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Imperial Library
Title Page
Preface by Cav. Luciano Fortunato Sciandra
Author’s Introduction
Chapter I: Who Are the Invisible Masters?
The supposed alien ancestors of Jesus
First access to a multi-dimensional “Stargate”
Moses the High Priest of Osiris and his alien guide
The immortality doctrine of the Illuminati
Mount Sinai, Count of Cagliostro, and the forty-day experience
Moses’ radiant glow
A wandering entity could invade your life
Yahweh and the alien origins of Israel
Koot Hoomi, the Invisible Master of Blavatsky
The Polaire Brotherhood, Otto Rahan, and the Grail
The ultra-dimensional portal of Lucifer
Chapter II: My Experience: From Cagliostro to the “Stargate” of the Alchemists
Cagliostro, my Secret Chief, and Invisible Master
The power of magic in my childhood
The opening of the Great Book of Nature
In search of a stargate
My father describes the different aspects of Freemasonry
The Interdimensional nature of the Invisible Masters
Doorways to Multi-dimensional Worlds
What is Vril, and does quantum physics confirm the occult?
Why Sirius matters
Chapter III: The Ufonauts and Alien Vampirism
Choronzon & Crowley open the gates of Hell in 1909
The Crucified Frog and the Alien Apocalypse
UFOnauts and the secret cipher of the Illuminati
Greenfield, the Illuminati, and the O.T.O./UFO controversy
Greenfield and Alien vampirism
Alien abduction or demonic possession?
Aldebaran, the egregore, and occult chains
Alamantrah working: Crowley and the first grey
Kenneth Grant and the alien cult of Lam
Chapter IV: Reptilians, Vril, and the Blood Lines Serving the Multi-dimensional World
Messengers of deception
Interview with the late Karla Turner
David Icke and the “Reptilians”
Are reptilians multi-dimensional vampires?
CERN, interdimensional portals, and the Roswell incident
The Theosophical aspects of Memorandum 6751
Manly P. Hall and Flying Saucers
The Occult origins of Scientology
The Vril Factor
The Alien Dimension: From the Golden Dawn to the A∴A∴
The NWO and the role of alien genes
Jinn in relation to the Reptilians and the NWO
Bloodlines, Illuminati, and the Science of God
The secret doctrine of Atlantis
Chapter V: Sex with Aliens
A sign of the times
Theosophy in the space age
The Elemental Spirits
The secret science of alien sexuality
Gabalis’ teachings
Alien abductions since time immemorial
The O.T.O. second-degree instruction on Elementals
Elementals and the roots of the Black Mass
Magic and Magnetism in the Illuminati
Chapter VI: Esoterism and Alien Entities in the End Times Scenario
The Enochian Apocalypse
The Conjuration of the Four Elements by Eliphas Levi
Aleister Crowley Apocalypse Superstar
Messiah or Antichrist?
Ufology officially appears in the Vatican
The Knight of Ufology in the Vatican
The Alchemy of Reintegration and the Pentagon
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