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Imperial Library
Book 6
Dartmoor 15 JANUARY 1714 In life there is nothing more foolish than inventing. —J AMES W ATT
Crockern Tor LATER THAT DAY S O MANY BOULDERS PROTRUDED through the moth-eaten tarp of dir
The Saracen’s Head THAT EVENING “N OW YOU WILL BE a Tory, in the eyes of certain Whigs,” W
Southern England LATE JANUARY 1714 T RUE TO HIS WORD, Mr. Threader—or, to be precise, Mr. T
Crane Court EARLY FEBRUARY 1714 But what should be the reason that such a good man should be
London LATE FEBRUARY 1714 D ANIEL WAS LURKING LIKE A bat in the attic, supervising Henry Ar
Orney’s Ship-yard, Rotherhithe 12 MARCH 1714 D ANIEL SUPPOSED THAT THE MATTER of Orney and K
A Subterranean Vault in Clerkenwell EARLY APRIL 1714 “T HE R IVER F LEET is a parable—I wou
Bloomsbury HALF AN HOUR LATER “A R OMAN TEMPLE, on the edge of the city. Modest. Nothing g
Sir Isaac Newton’s House, St. Martin’s Street, London LATER THAT DAY “I’ VE A SORT OF RIDD
Leicester House TEN SECONDS LATER H E WAS OBLIGED TO PURSUE her to the upper storey, for s
The Kit-Cat Clubb THAT EVENING “I AM QUITE CERTAIN THAT we are being watched,” Daniel said
Crane Court, London 22 APRIL 1714 …whereas here; all, as well Brandy as Wine, and all our str
River Thames THE NEXT MORNING (23 APRIL 1714) “I N THE END THE M USCOVITE spoke willingly,”
Lieutenant’s Lodging, the Tower of London AFTERNOON S AID L IEUTENANT -G ENERAL E WELL T H
Sloop Atalanta, Gravesend AFTERNOON T HEY DREW ALONGSIDE A WHARF at Gravesend. It was near
Cold Harbour THE SAME AFTERNOON T HE T OWER MIGHT HAVE ENDURED forever with very little up
Sloop Atalanta, the Hope LATE AFTERNOON H AVING TAKEN DELIVERY of some Enlightenment, for w
The Monument, London LATE AFTERNOON H ALF-WAY UP THEY STOPPED to pant. The two younger pil
Sloop Atalanta, off the Isle of Grain LATE AFTERNOON W HEN NEXT THEY SAW C OLONEL Barnes, t
Lieutenant’s Lodging, the Tower of London LATE AFTERNOON B Y THE TIME HE GOT up to the lat
The City of London LATE AFTERNOON H E WAS PRESENTABLE. He was amiable. He’d been taught to
Sloop Atalanta, off the Shive SUNSET H E WISHED H OOKE WERE HERE. A Natural Philosopher cou
The Monument SUNSET “F IRE,” SAID J ACK, down on a knee, perspective glass steady on the r
Worth’s Coffee-house, Birchin Lane, London SUNSET D APPA STOOD FROZEN for a count of ten.
