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Imperial Library
Front Matter
Part I. Antique Understandings of Tyranny
1. The Athens of Plato, Aristotle, and Xenophon
2. Tyranny and Despotism in Plato’s Republic and Laws
3. Aristotle on Tyranny in the Politics
4. Xenophon on Tyranny in Hiero
5. Seneca the Younger on Tyranny in On Mercy
Part II. Three Medieval Commentators on Tyranny
6. Mimetic Impulses and Early Receptions
7. John of Salisbury on Tyranny in Policraticus
8. Aquinas on Tyranny in the Regime of Princes and in the Summa Theologica
9. Giles of Rome on Tyranny in His Regime of Princes
Part III. Recovering Plato and Aristotle on Tyranny in the Renaissance
10. Imminence of the Past
11. Machiavelli on Tyranny in the Prince and the Discourses
12. Seyssel on Tyranny in the Monarchy of France
13. Guillaume Budé on Tyranny in the Education of the Prince
14. Erasmus on Tyranny in the Education of a Christian Prince
15. Thomas More on Tyranny in the History of Richard III
Part IV. A Time of Troubles in France, 1570–1605
16. The Valois Monarchy in Political Thought and Political Theology
17. Tyranny in Hotman’s Franco-Gallia
18. Étienne de la Boétie on Tyranny in Voluntary Servitude
19. Bèze on Tyranny in the Right of Magistrates
20. Bodin on Tyranny in the Six Books of the Republic
21. The Vindiciae contra tyrannos on Tyranny
22. Mariana on Tyranny
23. Jean Boucher on Tyranny in the True History of Henry de Valois
Back Matter
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