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Title Page
Table of Contents
I’m Sure You’re Wondering Why I Called This Meeting
I. YOU ARE HERE: An orientation exercise
Feat. The Tyranny of “Just Because”
Just who do you think you are?
Ready player one
Lowest Common Denominator Living
A few caveats
WNDs and the second half of the Golden Rule
The social contract
The social contract—with amendments
Helpful guidelines for not being a psychopath
Before you sign on the dotted line
Meet Judgy McJudgerson
A taxonomy of Judgys
Mental redecorating
Turning your weaknesses into strengths
Unconventional wisdom for unconventional people
Leaning in to being you
II. DOs & DON’Ts: Rules for the breaking
DON’T BE SELFISH (Life is short. Reclaim the word.)
You can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself
SPF Happy
Everybody dies
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Good selfish, bad selfish
7 ways you being selfish can benefit others
Attract your opposite
Break new ground
Your absence is their present
Selflessness: the mother of all myths
I learned it by watching Vanilla Ice
Third time’s the charm
DO YOUR BEST (Except when you can’t. Or you don’t want to. Or it’s giving you heartburn.)
5 reasons why it’s bad to be perfect
What would Marty McFly do?
Slack off every once in a while, or someday, you will ruin Christmas
Perfection is in the eye of the beholder
Damn, it feels good to be a gangster
Stop and smell your new business cards
Dial back on the “git ’er done”
Okay, but how do I relax???
Lower the bar
Look around you
Be the first to fuck shit up
Talk to literally any old person
DON’T BE DIFFICULT (Ask for what you want, push back on what you don’t, and beware the focus group.)
Being difficult: the spectrum
Just the tip
How to be “difficult”
You don’t get what you don’t ask for (Feat. Help around the apartment, good seats at the movies, better orgasms)
I’ll be in my office
What a bargain! (Feat. Ask the questions you’re not supposed to ask)
10 awesome things negotiating can get you
Death by focus group
A taste test
Use your powers for good, not evil
God, why do you have to be so difficult?
DO BE A TEAM PLAYER (On the contrary, you can do YOU all by yourself.)
One is the loveliest number
God bless theater people
6 benefits of being alone
There’s no “o” in “team,” either. What’s your point?
DON’T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB (Take risks, ignore the doubters, and prove the haters wrong.)
Risky business
5 types of risks you could take and how to approach them (Feat. Saying “I love you,” starting a side hustle)
Top 3 ways to silence the haters
Fly under the radar
Screen your calls
Clap back
I wish I knew how to quit you
Actually, sometimes when people quit, we all win
Midnight in the garden of obligation, guilt, and fear
III. WILLs & WON’Ts: Not-so-great expectations
YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND (About unconventional lifestyle choices that inexplicably bother people who don’t have to live them? Probably not.)
The elefante in my uterus
How to convert the conventional conversation
Feat. Lifestyle choices and responses to “You’ll change your mind”
What if it’s not a choice?
YOU WON’T GET ANYWHERE WITH THAT ATTITUDE (There are plenty of perks to being a pessimist.)
The three little Ps
Identify the threat
Neutralize the enemy
Go in guns blazing
A “rain plan” isn’t just for rain
The early bird gets out in time for lunch
Expect delays
Time to crack the whip
“P” for “Play it close to the vest”
But it feels so right
You should try it!
One wrong doesn’t make a regret
This one time, at band camp
You’ve got to make your own mistakes, and own the mistakes you make
YOU WON’T GET A GOOD JOB IF YOU DON’T GO TO COLLEGE (How to succeed at success without really caring what anyone else thinks.)
Success is not one-size-fits-all
Other things you might succeed at
You get a gold star
Good hair, don’t care
YOU WILL NEVER LIVE THAT DOWN (Yes you will. Go ahead and let your freak flag fly.)
Wacky with a chance of goofballs
Making it weird
Freak flag: flying high
5 signs you might already be weird
Freak flag: half-mast
Feat. Mental redecorating
Freak flag: low and tight
Pretend you’re a toddler
Pretend you’re a celebrity
Pretend you’re alone
IV. SHOULDs & SHOULDN’Ts: Much too much obliged
YOU SHOULD ALWAYS PUT FAMILY FIRST (First runner-up is okay too.)
Bye, bye, black sheep
Reclaiming your time
There can be only one. It doesn’t have to be your cousin Jennifer.
Altar-nate plans
5 ways to talk to your family about choosing other people over them
I choo-choo-choose you
YOU SHOULDN’T ACT SO CRAZY (I kept a litter box under my desk for a year and I turned out okay.)
Leave your biofeedback at the tone
I’m not a doctor, I don’t even play one on TV, please don’t sue me.
Life’s a beach
YOU SHOULD SMILE MORE (How to break free from the Cult of Nice.)
Reasons I might not be smiling on any given day
The Cult of Nice
Do as I do, not as I look when I’m walking down the street minding my own goddamn business
There’s too much traffic on the high road
Feat. How to get NOT VERY NICE
YOU SHOULDN’T EAT THAT (I’ll take extra cheese, please.)
It’s all in your head, not in your hips
Feat. Fêng shui with a side of “fuck that shit”
YOU SHOULD CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR (Check to make sure it’s fully inflated, that is.)
High fives all around
Leggo my ego
That thorough stroking I promised
5 more reasons to feel good about yourself
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