Shive Tor DUSK I N A FEW MINUTES S IR Isaac was on the deck of the hooker, his hair gleami
The White Tower DUSK F ATHER É DOUARD DE G EX of the Society of Jesus stood up on one leg,
Shive Tor TWILIGHT A BOVEDECKS, BY THE LIGHT of the flaming Tor, the soldiers toiled with
Book 7
Hanover JUNE 18 ( CONTINENTAL ) / 7 ( ENGLISH ) 1714 Do not pity me. I am at last going to
Westminster Palace 11 JUNE 1714 Resolved, Nemine contradicente, that the House doth agree wi
Garden of Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover JUNE 23 ( CONTINENTAL) /12 ( ENGLISH ) 1714 “I LOVE
Princess Caroline’s Bedchamber, Herrenhausen Palace LATER THAT MORNING “M RS. B RAITHWAITE
Between Black Mary’s Hole and Sir John Oldcastle’s, North of London DAWN, 18 JUNE 1714 Enli
Clerkenwell Court 19 JUNE 1714 Ordered, That the Directors of the South Sea Company do lay b
Westminster Palace 25 JUNE 1714 T HE H OUSE BEING INFORMED, That the Secretary of the South S
Westminster Palace 9 JULY 1714 A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Holford and Mr. Lovibond:
The Kit-Cat Clubb AN HOUR LATER I SAAC N EWTON MUST THINK every room silent, for every roo
The Carriage MINUTES LATER “…AND SO WE HAVE MADE an arrangement with Mr. Partry—but not d
The Launch Prudence MONDAY, 12 JULY 1714 M R. O RNEY HAD SAID only that Prudence was a Simpl
Royal Society, Crane Court 24 JULY 1714 “W HEN I WAS A BOY, traveling the roads of France wi
Clerkenwell Court 27 JULY 1714 “I CAME AS SOON AS I COULD.” Daniel thought this very like I
Golden Square LATE AFTERNOON, 28 JULY 1714 “H OW MUCH HARM COULD a stiff drink possibly do
Leicester House HALF AN HOUR LATER “I N THIS COUNTRY, as you may know, there is a tacit ru
Newgate Prison HALF AN HOUR LATER W HATEVER THE PLAN WAS that Johann von Hacklheber had la
Golden Square THE SAME TIME I F THE POINT OF A dinner-party was to bring interesting peopl
The Black Dogg, Newgate Prison THE SAME TIME I T HAPPENED SOMETIMES in the practice of phy
Monmouth Street THE SAME TIME The Mob are outragious every where when they think themselves
Leicester Fields THE SAME TIME E LIZA HAD RUN diverse errands fair and foul, and embraced
The Black Dogg, Newgate Prison A FEW MINUTES EARLIER “I HAVE THE HEAVY GOLD. You know this
Bolingbroke’s House, Golden Square THE SAME TIME “W E POLITICIANS,” quoth Henry St. John,
The Italian Opera THE SAME TIME S ERGEANT B OB HAD given her good counsel, which was to se
Golden Square THE SAME TIME “Y OU TOLD HIM WHAT!?” said Daniel. “You heard me,” said R
Billingsgate Dock A BIT LATER “I T IS A WONDER,” exclaimed Johann von Hacklheber, wrapping
Sophia, Mouth of the Thames MORNING OF THURSDAY, 29 JULY 1714 H ANOVER WAS LANDLOCKED. Its gr
Orney’s Ship-yard, Rotherhithe 31 JULY 1714 “S HE IS A FAIR ENOUGH young lady, composed, c
Billingsgate Dock LATER THAT DAY P ETER SPIED A queue of massive coal-wagons before the
A Tavern, Hockley-in-the-Hole LATER “T WO SAVANTS AND A J EW walk into a bar…” Saturn be
Book 8
Marlborough House MORNING OF WEDNESDAY, 4 AUGUST 1714 ’Tis a notion in the pamphlet shop
The Temple of Vulcan AN HOUR LATER “W HAT DID YOU TELL HIM?” asked Roger, slightly more fa
The Kit-Cat Clubb AN HOUR LATER “S PLENDID BAUBLE,” SAID M R. T HREADER, elevating his nos
Orney’s Ship-yard, Rotherhithe MORNING OF 13 AUGUST 1714 D ANIEL ARRIVED EARLIER THAN most,
Surrey BEFORE DAWN, 15 AUGUST 1714 And armes shal stand on his parte, and thei shal pollute
Library of Leicester House MORNING OF 18 AUGUST 1714 For the sovereign is the public soul, g
