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Imperial Library
Title Page
1: FA 1008
2: Tracks
3: ‘Am greatly disappointed in the boy and have unpleasant misgivings regarding his future’
4: ‘They must have a very high opinion of him to consider him dangerous’
5: ‘The poet’ and mentors
6: Bohemian trappings
7: ‘No likelihood of complications’
8: ‘To put an end gradually’
9: ‘Doubts that he is a shit are still graver’
10: First essays and the futility of pot-boiling
11: ‘Paint run mad’
12: ‘Dunk’ and Hoel
13: ‘I have a sort of idea he’s a genius’
14: The laughing woman
15: ‘Ça, c’est trop fort!’
16: Blast
17: Clap
18: ‘My dear, safe as a church’
19: ‘You need sympathy, sympathy, sympathy’
20: ‘Why not paint a picture instead?’
21: ‘I’m thirty-seven till I pass the word round!’
22: ‘Most indubitably yours’
23: Studios
24: Portraits
25: ‘People are only friends in so much that they are of use to you’
26: ‘Concentrate on one book at a time’
27: ‘Your output has become prolific’
28: Peter London and Miss Mayfair 1924
29: Apes and Nazis
30: Black-hatted in Barbary
31: ‘A roaming wild oat come to roost’
32: ‘Definitely something abnormal about her’
33: The princess and the juggler
34: ‘Anything but a Jubilee year’
35: The Black Principle
36: ‘X’
37: ‘I want to escape from this economic inferno’
38: ‘How would I live out here without portraits to paint?’
39: ‘This tough city’
40: ‘Attendance upon the great ones of this bloody earth!’
41: ‘Some modest perch out of the storm’
42: ‘He is a well-known British artist – not a knight’
43: ‘We consider the artist not a very responsible person’
44: ‘I fear that we have simply been swindled’
45: ‘Smile up to your ears!’
46: Merulius lacrymans
47: ‘In the absence of proof of malice’
48: ‘A great artist’s dental plate’
49: ‘Nothing is visible, there is no pain, no disagreeable sensations’
50: ‘The Tapewriter’ and ‘The Biro’
51: ‘So lonely an honour’
52: ‘Does he not mean Self-Condemned?’
53: ‘The Vorticist whale’
54: ‘He’s getting confused now – can we stop?’
55: Post mortem
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