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Chapter 1: Introduction: why read my book on hypnosis?
Chapter 2: The mystery of hypnosis.
Chapter 3: The fundamentals for inducing hypnotic trance.
Chapter 4: Hypnotic skill 1: Narrowing the focus of attention.
Chapter 5: Hypnotic script 1: A narrowing focus induction.
Chapter 6: Being careful where you send the brain.
Chapter 7: What is the subconscious/unconscious?
Chapter 8: What are you habitually paying attention to?
Chapter 9: Embedded commands and subliminals.
Chapter 10: How to get genuine trust.
Chapter 11: If you want to be hypnotic be vague
Chapter 12: If you want to be hypnotic uses truisms.
Chapter 13: If you want to be hypnotic use vividly descriptive language.
Chapter 14: Words to stimulate the imagination.
Chapter 15: You never need to use a convincer to get results.
Chapter 16: Is there such a thing as hypnotic talent?
Chapter 17: To hypnotise someone get them to 'go inside.'
Chapter 18: Introspection is hypnosis.
Chapter 19: Words that focus attention.
Chapter 20: How to have a good 'hypnotic voice.'
Chapter 21: Solar plexus breathing.
Chapter 22: Use the client's name: a lot!
Chapter 23: The 'doing nothing' pattern.
Chapter 24: Deconstructing a hypnosis script.
Chapter 25: The moment of hypnotic surrender.
Chapter 26: Your bonus: Da, da, daaa! The worthwhile convincer!
Chapter 27: Signs of hypnosis and 'response potential.'
Chapter 28: Deepeners: all the way down!
Chapter 29: Exduction: waking them up.
Chapter 30: Appendix 1: Betty Erickson Induction.
Chapter 31: Appendix 2: The Rogue Hypnotist's Basic Induction.
Chapter 32: Appendix 3: The Magic Wall deepener.
Chapter 33: Appendix 4: The Pleasure deepener.
Chapter 34: Appendix 5: Awakening process.
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