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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
I. Acts in the New Testament
II. Origin and Purpose of Acts
III. Paul in Acts
IV. Select Bibliography
Text, Exposition, and Notes
Acts 1
I. The Birth of the Church (1:1–5:42)
A. The Forty Days and After (1:1–26)
1. Prologue (1:1–3)
2. The Apostles’ Commission (1:4–8)
3. The Ascension (1:9–11)
4. In the Upper Room (1:12–14)
5. A Replacement for Judas Iscariot (1:15–26)
Acts 2
B. The Day of Pentecost (2:1–47)
1. The Descent of the Spirit (2:1–4)
2. The Crowd’s Amazement (2:5–13)
3. Peter’s Proclamation (2:14–36)
a. “This is that” (2:14–21)
b. The resurrection of Jesus proclaimed (2:22–28)
c. Jesus: Lord and Messiah (2:29–36)
4. Call to Repentance (2:37–40)
5. The First Christian Church (2:41–47)
Acts 3
C. An Act of Healing and Its Consequences (3:1–4:31)
1. A Cripple Cured (3:1–10)
2. Peter’s Address in Solomon’s Colonnade (3:11–26)
a. The power of Jesus’ name (3:11–16)
b. Call to repentance (3:17–21)
c. Witness of the prophets (3:22–26)
Acts 4
3. Arrest of Peter and John (4:1–4)
4. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (4:5–12)
5. Debate in the Sanhedrin (4:13–17)
6. The Apostles Dismissed with a Caution (4:18–22)
7. Peter and John Rejoin Their Friends (4:23–31)
D. All Things in Common (4:32–5:11)
1. Community of Goods (4:32–35)
2. The Generosity of Barnabas (4:36–37)
Acts 5
3. Deceit and Death of Ananias (5:1–6)
4. Death of Sapphira (5:7–11)
E. The Apostles before the Sanhedrin (5:12–42)
1. Signs and Wonders (5:12–16)
2. The Apostles Imprisoned and Released (5:17–21a)
3. The Apostles Brought before the Sanhedrin (5:21b-26)
4. The High Priest’s Charge and the Apostles’ Reply (5:27–32)
5. The Court’s Decision (5:33–40)
6. The Apostles Continue Their Public Witness (5:41–42)
Acts 6
II. Persecution and Expansion (6:1–9:31)
A. Stephen (6:1–8:1A)
1. The Appointing of the Seven (6:1–6)
2. Progress Report (6:7)
3. Stephen’s Activity Arouses Opposition (6:8–10)
4. Stephen Accused before the Sanhedrin (6:11–15)
Acts 7
5. The High Priest’s Question (7:1)
6. Stephen’s Reply (7:2–53)
a. The patriarchal age (7:2–8)
b. Israel in Egypt (7:9–19)
c. Moses’ early days (7:20–29)
d. The call of Moses (7:30–34)
e. The wilderness wanderings (7:35–43)
f. Tabernacle and temple (7:44–50)
g. Personal application (7:51–53)
7. The Stoning of Stephen (7:54–8:1a)
a. Stephen’s final witness (7:54–56)
b. Death of Stephen (7:57–60)
Acts 8
c. Saul’s agreement (8:1a)
B. Philip (8:1B-40)
1. Persecution and Dispersion (8:1b-3)
2. Philip in Samaria (8:4–8)
3. Simon Magus Believes and Is Baptized (8:9–13)
4. Peter and John Visit Samaria (8:14–17)
5. Peter and Simon Magus (8:18–24)
6. The Apostles Return to Jerusalem (8:25)
7. Philip and the Ethiopian (8:26–40)
Acts 9
C. Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (9:1–31)
1. Saul’s Expedition to Damascus (9:1–2)
2. The Light and Voice from Heaven (9:3–7)
3. Saul Enters Damascus (9:8–9)
4. Ananias Sent to Saul (9:10–16)
5. Ananias Visits Saul (9:17–19a)
6. Saul Preaches in Damascus (9:19b-22)
7. Saul Escapes from Damascus (9:23–25)
8. Saul in Jerusalem; He Is Sent to Tarsus (9:26–30)
9. The Church Enjoys Peace and Prosperity (9:31)
III. The Acts of Peter and Beginnings of Gentile Christianity (9:32–12:24)
A. Peter in Western Judaea (9:32–43)
1. Peter at Lydda: the Healing of Aeneas (9:32–35)
2. Peter at Joppa: the Raising of Dorcas (9:36–43)
Acts 10
B. The Story of Cornelius (10:1–48)
1. Cornelius the Centurion Sees a Vision (10:1–8)
2. Peter Sees a Vision (10:9–16)
3. The Messengers from Cornelius Arrive at Joppa (10:17–23a)
