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Imperial Library
Introduction: To Be Human, Modern and American
1 The Making of an American Radical Democrat of African Descent
2 On My Intellectual Vocation
3 Sing a Song
4 The Ignoble Paradox of Modernity
5 Race and Modernity
6 Black Strivings in a Twilight Civilization
7 The New Cultural Politics of Difference
8 Why Pragmatism?
9 On Prophetic Pragmatism
10 Pragmatism and the Sense of the Tragic
11 The Limits of Neopragmatism
12 Nietzsche's Prefiguration of Postmodern American Philosophy
13 The Indispensability Yet Insufficiency of Marxist Theory
14 Fredric Jameson's American Marxism
15 Race and Social Theory
16 The Role of Law in Progressive Politics
17 The Political Intellectual
18 A World of Ideas
19 The Dilemma of the Black Intellectual
20 American Progressivism Reoriented
21 Parents and National Survival
22 On the 1980s
23 Michael Harrington, Democratic Socialist
24 The Crisis in Contemporary American Religion
25 The Historicist Turn in Philosophy of Religion
26 Religion and the Left
27 On Elisabeth Schiissler Fiorenza's In Memory of Her
28 On Leszek Kolakowski
29 On Liberation Theology: Segundo and Hinkelammert
30 Christian Love and Heterosexism
31 A Philosophical View of Easter
32 On Gibson Winter's Ecological Ecumenism
33 Prophetic Christian as Organic Intellectual: Martin Luther King, Jr.
34 Subversive Joy and Revolutionary Patience in Black Christianity
35 Critical Reflections on Art
36 Horace Pippin's Challenge to Art Criticism
37 Race and Architecture
38 The Spirituals as Lyrical Poetry
39 In Memory of Marvin Gaye
40 On Afro-American Music: From Bebop to Rap
41 On Anna Deavere Smith's Fires in the Mirror
42 On Walt Whitman
43 On Affirmative Action
44 On Black-Brown Relations
45 On Black Sexuality
46 On Black Nationalism
47 Tensions with Jewish Friends and Foes
48 On Jackie Robinson
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