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Praise for "40 Rules for Internet Business...
"All hard work brings a profit..."
Bonus Audio Interviews
Section One: Developing Yourself
Rule 1: Know Your Why
Rule 2: Excuses are the Fuel of Failure
Rule 3: Relationships Trump Knowledge
Rule 4: Become a Voracious Consumer of Content
Rule 5: Don't Leave Your Family Behind
Rule 6: Head in One Direction at a Time
Rule 7: Follow the Supermarket Rule
Rule 8: Be the Person Everyone Wants to Work For
Rule 9: Don't Quit Your Day Job (Too Early)
Rule 10: Prepare for Failure: Plan for Success
Section Two: Building Your Business
Rule 11: Market Selection is a Make or Break Decision
Rule 12: Don't Become a Copycat of Someone Else's Business Model
Rule 13: Have a Business Model, Not a Business Plan
Rule 14: Let Your Customers Develop Your Product
Rule 15: Be Unique
Rule 16: Begin with a Minimum Viable Business
Rule 17: Don't Give Up Equity (Early On)
Rule 18: You Don't Need the Perfect Domain Name
Rule 19: Use Value-Based Pricing
Rule 20: Make Your Launch a Can't Miss Event
Section Three: Running Your Business
Rule 21: Get Your Finances Right from the Beginning
Rule 22: Busyness Is Not Productivity
Rule 23: Don't Be an Employee in Your Business
Rule 24: Befriend You Customers
Rule 25: Not Everyone Needs to Be Your Customer
Rule 26: Read before You Sign
Rule 27: Measure Your Company's Vital Signs
Rule 28: Be Skeptical. Be Aware.
Rule 29: Strengthen Your Business’s Weakest Links
Rule 30: Fail, Quit, and Regroup.
Section Four: Growing Your Business
Rule 31: If You Build It, They Won't Come
Rule 32: Results-Driven Advertising
Rule 33: Go Where the People Are
Rule 34: Don't Rely on Social Media, SEO, or the Tech Press to Market Your Business
Rule 35: Own Your Customer List
Rule 36: Show Credibility with Social Proof
Rule 37: Always Be Testing
Rule 38: Use the Three Keys of Revenue Growth
Rule 39: Turn over Stones
Rule 40: You Are Never Finished
Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Recommended Books and Podcasts
Appendix B: 40 Online Business Ideas
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