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Imperial Library
Title Page
1. With Snow Comes Beginnings
2. Braided Bones
3. The Art of Traitors
4. Get me the Gargoyle
5. Lordlings and Ladybirds
6. Camelot
7. The Earth Moves for Everyone
8. Playing with Fire
9. Shopping with Ice
10. Killing Time
11. Wise Fruitcakes
12. Splashdown
13. The Mating Habits of Trolls
14. Tender Moments Hurt the Ones You Love
15. Ruthless Economies
16. Ghosts and Epic-poetry
17. Glimmer
18. Plague
19. The Witch’s Web
20. Sleeping with the Fishies
21. Telling Tales
22. Muddy Weather
23. A Royal Reception
24. Breaking Things
25. Hitting Things
26. Losing Things
27. Putting Things Back Together
1: Gold, Gold, the Mistress of Us All
2: Death by Trinket
3: Thunderdust
4: Black goes with Everything
5: The Priestess and the Profit-scoundrel
6: Chainmail, Ale and Deathless Prose
7: Take one Giggling Villain…
8: Dealing with Your Own Demise
9: Stitching up the Minestaurus
10: Fishcakes and Philosophy
11: Kpow
12: Matchmaking as a Last Resort
13: A Party of Paradoxes
14: The Great Pomegranate Quest
15: The Year of the Greyest Winter
16: Oracles Etc.
17: Tomorrow’s Yore
18: Blackmailing the Boatman
19: The Other Silversword (Imperator Aragon I)
20: Rusty Ballads
21: Bodices and Snowdrifts
22: Escape Plans and a Three-headed Hound
23: A Sparrow Falls
24: How Not To Use Magic In the Underworld
25: Lady Luck
26: The Other Dame Crosselet
27: Gods, Politics and One of Those Kisses
28: Not Letting Sleeping Wenches Lie
29: Faeryland with Teeth
30: Unfinished Business
Extract from The Polyhedrotechnical College Prospectus of Higher Learning
1. Magic is a Bad Bad Thing
2. Breakfast of Heroes and Villains
3. Just How Dark should a Dark City Be?
4. Poached Albatross and the Demon Dance
5. Justice and Black Lace
6. The Summoning of Ghosts
7. Cloak and Dagger
8. A Compelling Proposal
9. How Drak Won the War
10. The Room with the Big Swirly Vortex
11. Harmony
12. Into the Light
13. Drak Side of the Light
14. The Great Reversing Barrel
15. Bright Rain
16. The Essence of Romance
17. The Calm Between Catastrophes
18. Day of the Dead
19. Fighting with Folklore
20. The Biggest, Baddest Villain of Them All
I. Bounty Fenetre is not a bounty hunter
Hobgoblin Boots
Queen of Courtesans
II. Delta Void is Not a Mercenary
Delta Void and the Unicorn Soup
Delta Void’s Day Off
Delta Void and the Clockwork Man
Delta Void and the Stray God
Essay - “Boots are Pretty: Femme Fantasy and the Mocklore Stories”
Essay - “The Boobs, the Bad and the Broomsticks”
The Great Abridged Mocklore Chronological Timeline
Also by Tansy Rayner Roberts
About the Author
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