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Imperial Library
Title Page
Introduction to the Penguin Classics Edition by RICK RIORDAN
Introduction by ROBERT GRAVES
1. The Pelasgian Creation Myth
2. The Homeric and Orphic Creation Myths
3. The Olympian Creation Myth
4. Two Philosophical Creation Myths
5. The Five Ages of Man
6. The Castration of Uranus
7. The Dethronement of Cronus
8. The Birth of Athene
9. Zeus and Metis
10. The Fates
11. The Birth of Aphrodite
12. Hera and Her Children
13. Zeus and Hera
14. Births of Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Dionysus
15. The Birth of Eros
16. Poseidon’s Nature and Deeds
17. Hermes’s Nature and Deeds
18. Aphrodite’s Nature and Deeds
19. Ares’s Nature and Deeds
20. Hestia’s Nature and Deeds
21. Apollo’s Nature and Deeds
22. Artemis’s Nature and Deeds
23. Hephaestus’s Nature and Deeds
24. Demeter’s Nature and Deeds
25. Athene’s Nature and Deeds
26. Pan’s Nature and Deeds
27. Dionysus’s Nature and Deeds
28. Orpheus
29. Ganymedes
30. Zagreus
31. The Gods of the Underworld
32. Tyche and Nemesis
33. The Children of the Sea
34. The Children of Echidne
35. The Giants’ Revolt
36. Typhon
37. The Aloeids
38. Deucalion’s Flood
39. Atlas and Prometheus
40. Eos
41. Orion
42. Helius
43. The Sons of Hellen
44. Ion
45. Alcyone and Ceyx
46. Tereus
47. Erechtheus and Eumolpus
48. Boreas
49. Alope
50. Asclepius
51. The Oracles
52. The Alphabet
53. The Dactyls
54. The Telchines
55. The Empusae
56. Io
57. Phoroneus
58. Europe and Cadmus
59. Cadmus and Harmonia
60. Belus and the Danaids
61. Lamia
62. Leda
63. Ixion
64. Endymion
65. Pygmalion and Galatea
66. Aeacus
67. Sisyphus
68. Salmoneus and Tyro
69. Alcestis
70. Athamas
71. The Mares of Glaucus
72. Melampus
73. Perseus
74. The Rival Twins
75. Bellerophon
76. Antiope
77. Niobe
78. Caenis and Caeneus
79. Erigone
80. The Calydonian Boar
81. Telamon and Peleus
82. Aristaeus
83. Midas
84. Cleobis and Biton
85. Narcissus
86. Phyllis and Carya
87. Arion
88. Minos and His Brothers
89. The Loves of Minos
90. The Children of Pasiphaë
91. Scylla and Nisus
92. Daedalus and Talos
93. Catreus and Althaemenes
94. The Sons of Pandion
95. The Birth of Theseus
96. The Labours of Theseus
97. Theseus and Medea
98. Theseus in Crete
99. The Federalization of Attica
100. Theseus and the Amazons
101. Phaedra and Hippolytus
102. Lapiths and Centaurs
103. Theseus in Tartarus
104. The Death of Theseus
105. Oedipus
106. The Seven Against Thebes
107. The Epigoni
108. Tantalus
109. Pelops and Oenomaus
110. The Children of Pelops
111. Atreus and Thyestes
112. Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra
113. The Vengeance of Orestes
114. The Trial of Orestes
115. The Pacification of the Erinnyes
116. Iphigeneia Among the Taurians
117. The Reign of Orestes
118. The Birth of Heracles
119. The Youth of Heracles
120. The Daughters of Thespius
121. Erginus
122. The Madness of Heracles
123. The First Labour: The Nemean Lion
124. The Second Labour: The Lernaean Hydra
125. The Third Labour: The Ceryneian Hind
126. The Fourth Labour: The Erymanthian Boar
127. The Fifth Labour: The Stables of Augeias
128. The Sixth Labour: The Stymphalian Birds
129. The Seventh Labour: The Cretan Bull
130. The Eighth Labour: The Mares of Diomedes
131. The Ninth Labour: Hippolyte’s Girdle
132. The Tenth Labour: The Cattle of Geryon
133. The Eleventh Labour: The Apples of the Hesperides
134. The Twelfth Labour: The Capture of Cerberus
135. The Murder of Iphitus
136. Omphale
137. Hesione
138. The Conquest of Elis
139. The Capture of Pylus
140. The Sons of Hippocoön
141. Auge
142. Deianeira
143. Heracles in Trachis
144. Iole
145. The Apotheosis of Heracles
146. The Children of Heracles
147. Linus
148. The Argonauts Assemble
149. The Lemnian Women and King Cyzicus
150. Hylas, Amycus, and Phineus
151. From the Symplegades to Colchis
152. The Seizure of the Fleece
153. The Murder of Apsyrtus
154. The Argo Returns to Greece
155. The Death of Pelias
156. Medea at Ephyra
157. Medea in Exile
158. The Foundation of Troy
159. Paris and Helen
160. The First Gathering at Aulis
161. The Second Gathering at Aulis
162. Nine Years of War
163. The Wrath of Achilles
164. The Death of Achilles
165. The Madness of Ajax
166. The Oracles of Troy
167. The Wooden Horse
168. The Sack of Troy
169. The Returns
170. Odysseus’s Wanderings
171. Odysseus’s Homecoming
Map of the Greek World
Map of Sites Mentioned in the Text
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