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Part 1: Beneficial Insect Ecology
Chapter 1: Pest Control with Beneficial Insects
What Are Beneficial Insects?
Pest Control and Farming
Enhancing Beneficial Insect Populations
Approaches to Biocontrol
Common Predators and Parasitoids: Their Habitat and Prey
Chapter 2: Why Farm with Native Beneficial Insects?
Pest Control
Benefits beyond Pest Control
Case Studay: Pest Management in Washington State Vineyards
Case Study: Milkweek, Stink Bugs, and Georgia Cotton
Chapter 3: Evaluating Beneficial Insect Habitat
Habitat Essentials
Farm Practices Checklist
Case Study: Beneficial Insects Save Christmas
Part 2: Improving Beneficial Insect Habitat
Chapter 4: Designing New Beneficial Insect Habitat
What Beneficial Insects Need
Habitat Size and Location
Wildflower Selection
Chapter 5: Native Plant Field Borders
Establishing Borders from Seed
Site Preparation
Long-Term Maintenance
Sample Seed Mixes for Native Plant Field Borders
Chapter 6: Insectary Strips
Perennials or Annuals?
Plant Insectary Strips
Case Study: An Insectary Seed Mix for New Mexico Pumpkins
Sample Insectary Seed Mixes
Chapter 7: Hedgrows
Installing a New Hedgerow
Revitalizing Old Fencerows
Sample Hedgerow Plant Mixes
Case Study:Hedgerows on California Central Valley Farms
Chapter 8: Cover Crops
Species Selection
Establishing a Cover Crop
Case Study:A Better Farm for Beneficials
Chapter 9: Conservation Buffers
Contour Buffer Strips
Grassed Waterways
Riparian Buffers and Filter Strips
Shelterbelts and Windbreaks
Organic Farm Buffers
Case Study: Buffer Strips for Soybean Aphid Control
Chapter 10: Beetle Banks and Other Shelters
Beetle Banks
Tunnel Nests
Wasp Shelters
Brush Piles
Insect Hotels
Case Study: Banking on Beetles in Oregon
Part 3: Managing Beneficial Insect Habitat
Chapter 11: Reducing Pesticide Impacts
If You Must Use Pesticides
Pesticide Selection
Microbial Insecticides and Nematodes
Alternatives to Pesticides
Controlling Spray Drift
Case Study: Designing Windbreaks to Limit Pesticide Drift
Case Study: Biological Mite Control in Pennsylvania Apple Orchards
Chapter 12: Long-Term Habitat Management
Disking, Mowing, and Burning
Rotating Habitat Disturbance
Interseeding Wildflowers
Case Study: Beneficial Insect Habitat on an Oklahoma Farm and Ranch
Part 4: Common Beneficial Insects and Their Kin
Predatory Insects
Assassin Bugs, Amubush Bugs
Big-Eyed Bugs
Damsel Bugs
Minute Pirate Bugs, Insidious Flower Bugs
Predatory Stink Bugs
Green Lacewings, Brown Lacewings
Checkered Beetles
Firefly Beetles, Fireflies, Lightning Bugs
Ground Beetles
Tiger Beetles
Lady Beetles, Ladybugs, Ladybird Beetles
Soft-Winged Flower Beetles
Soldier Beetles
Rove Beetles
Flower Flies, Hover Flies
Predatory Wasps
Parasitoid Wasps
Scarab-Hunting Wasps
Tachinid Flies
Noninsect Beneficial Predators
Jumping Spiders, Wolf Spiders, Orb Weaver Spiders, Sheet-Weaving Spiders
Predatory Mites
Part 5: Plants for Conservation Biocontrol
Native Wildflowers
Native Flowering Trees and Shrubs
Native Grasses
Cover Crops and Nonnative Insectary Plants
Part 6: Appendix
Additional Resources
Publications and Fact Sheets
Pesticide Risk Reduction
Xerces Society Resources
About the Authors
Photo Credits
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