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Imperial Library
Title Page
Country Music Kills
Cool Neurosurgery Past and Present: Trepanation Through Time
Intro to Game Theory: Prisoner’s Dilemma
Social Contagion: Happiness and Obesity are Catching
Too Dumb to Know It
Smarter Every Day
The Key to Brain Training
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Colonel Blotto I
The Guilty Pleasure of Schadenfreude
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Colonel Blotto II
Mirror Neurons: Your Actions in My Head
Wild Kingdom: Sentient Elephants
Neural Nets Know All
Brain Chip: Neural Nets and the Artificial Hippocampus
Piece of Mind: Hippocampus
Abnormal Psych: Hm (Patient)
Logic of Illogic: The Tricky Secondary Market and Why Economists Hate Psychology
Cognitive Costs of Winning and Losing Rock, Paper, Scissors
Roshambo Winners Guide
The Hedonometer
Logic of Illogic: Brain-Deflating Fallacies to Win Any Argument, Part I
Eye Hack: Gravity Hill
The Calculus of Compassion
Game Theory Make Brain Big: The Origin of Fairness
Wild Kingdom: Martyrdom in Brewer’s Yeast
Mad Pride
Hear with Your Eyes, Speak with Your Ears
Piece of Mind: Temporal Lobe
Psy-Op: Flexible Mind of Mastery
Inmates Running the Prison: Insane Rulers
Persian Cow Prince
Logic of Illogic: Brain-Deflating Fallacies to Win Any Argument, Part II
The Expressive Body
Short and Stout, Long and Tall
Piece of Mind: Hypothalamus
Genius Tester #1
Logic of Illogic: Anchoring
Ouija Tweet Brain Interface
Genius Tester #2: Bridge and Torch
Algebraic Eight-Ball: At What Age Will Technology Overtake Your Ability to Use It?
Debunked: Self-Affirmation Stinks
The Economics of Mating I: Monogamy, Polygamy, and Polyamory
Parasite Brain Punk
Hang Up and Drive: Your Brain, Split
Genius Tester #3: Meeting in the Middle
The Economics of Mating II: Sneaky Female Regulation of the Free Market
Wild Kingdom: Hummingbirds vs. Fighter Pilots
Cool Neurosurgery Past and Present: Prefrontal Lobotomy
Piece of Mind: Frontal Lobe
The Economics of Mating III: Female Competition
Logic of Illogic: Battle Robot
Wild Kingdom: Recreational Rat Pharmacopeia
Piece of Mind: Midbrain
The Economics of Mating IV: Gender Scarcity
Eye Hack: The Waterfall Illusion
Clowns’ Self-Purpose
Psy-Op: Moving Walkway
Nails and the Human Brain
Piece of Mind: Cerebrum
Jocks, Nerds, and the Secrets of Success
But Jocks Get Better Grades
Atkins Makes You Dumb?
Logic of Illogic: Brain-Deflating Fallacies to Win Any Argument, Part III
Genius Tester #4: Boxes of Bars
Eye Hack: Cheney-Monster
Cortical Homunculus
Psy-Op: Cutting
Expected Value, Expected Utility, and Prospect Theory
Logic of Illogic: Luxury Bloodlust
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Kuhn Poker
Authority and the Strip-Search Prank Call
Ah, the Teenage (Y)Ears
Logic of Illogic: You Can’t Make Me Eat Pie
Your Personalized Horoscope
Self-Test: Personality Snapshot
Fuzzy Logic
Asch Conformity Experiments
Genius Tester #5: Mr. Smith’s Children
Psy-Op: No Soap Radio
Wild Kingdom: Guppy Games
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Guess Two-Thirds of the Average
Debunked: The Happy Herd
Genius Tester #6: Four Squares Problem
The One Must of Happiness
Logic of Illogic: Brain-Deflating Fallacies to Win Any Argument, Part IV
Eye Hack: Which of These Faces is Happier?
Genetics of Behavior
Memory I: Alternate Realities
Logic of Illogic: So God-Awfully Boring
Memory II: Creating False Memories
Memory III: The Brainworks of Bad Memory
Here Today, Gone in Milliseconds: Iconic Memory
Racial Bias in Standardized Testing?
