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Imperial Library
Title Page
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A. Fulfilled Multiplication and Forced Eradication (1:1–22)
1. The Promised Increase (1:1–7)
2. The First Pogrom (1:8–14)
3. The Second Pogrom (1:15–22)
B. Preparations for Deliverance (2:1–4:26)
1. Preparing a Leader (2:1–10)
2. Extending the Time of Preparation (2:11–22)
3. Preparing a People for Deliverance (2:23–25)
4. Calling a Deliverer (3:1–10)
5. Answering Inadequate Objections (3:11–4:17)
a. Who am I to go to Pharaoh? (3:11–12)
b. What if they ask what your name is? (3:13–22)
c. What if they will not believe me? (4:1–9)
d. What about my slow tongue? (4:10–12)
e. Why can you not find someone else? (4:13–17)
6. Preparing a Leader’s Family (4:18–26)
C. First Steps in Leadership (4:27–7:5)
1. Reinforced by a Brother (4:27–31)
2. Rebuffed by the Enemy (5:1–14)
3. Rebuffed by the Enslaved (5:15–21)
4. Revisited by Old Objections (5:22–23)
5. Reinforced by the Name of God (6:1–8)
6. Reminders of Moses’ Lowly Origins (6:9–7:5)
D. Judgment and Salvation through the Plagues (7:6–11:10)
1. Presenting the Signs of Divine Authority (7:6–13)
2. First Plague: Water Turned to Blood (7:14–24)
3. Second Plague: Frogs (7:25–8:15)
4. Third Plague: Gnats (8:16–19)
5. Fourth Plague: Flies (8:20–32)
6. Fifth Plague: Cattle Murrain (9:1–7)
7. Sixth Plague: Boils (9:8–12)
8. Seventh Plague: Hail (9:13–35)
9. Eighth Plague: Locusts (10:1–20)
10. Ninth Plague: Darkness (10:21–29)
11. Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn (11:1–10)
E. The Passover (12:1–28)
1. Preparations for the Passover (12:1–13)
2. Preparations for the Unleavened Bread (12:14–20)
3. Celebration of the Passover (12:21–28)
F. The Exodus from Egypt (12:29–51)
1. Death at Midnight (12:29–32)
2. Preparations for the Exodus (12:33–36)
3. The Exodus and the Mixed Multitude (12:37–51)
G. The Consecration of the Firstborn (13:1–16)
H. Journey to the Red Sea (13:17–15:21)
1. Into the Wilderness (13:17–22)
2. At the Red Sea (14:1–14)
3. Across the Red Sea (14:15–31)
4. Song at the Sea (15:1–21)
I. Journey to Sinai (15:22–18:27)
1. The Waters of Marah (15:22–27)
2. The Manna and the Quail (16:1–36)
3. The Waters of Meribah (17:1–7)
4. The War with Amalek (17:8–16)
5. The Wisdom of Jethro (18:1–27)
II. DIVINE MORALITY (19:1–24:18)
A. The Eagles’ Wings Speech (19:1–8)
B. The Advent of God on Sinai (19:9–25)
C. The Decalogue (20:1–17)
D. The Reaction of the People to the Theophany (20:18–21)
E. The Book of the Covenant (20:22–23:33)
1. The Prologue (20:22–26)
2. Laws on Slaves (21:1–11)
3. Laws on Homicide (21:12–17)
4. Laws on Bodily Injuries (21:18–32)
5. Laws on Property Damages (21:33–22:15)
6. Laws on Society (22:16–31)
7. Laws on Justice and Neighborliness (23:1–9)
8. Laws on Sacred Seasons (23:10–19)
9. Epilogue (23:20–33)
F. Ratification of the Covenant (24:1–18)
III. DIVINE WORSHIP (25:1–40:38)
A. The Tabernacle (25:1–31:18)
1. Collection of Materials (25:1–9)
2. Ark and Mercy Seat (25:10–22)
3. Table of the Bread of the Presence (25:23–30)
4. Golden Lampstand (25:31–40)
5. Curtains, Framework, Veil, and Screen (26:1–37)
a. The tabernacle itself and its curtains (26:1–14)
b. The walls, or the tabernacle’s framework (26:15–30)
c. The tabernacle’s arrangement and veil (26:31–35)
d. The tabernacle’s screen (26:36–37)
6. Altar of Burnt Offering (27:1–8)
7. Court of the Tabernacle (27:9–19)
8. Priesthood (27:20–28:5)
9. Garments of the Priests (28:6–43)
10. Ordination of the Priests (29:1–46)
11. Altar of Incense (30:1–10)
a. Building instructions (30:1–6)
b. Operating instructions (30:7–10)
12. Census Tax (30:11–16)
13. Bronze Basin, Anointing Oil, and Incense (30:17–38)
14. Appointment of Craftsmen (31:1–11)
15. Sabbath Rest (31:12–17)
16. Conclusion to the Instructions (31:18)
B. False Worship of the Golden Calf (32:1–34:35)
1. Golden Calf (32:1–29)
2. Mediation of Moses (32:30–35)
3. Threatened Separation and Moses’ Prayer (33:1–23)
4. Renewal of the Covenant (34:1–35)
C. Building the Tabernacle (35:1–40:38)
1. Summons to Build (35:1–19)
2. Voluntary Gifts Collected (35:20–29)
3. Bezalel and His Artisans (35:30–36:7)
4. Progress of the Work and Moses’ Blessing (36:8–39:43)
5. Erection of the Tabernacle (40:1–33)
6. Dedication of the Tabernacle (40:34–38)
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