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Imperial Library
Entry 1: Flyover States
Entry 2: Glass Half Full
Entry 3: Welcome to the Hotel California
Entry 4: Flash Mob
Entry 5: PTSD
Entry 6: One for the Money
Entry 7: FUBAR
Entry 8: My Turn
Entry 9: Here’s Johnny!
Entry 10: Death Race 2000
Entry 11: Arkansas Sucks
Entry 12: Survivors Guilt
Entry 13: First Impressions
Entry 14: The Ballad of Paul
Entry 15: SSDD
Entry 16: Hell Bent for Leather
Entry 17: Chastised
Entry 18: Over It
Entry 19: Twelve Step Program
Entry 20: Did They do that on Purpose?
Entry 21: There’s no Place Like Home
Entry 22: And Your Little Dog Too
Entry 23: What? No Showtime???
Entry 24: The Path Less Taken
Entry 25: There’s Gold in them Thar Hills
Entry 26: Nothing Without the Deity
Entry 27: Run Forest, Run!
Entry 28: Mountains Suck
Entry 29: Through the Mountains, Take Two
Entry 30: Swift, Silent, Deadly
Entry 31: All Dogs go to Heaven
Entry 32: HQ, Take Two
Entry 33: In the Dead of the Night
Entry 34: Little Boys Room
Entry 35: Strategery
Entry 36: The Best Laid Plans
Entry 37: Good Night Chesty, Wherever You Are
Entry 38: It Hits the Fan
Entry 39: You Can’t go Home Again
Entry 40: South for the Winter
Entry 41: Chutes and Ladders
Entry 42: Rock and A Hard Place
Entry 43: Leap of Faith
Entry 44: Viva Las Vegas
Authors Afterword
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