Piece of Mind: Cerebellum
Action and Free Will
Debunked: Misdiagnosis Immunity
Debunked: Diagnosis Batshit
Genius Tester #7: Missing Box
Coffee and Cigarettes Make You Smarter
Hot or Not
Game Theory Make Brain Big: The Shortest Fuse Wins the Battle of the Sexes
Algebraic Eight-Ball: The Chances That He/She is “The One”
If You Say So: Memorable Lies, Forgettable Truths
The Eight Mental Disorders of 1857
Abnormal Psych: Clive Wearing
Self-Test: A Simple Memory Test
Game Theory Make Brain Big: El Farol Bar
Nanotechnology and the Blood-Brain Barrier
The Diet Paradox: Off-Limits is Open Season
Ultimate Evil? Neuroimaging as Market Research Tool
Piece of Mind: Amygdala
Bad Monkey. No Cucumber.
Wild Kingdom: Hooknose Jack
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Pirate Puzzle
Piece of Mind: Occipital Lobe
Intuition Trumps Reason: The Iowa Gambling Task
Other Cool Neuropsych Tests
The Transformative Power of the Unexpected
Cool Neurosurgery Past and Present: Conscious Neurosurgery
Eye Hack: Stereogram
Handwriting Analysis
Cranial Nerve Mnemonics
Knox Box
Genius Tester #8: Houses and Utilities
Cool Neurosurgery Past and Present: Corpus Callosotomy
Piece of Mind: Brodmann Areas
Psy-Op: Infarction
Brain Sweat
Your Brain On Space
Autism and Legos
Males’ Rat-Brained Navigation
Piece of Mind: Parietal Lobe
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Nash Bargaining Game
The Brain Works of Religious Conviction and Ecstasy
I Choose My Choice
Fear-Then-Relief Prisoner Compliance
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Signaling Strategies in Bridge and in Job Interviews
Piece of Mind: Medulla Oblongata
Placebos are Getting Stronger
Meerkats, Macaques, Men, and the Healing Effects of Forgiveness
I Would Never
Memorization 101
Does Subliminal Advertising Work?
Logic of Illogic: K Words
Genius Tester #9: The Psychology of Getting Suckered
Psy-Op: Pick a Number, Any Number
Wild Kingdom: Pigeon Aficionado
Neural Darwinism
Stretching Phantom Limb Cramps
Psy-Op: Phantom Nose
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Diner’s Dilemma
Logic of Illogic: Fruit Bag
Wild Kingdom: Analytic Ants
Abnormal Psych: Phineas Gage
Is Laughter the Best Medicine?
The Impact of Tragedy
Fruit vs. Veggie Personality Smackdown
Deflecting Incoming Bloopers
Piece of Mind: Pons
Algebraic Eight-Ball: Men, What’s Your Sex Appeal?
Psy-Op: Veggie Math
Abnormal Psych: Ahad Israfil
The Burden of Conventional Thinking
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Peace/War
Time Travel: Science, Not Science Fiction
Active Forgetting: The Mental Boxes of Suppression and Repression
Genius Tester #10: Time Travel
Ignoring is Exhausting
Exercise Makes You Smart
Do Crosswords Keep the Brain Young?
I Shop, Therefore I Am
Genius Tester #11: The Monty Hall Problem
Piece of Mind: Thalamus
Biological Basis of Rose-Colored Glasses
Genius Tester #12: Dementia Quiz
The Function of Daydreams
Mean Stuff in the Name of Science: Little Albert
The Collective Unconscious
Algebraic Eight-Ball: The Karmometer-Would Your Karma Survive An Intended Prank?
Brainwashing the Easy Way
Four Steps to Persuasion
Logic of Illogic: The End is Near
Whiffle Ball Crotch Shot
Music, Commerce, and Murder
Algebraic Eight-Ball: Will Your Holiday Cheer Survive Holiday Dinner?
Game Theory Make Brain Big: Cake-Cutting Problem
Wild Kingdom: Mosquitoes’ Double Dutch
Un-Apology Apology
Christmas Carols From the Psych Couch
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Badder
Psy-Op: Hands and Feet
Genius Tester #13: Gender Bias
How to Really Spot a Liar
Red Beats Blue at the Olympics
Neurological Support for the Use of Shoe Smell in Controlling Epileptic Seizure
Puzzle Answers
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