4. Peter Enters the House of Cornelius (10:23b-33)
5. Gentiles Hear the Good News (10:34–43)
6. Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (10:44–48)
Acts 11
C. Peter’s Action Endorsed at Jerusalem (11:1–18)
1. Peter Called to Account (11:1–3)
2. Peter’s Defense (11:4–17)
3. Peter’s Defense Accepted (11:18)
D. Antioch Becomes a Christian Base (11:19–30)
1. Gentile Evangelization in Antioch (11:19–21)
2. Barnabas and Saul’s Ministry at Antioch (11:22–26)
3. Famine Relief (11:27–30)
Acts 12
E. Herod Agrippa I and the Church (12:1–24)
1. Martyrdom of James and Imprisonment of Peter (12:1–4)
2. Peter’s Escape from Prison (12:5–11)
3. Peter Reports His Escape (12:12–17)
4. Peter’s Escape Discovered (12:18–19)
5. Death of Herod Agrippa I (12:20–23)
6. Continued Progress of the Gospel (12:24)
IV. Church Extension from Antioch and Apostolic Decree at Jerusalem (12:25–15:35)
A. Barnabas and Saul (12:25–13:3)
1. The Envoys from Antioch Return (12:25)
Acts 13
2. Barnabas and Saul Sent Out from Antioch (13:1–3)
B. Cyprus (13:4–12)
1. The Missionaries Arrive in Cyprus (13:4–5)
2. Confrontation at Paphos (13:6–12)
C. Pisidian Antioch (13:13–52)
1. Arrival at Pisidian Antioch (13:13–15)
2. Paul’s Synagogue Address in Pisidian Antioch (13:16–41)
a. Exordium (13:16)
b. Preparation for Christ (13:17–22)
c. Fulfilment in Christ (13:23–37)
d. Peroration (13:38–41)
3. Response to Paul’s Address (13:42–43)
4. Gentile Interest Arouses Jewish Opposition (13:44–52)
Acts 14
D. Iconium, Lystra, Derbe (14:1–28)
1. Adventures in Iconium (14:1–7)
2. Miraculous Healing at Lystra (14:8–13)
3. Proclamation of the Living God (14:14–18)
4. Persecuted at Lystra, the Missionaries Go On to Derbe and Then Retrace Their Steps (14:19–23)
5. Return to Antioch on the Orontes (14:24–28)
Acts 15
E. The Council of Jerusalem (15:1–35)
1. Judaizers Visit Antioch (15:1–2)
2. Paul and Barnabas Go Up to Jerusalem (15:3–5)
3. The Council Meets (15:6)
4. Peter’s Speech (15:7–11)
5. Paul and Barnabas Address the Council (15:12)
6. James’s Summing Up (15:13–21)
7. The Apostolic Letter to Gentile Christians (15:22–29)
8. The Church of Antioch Receives the Apostolic Letter (15:30–35)
V. Paul Leaves Antioch and Moves to the Aegean World (15:36–19:20)
A. Recently Planted Churches Revisited (15:36–16:5)
1. Paul Parts Company with Barnabas and Takes Silas as His Colleague (15:36–41)
Acts 16
2. Paul and Silas in South Galatia; Timothy Joins Them (16:1–4)
3. The Churches Grow in Faith and Numbers (16:5)
B. Philippi (16:6–40)
1. The Call from Macedonia (16:6–10)
2. Troas to Philippi (16:11–12a)
3. The Faith of Lydia (16:12b-15)
4. The Pythoness (16:16–18)
5. Paul and Silas Imprisoned (16:19–24)
6. Earthquake at Midnight: the Jailer’s Conversion (16:25–34)
7. Paul and Silas Leave Philippi (16:35–40)
Acts 17
C. Thessalonica to Athens (17:1–34)
1. Arrival at Thessalonica (17:1–4)
2. Trouble in Thessalonica (17:5–9)
3. Beroea (17:10–15)
4. Athens (17:16–21)
5. Paul’s Areopagitica (17:22–31)
6. The Athenians’ Reaction (17:32–34)
Acts 18
D. Corinth (18:1–17)
1. Paul Arrives in Corinth (18:1–4)
2. Paul Spends Eighteen Months in Corinth (18:5–11)
3. Paul before Gallio (18:12–17)
E. Ephesus (18:18–19:20)
1. Hasty Visit to Ephesus (18:18–21)
2. Brief Visit to Judaea and Syria (18:22–23)
3. Apollos (18:24–28)
Acts 19
4. Paul and the Twelve Disciples of Ephesus (19:1–7)
5. The Lecture Hall of Tyrannus (19:8–10)
6. Conflict with the Magicians (19:11–19)
7. Further Progress Report (19:20)
VI. Paul Plans to Visit Rome and Gets There by an Unforeseen Route (19:21–28:31)
