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Chapter 1: Welcome to book 2 in your rapid hypnosis mastery!
Chapter 2: The language of hypnosis and trance.
Chapter 3: Words beginning with RE are hypnotic.
Chapter 4: PMR: (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) and why it works.
Chapter 5: Conscious and unconscious dissociation.
Chapter 6: Colour feelings.
Chapter 7: Hidden code hypnosis.
Chapter 8: More hypnotic language: the power of negations.
Chapter 9: Reverse speech and the unconscious.
Chapter 10: The ‘Advanced’ hypnotic mind model.
Chapter 11: Temporal and spatial predicates: language in time and space.
Chapter 12: Utilising utilisation.
Chapter 13: Have you ever…
Chapter 14: Get to the point: I need specifics!
Chapter 15: Assumptions in trance.
Chapter 16: ‘Nominalise’ this: hypnotic concepts.
Chapter 17: Non specified comparatives.
Chapter 18: Non specified verbs, people and things.
Chapter 19: Hyperbolic words.
Chapter 20: Hypnotic poetry: assonance and alliteration.
Chapter 21: Some more languaging.
Chapter 22: Associational networks.
Chapter 23: Ambiguity and confusion.
Chapter 24: Adverbs to tell people what to think and feel.
Chapter 25: Not now but soon! How to construct ‘deepeners.’
Chapter 26: Embedded commands hypnotic induction.
Chapter 27: Embeds that induce trance.
Chapter 28: Describing a state revivifies it.
Chapter 29: Your 1st bonus: Symbolic deepeners.
Chapter 30: Your new language power!
Chapter 31: Appendix 1: PMR script.
Chapter 32: Appendix 2: Conscious and Unconscious Dissociation script.
Chapter 33: Appendix 3: The Silly Hypnotic Deepener.
Chapter 34: Appendix 4: 1st Bonus: The Symbolic Deepener script.
Chapter 35: Appendix 5: 2nd Bonus Deepener – The Unicorn Deepener.
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