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PRAISE for When I Do Relationships So Right How Do They Go So Wrong?
Title Page
Dedicated with love
Why do relationships go so wrong?
How can you make your relationships go right?
The importance of change
What are the secrets to relationship success?
A structure to improve human behavior
What drew me to Bowen theory? A personal story
You need EMDR for that
Who will be helped by this book
Navigating this book
Reversing societal regression
Limits and Options
Ch. 1. Thinking Big—The Seventh Generation Principle
A story of three generations
Struggling with a lifelong mystery
A psychological theory to help future generations
As for Carl
Applying Bowen theory
A theory ahead of its time
Bowen theory and schizophrenia
Bowen theory on a larger scale
Begin with the end in mind
Current signs of societal regression
Reversing societal regression
Societal progression
EMDR therapy
Integrating Bowen and EMDR
The Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy’s Seventh Generation principle
Bowen-style breakthroughs in my family’s three-generation story
Creating societal progression
Ch. 2. Using Desensitization to Wake Up Your Healthy Mind
Desensitizing anxiety and stress
Reprocessing—EMDR’s advantage
What does desensitization look like?
The heart of EMDR
How our minds heal—adaptive information processing (AIP)
How Bowen desensitizes clients
Why desensitize?
Our senses can deceive us
Example: a trip to the nursery
Sensitivity can be positive or negative
How EMDR therapy can help painful sensitivity
Brain activity before and after desensitization
Container exercise: self-help when your brain is sensitized
Angie’s AIP
What lies behind the AIP?
The strengths gained from positive memories
Angie today
Ana’s happiness returns
Activate your own AIP
A self-help stress reduction exercise
When feeling distress
Maintaining positive sensitivity
Secondary traumatization
The politics of PTSD
Corrine’s first PTSD symptom was panic
More potent than drugs
A milder example than PTSD
How Bowen and EMDR (iBE) calm emotional reactivity
Significant stress and trauma
What is next?
Ch. 3. Understanding Conflict
Bowen on conflict
The dimensions of conflict
Sadly, conflict is a part of life
The effects of extreme conflict
Understanding conflict can lead to resolution
Beyond personal conflict: the war between the sexes
Bowen’s conflict training brought more progress
Inner conflict
Conflict aimed at strangers
Meeting conflict with wise differing
Violence increases along with appetite for conflict
Nonviolent communication
On the way to emotional maturity
The benefits of freedom from conflict
There is reason for hope
Ch. 4. Choosing Understanding and Empathy
Emotionally-mature responses
Responses to conflict
Responses to differences
Relationship building
Dealing with a critical spouse
What if my feelings are hurt?
Limited license to disagree and criticize
Chief Joe Medicine Crow—courage and compassion
From getting to understanding
Ch. 5. Understanding Distance
Distance or cutoff
After getting a new name, what came next?
Distance affects us in many more ways
The phenomenon of breaking up
Breakups are always painful
Death, the distance we can’t avoid
Funerals or memorial services
Ch. 6. Choosing Connection and Patience
Emotionally-mature relationships
Repair skills
A new meaning for well-connected
The value of connection
Support system strength survey
Remember your support system
Overcoming distance and cutoff
An old fable
A real-life fable
Life and connection
Ch. 7. Understanding Triangling—or Bringing in a Third
Variations of triangling
Triangling examples
Understanding triangles and their effects
A complicated triangle and its effect on a vulnerable child
How can the focus be positive?
Eye witness account: The high price to the child of positive child focus
Identifying normal focus versus too much positive focus
Negative child focus
Triangling and schizophrenia
A deeper look at gossip
Retroactively repairing the damage of false gossip
Questions inspired by the concept of triangling
Ch. 8. Choosing Direct, Personal, Committed Relationships
The complexity of triangles
Reversing the triangling move
Averting gossip in a mature way
What happens to triangles over time
Gaining a neutral perspective
Changing others by changing yourself
Showing up and being vulnerable
How to be safer from affairs
When there is a lack of trust
A benefit of commitment
Triangle challenges
Keeping helpful child focus appropriate
Wise triangling may be useful
Sexual harassment
Workplace abuse
Creativity, humor, and triangles
Thinking strategically about triangles
Ch. 9. Understanding One Up/One Down Reciprocity
About the phrase one up/one down
What is overfunctioning/underfunctioning?
Reciprocal behaviors
Codependence may be more familiar than reciprocity
Codependency in a broader sense
Which way is up (from one up/one down)
Risks of reciprocity
What to do if you are one up or one down
Reason for optimism
Reciprocity travels through a family, with consequences
Ch. 10. Choosing Balance and Equality
The emotionally-mature response
Creating equality
Taking responsibility for self
The benefit of reducing expectations of others
Changing and letting go of one up/one down roles
Resolving reciprocity when it appears
Ways to approach your request for equality
When a caregiver asks for help
Other ways to prevent caregiver burnout
Learning and unlearning one up/one down
Being conscious as a care receiver
Social patterns of one up/one down
Balance and equality are possible for all people
Shining examples of balance and equality
Balance is dynamic
Ch. 11. Creating “I” Positions
Definition of the “I” position
How to develop your “I” positions
How to be comfortable with the “I” position
Allow others to have their own response
How “I” positions help parents—and their children
“I” positions can be called boundaries
Risks, costs, and opportunities of the “I” position
“I” positions of Nelson Mandela
The need for mature leadership has never been greater
Epilogue: Your Transformed Relationships and Beyond
What this means for you
What this means on a broader basis
Appendix 1: How iBE Therapy was Developed
The concepts of EMDR therapy I included in iBE therapy:
iBE does not incorporate some aspects of Bowen theory. These include:
Appendix 2: Pop Quiz Key
Appendix 3: The Golden Rule
About the Author
About the Publisher
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