A. He Prepares to Leave Ephesus for Macedonia and Achaia (19:21–20:6)
1. Paul Makes Plans for the Future (19:21–22)
2. The Riot at Ephesus (19:23–41)
a. Indignation of the silversmiths (19:23–28)
b. Demonstration in the theater (19:29–34)
c. The town clerk calms the agitation (19:35–41)
Acts 20
3. Paul Visits Macedonia and Greece (20:1–6)
B. The Journey to Jerusalem (20:7–21:16)
1. Paul at Troas (20:7–12)
2. From Troas to Miletus (20:13–16)
3. Paul Sends for the Elders of the Ephesian Church (20:17)
4. Paul Bids Farewell to the Ephesian Church (20:18–35)
a. Retrospect on his Ephesian ministry (20:18–21)
b. Paul’s prospects (20:22–24)
c. His charge to the elders (20:25–31)
d. Final admonition (20:32–35)
5. An Affectionate Parting (20:36–38)
Acts 21
6. Miletus to Tyre (21:1–6)
7. Tyre to Caesarea (21:7–9)
8. Agabus Reappears (21:10–14)
9. Arrival at Jerusalem (21:15–16)
C. Paul at Jerusalem (21:17–23:30)
1. Meeting with James and the Elders (21:17–26)
2. Riot in the Temple (21:27–30)
3. Paul Rescued by the Romans (21:31–36)
4. Paul Obtains Leave to Address the Crowd (21:37–40)
Acts 22
5. Paul’s Defense to the People of Jerusalem (22:1–21)
a. His early days (22:1–5)
b. The Damascus road (22:6–11)
c. Ananias of Damascus (22:12–16)
d. Paul’s vision in the temple (22:17–21)
6. Paul Reveals His Roman Citizenship (22:22–29)
7. Paul Brought before the Sanhedrin (22:30)
Acts 23
8. Paul before the Sanhedrin (23:1–10)
a. Interchange with the high priest (23:1–5)
b. The resurrection hope (23:6–10)
9. The Lord Appears to Paul in the Night (23:11)
10. Plot against Paul’s Life (23:12–15)
11. The Plot Revealed (23:16–22)
12. The Tribune Prepares to Send Paul to Caesarea (23:23–24)
13. Letter from the Tribune to Felix (23:25–30)
D. Paul at Caesarea (23:31–26:32)
1. Paul Taken to Caesarea (23:31–35)
Acts 24
2. Paul Accused before Felix (24:1–9)
3. Paul’s Defense before Felix (24:10–21)
4. Felix Adjourns Proceedings (24:22–23)
5. Paul’s Interviews with Felix (24:24–26)
6. Felix Replaced by Festus; Paul Left in Custody (24:27)
Acts 25
7. Festus Visits Jerusalem (25:1–5)
8. Paul Appeals to Caesar (25:6–12)
9. Agrippa II and Bernice Visit Festus (25:13–22)
10. Paul Appears before Agrippa (25:23–27)
Acts 26
11. Paul Accepts Agrippa’s Invitation to Speak (26:1)
12. Paul’s “Apologia pro vita sua” (26:2–23)
a. Exordium (26:2–3)
b. The resurrection hope (26:4–8)
c. Paul’s persecuting zeal (26:9–11)
d. The heavenly vision (26:12–18)
e. Paul’s obedience to the vision (26:19–20)
f. Paul’s arrest (26:21)
g. Peroration (26:22–23)
13. Interchange between Festus, Paul, and Agrippa (26:24–29)
14. Agreement on Paul’s Innocence (26:30–32)
Acts 27
E. Paul’s Voyage and Shipwreck (27:1–44)
1. Caesarea to Myra (27:1–5)
2. They Trans-ship at Myra and Sail to Crete (27:6–8)
3. Paul’s Advice Rejected (27:9–12)
4. They Are Caught by the Wind Euraquilo (27:13–20)
5. Paul’s Encouragement (27:21–26)
6. They Approach Land (27:27–29)
7. The Sailors’ Attempt to Escape Frustrated (27:30–32)
8. The Meal on Board (27:33–38)
9. The Shipwreck (27:39–41)
10. Safe Ashore! (27:42–44)
Acts 28
F. Winter in Malta (28:1–10)
1. Welcome to Malta! (28:1–6)
2. Works of Healing in Malta (28:7–10)
G. Rome at Last (28:11–31)
1. The Last Lap: “And So We Came to Rome” (28:11–15)
2. Paul Handed Over to Be Kept under Guard (28:16)
3. Paul and the Roman Jews (28:17–28)
a. First interview (28:17–22)
b. Second interview (28:23–28)
4. The Gospel Advances without Hindrance in Rome (28:30–31)
General Index
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture References
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