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Title Page
Author’s Note
Chapter 1: Mastering The Kremlin School of Negotiation
Identifying your negotiation opponent’s goals and motives
Who is stronger in negotiations – the lion or the fox?
Being the lion in pursuit of your interests
Recognising your opponent’s behaviour: four behaviour types, from the ‘teenager’ to the ‘tank’
Regulating tensions around the negotiating table
Chapter 2: Learning to Tell a Compromise From an Unnecessary Concession
Creating a negotiation budget: four key components that affect results
Build a magic polygon of interests
Chapter 3: Five Key Techniques that Get Results in Tough Negotiations
Eye contact as a guarantee for success
Shielding yourself from ‘need’ and fear
Saying ‘no’ without damaging relationships
The position of ‘host’ spells success
Finding your cause
Chapter 4: Negotiating in Tough Conditions
Protecting yourself from pressure and manipulation
Three important measures for controlling your emotions
Chapter 5: Seven Techniques for Reaching Agreements with a Tough Opponent
How to parry small jabs and figure out your opponent’s position
Turn battle into co-operation
Use connectors to unearth a manipulator’s motives
Disputing the right way, without provocation
Dodging rudeness
A joke and a kind word – guarantees of success with even the most aggressive opponents
The ‘humour’ technique
Chapter 6: Gently and Discreetly Change an Opponent’s Point of View
Showing your opponent the benefit of your proposals: a play on contrasts
A trusty way of nudging your opponent towards the ‘right’ decision
Don’t fall for a quick ‘yes’
The answer to the hardest question
To catch something first let it go
Do I need to reciprocate gifts?
Chapter 7: Building a Negotiation Roadmap
What governs negotiations? The role of strategy and tactics
Building a roadmap and what you will need
Some personal impressions on negotiating with international opponents
Sample Answers to Exercises
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