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Writing Papers in APA Style
1 Writing college papers in APA style
a Research paper: Literature review
b Research paper: Original empirical research
c Laboratory report
d Analytical essay
e Annotated bibliography
f Administrative report
g Case study
h Clinical paper
i Professional memo
j Reflective essay
2 APA conventions
a Current sources
b Tone and language
c Avoiding stereotypes, bias
d Intellectual property
e Collecting and reporting data
f Protecting research participants
3 Posing questions
4 Finding appropriate sources
5 Evaluating sources
6 Managing information; avoiding plagiarism
7 Supporting a thesis
8 Avoiding plagiarism
9 Integrating sources
Formatting Papers in APA Style
10 Parts of a paper in APA style
a Title page
b Abstract
c Introduction
d Method
e Results
f Discussion
g References
h Footnotes
i Headings
j Appendices
k Visuals
11 APA paper format
12 Sample pages from papers in APA style
a Literature review (psychology)
b Empirical research (psychology)
c Research: Qualitative methodology (sociology)
d Analytical essay (sociology)
e Annotated bibliography (economics)
f Laboratory report (psychology)
g Administrative report (criminal justice)
h Clinical practice paper (nursing)
i Reflective essay (education)
j Business report
k Professional memo (business)
Documenting Sources in APA Style
13 APA in-text citations
14 APA list of references
15 APA notes
16 Wordy sentences
17 Active verbs
18 Parallelism
19 Needed words
20 Shifts
a Point of view
b Tense
21 Mixed constructions
a Mixed grammar
b Illogical connections
c is when, is where, reason . . . is because
22 Misplaced and dangling modifiers
a Misplaced words
b Misplaced phrases and clauses
c Dangling modifiers
d Split infinitives
23 Sentence variety
24 Appropriate voice
a Jargon
b Clichés
c Slang
d Sexist language
25 Subject-verb agreement
a Words between subject and verb
b Subjects with and
c Subjects with or, nor
d Indefinite pronouns
e Collective nouns
f Subject after verb
g who, which, that
h Plural form, singular meaning
i Titles, company names
26 Other problems with verbs
a Irregular verbs
b Tense
c Mood
27 Pronouns
a Agreement
b Reference
c Case (I vs. me etc.)
d who or whom
28 Adjectives and adverbs
29 Sentence fragments
30 Run-on sentences
a Revision with comma and coordinating conjunction
b With semicolon (or colon or dash)
c By separating sentences
d By restructuring
31 Grammar concerns for multilingual writers
a Verbs
b Articles (a, an, the)
c Sentence structure
d Prepositions at, on, in
32 The comma
a Independent clauses
b Introductory elements
c Items in a series
d Coordinate adjectives
e Nonrestrictive elements
f Transitionals, parenthetical expressions
g Direct address, yes and no, interrogative tags
h he argued etc.
i Dates, addresses, titles
j Misuses
33 The semicolon and the colon
34 The apostrophe
35 Quotation marks
a Direct quotations
b Titles of short works
c With quotation marks
d Misuses
36 Other marks
a Period
b Question mark
c Exclamation point
d Dash
e Parentheses
f Brackets
g Ellipsis mark
h Slash
37 Capitalization
a Proper vs. common nouns
b Titles with proper names
c Titles of works
d Special terms
e First word of a sentence
f First word after a colon
g Abbreviations
38 Abbreviations
a Before and after a name
b Organizations, companies, countries
c Units of measurement and time
d Latin abbreviations
e Plural of abbreviations
f Other abbreviations
g Inappropriate abbreviations
39 Numbers
40 Italics
41 Spelling
42 Hyphenation
Glossary of usage
Glossary of grammatical terms
Checklist for global revision
Checklist for visiting the writing center
Documentation directories
Charts and lists for quick reference
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