Caliphate
Muhammad and the Rise of Islam
Islam’s First Battles: Badr, Uhud and the Ditch
Rise of the Rashidun Caliphate and the Riddah War
Islamic Expansion in Syria and the Challenge of Byzantium and Persia
The Battle of Yarmuk River and the Muslim Conquest of Syria
The Battle of al-Qadisiya and the Conquest of Persia
Civil War and the Sunni-Shia Split
Chapter 3 - Byzantine Warfare in an Age of Crisis and Recovery
‘Enemy at the Gates’: The Arab Sieges of Constantinople
Crisis on the Northern Frontier: The Early Bulgar Wars
Byzantium Resurgent: Military Reforms and Tenth Century Territorial Expansion
The Rise of the Rus and the Battle of Dorostolon, 971
Varangians, Bulgars and the Wars of Basil II–‘The Bulgar-slayer’
Chapter 4 - Islamic Warfare from the Umayyads to the Coming of the Seljuk Turks
The Expansion of Dar al-Islam under the Umayyads, 661–750
The Muslim Invasion of Catholic Europe and the Battle of Tours, 732
Changes in Islamic Warfare in the Late Umayyad and Early Abbasid Caliphates
Warriors from the Steppes: The Coming of the Turkic Peoples
Into the Dar al-Islam: The Conversion and Rise of the Seljuk Turks
Storm from the Steppes: The Seljuk Art of War
Chapter 5 - Byzantine and Seljuk Campaigns in Anatolia and the Battle of Manzikert
Problems with Byzantine Military Structures and Strategy in the Eleventh Century
Seljuk Raiding in Armenia and Eastern Anatolia, 1048–1063
The ‘Valiant Lion’ Roars: The Rise of Alp Arslan and the Seljuk Raids, 1064–1068
Romanus IV Diogenes and his Early Campaigns, 1068–1070
Byzantine and Seljuk Movements in Early 1071
Preamble to Battle and Locating the Battlefield
The Battle of Manzikert
Debacle at Manzikert: Romanus’ Political and Military Failures
Conclusion - In Manzikert’s Wake–The Seljuk Invasion of Anatolia and the Origins of the Levantine Crusades
Glossary of Important Personalities
Glossary of Military Terms
Select Bibliography
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