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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Series Editors’ General Introduction
A Note to the Reader
Esau and Jacob
I Things of the Future!
II Better Going Down than Going Up
III The Alms of Happiness
IV The Carriage Mass
V There are Contradictions that Can Be Explained
VI Maternity
VII Gestation
VIII Neither Boy and Girl, nora General
IX View of the Palace
X The Vow
XI A Unique Case!
XII That Man Aires
XIII The Epigraph
XIV The Lesson of the Pupil
XV Teste David Cum Sybilla
XVI Paternalism
XVII Everything that I Leave Out
XVIII How They Grew Up
XIX Just Two—Forty Years—Third Reason
XX The Jewel
XXI An Obscure Point
XXII Now a Leap
XXIII When You Have a Beard
XXIV Robespierre and Louis XVI
XXV Dom Miguel
XXVI The Battle of the Portraits
XXVII About an Inopportune Thought
XXVIII The Rest Is True
XXIX The Younger Person
XXX The Batist a Family
XXXI Flora
XXXII The Retiree
XXXIII Solitude Is Also Tedious
XXXIV Inexplicable
XXXV About the Young Lady
XXXVI Discord Is Not as Ugly as Is Said
XXXVII Discord in Accord
XXXVIII A Timely Arrival
XL Memories
XLI The Incident of the Donkey
XLII An Hypothesis
XLIII The Speech
XLIV The Salmon
XLV Muse, Sing
XLVI Between Acts
XLVII Matthew 4:1-10
XLVIII Terpsichore
XLIX The Old Sign
L Evaristo’s Inkwell
LI Here Present
LII A Secret
LIII Confidences
LIV A lone at Last!
LV Woman Is the Un doing of Man
LVI The Blow
LVII The Shopping Trip
LVIII The Reunion
LIX The Night of the 14th
LX The Morning of the 15th
LXI Reading Xenophon
LXII Stop on ‘D’
LXIII A New Sign
LXIV Peace!
LXV Between the Sons
LXVI The Club and the Spade
LXVII The Whole Night
LXVIII Morning
LXIX At the Piano
LXX AM is taken Conclusion
LXXI The Commission
LXXII The “Regress”
LXXIII An Eldorado
LXXIV Textual Reference
LXXV AM is taken Proverb
LXXVI Perhaps It Was the Same One!
LXXVII Lodging
LXXVIII A Visit to the Marshal
LXXIX Fusion, Diffusion, Confusion
LXXX Transfusion, Finally
LXXXI Oh, Two Souls
LXXXII In São Clemente
LXXXIII The Long Night
LXXXIV The Old Secret
LXXXV Three Constitutions
LXXXVI Lest I Forget
LXXXVII Between Aires and Flora
LXXXIX The Dragon
XC The Agreement
XCI Not Just the Truth Should Be Told to a Mother
XCII A Secret Awakens
XCIII Neither Weaves nor Unravels
XCIV Opposing Gestures
XCV The Third
XCVI Withdrawal
XCVII A Private Christ
XCVIII The Doctor Aires
XCIX In the Name of Fresh Air
C Two Heads
CI The Knotty Case
CII Visions Require Half-Light
CIII The Room
CIV The Answer
CV Reality
CVI Both Who?
CVII State of Siege
CVIII Old Ceremonies
CIX At the Foot of the Grave
CX Let It Fly
CXI A Summary of Hopes
CXII The First Month
CXIII One Beatrice for Two
CXIV Practice and Bench
CXV Exchange of Opinions
CXVI The Return Home
CXVII Two Inaugurations
CXVIII Things of the Past, Things of the Future
CXIX Which Announces the Following
CXX Penultimate
Counsel or Aires and His Moviola: An Afterword
Editor’s Notes by Dain Borges
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