London Bridge THE NEXT DAY “I T WAS NOT HALF so blubbery as it might have been,” said Leib
Greenwich A MONTH LATER (18 SEPTEMBER 1714) Let other Princes, surrounded with couching Slav
Roger Comstock’s House 3:30 A.M., FOUR DAYS LATER (22 SEPTEMBER 1714) D ANIEL HAD BARELY GOT
The Castle, Newgate Prison 29 SEPTEMBER 1714 A TURRETED CASTLE BESTRODE Holborn. On the side
The Black Dogg of Newgate 4 OCTOBER 1714 N EWGATE WAS THE MOST versatile building in town. I
Fleet Prison AFTERNOON OF 5 OCTOBER 1714 ’T WAS NATURAL TO ASSUME of a prison that, like
Under a Pile of Lead Weights, the Press-Room, Newgate Prison 20 OCTOBER 1714 Then said Apolly
Westminster Abbey 20 OCTOBER 1714 L ATER, THE Q UALITY who had witnessed it (as well as many
The Court of the Old Bailey 20 OCTOBER 1714 “G UILTY!” SAID THE MAGISTRATE. “That’s what I
The Tower of London LATE AFTERNOON, 20 OCTOBER 1714 “S O-NEAR-AND-YET-SO-FAR. That what you
A Letter 20 OCTOBER 1714 Charles White, Esq. The Tower Dappa The Clink Mr. Dap
Mint Street, the Tower of London DUSK, 20 OCTOBER 1714 S O NEAR AND YET SO FAR, White had
A Letter 21 OCTOBER 1714 Dappa The Clink White The Tower Mr. White: Am in re
The Condemned Hold, Newgate Prison 21 OCTOBER 1714 Newgate is the Horse of Troy, in whose Wom
The Gallows, Tower Hill DAWN, 22 OCTOBER 1714 W HEN IT GREW LIGHT enough for them to move a
The Press-Yard and Castle, Newgate Prison 23 OCTOBER 1714 S TRANGE WHAT A DIFFERENCE was mad
Clerkenwell Court MORNING OF 23 OCTOBER 1714 R OGER WOULD SOMEHOW HAVE got advance intellig
The Chapel, Newgate Prison 24 OCTOBER 1714 I beseech you, Brethren, by the Mercies of God, th
Halfway Along Cheapside DAWN, MONDAY, 25 OCTOBER 1714 “D ID R OGER COME TO YOU in a dream,
Poop Deck of Minerva, the Pool of London MIDDAY, TUESDAY, 26 OCTOBER 1714 D ANIEL HAD FEARED
The Temple of Vulcan WEDNESDAY, 27 OCTOBER 1714 T HE OPTIMISTIC SIDE OF D ANIEL’S nature pu
Newgate Prison 28 OCTOBER 1714 …the Bell-man, who is the Prelude to the Hangman, like a Flour
Sir Isaac Newton’s House in St. Martin’s EVENING, THURSDAY, 28 OCTOBER 1714 “M R. T HREADER
Westminster Abbey MORNING H E GETS THERE much too early because he overestimated the H
Chapel of Newgate Prison I T IS A WHOLE new look for the chapel: the black window treatments
New Palace Yard, Westminster E VEN AS D ANIEL’S PROCESSION has been assembling in the Cloiste
The Stone Anvil, the High Hall, Newgate Prison “I HAVE FOUND G OD!” Jack Shaftoe announces.
The Trial of the Pyx N O TWO T RIALS of the Pyx are the same. Details vary depending on whose
The Press-Yard, Newgate Prison T EN MINUTES LATER they are down in the Press-Yard, just off P
Star Chamber T HE NEXT TIME Daniel has his wits about him, the King’s Remembrancer is reading
Church of St. Sepulchre All good people, pray heartily unto God for these poor Sinners, who ar
Star Chamber T WELVE GRAINS IS A FORTIETH of an ounce; and gold being the densest thing in th
Holbourn H OLBOURN OUGHT TO BE the Valley of the Shadow of Death for Jack. Perhaps he’d see i
Star Chamber I N DUE TIME M R. T HREADER seizes the cupel with tongs and upends it over the f
Leibniz-Haus, Hanover NOVEMBER 1714 M OST MEN, standing knee-deep in gold, would talk abo
Gardens of Trianon, Royal Château of Versailles A CRACK SOUNDS across still water. Wild geese
Blenheim Palace “F INE! S O BE IT, then! I’ll get along unshod!” bellows a man of similar age
Carolina “I SPIED ’EM AGAIN this morning, Tomba! The weather cleared, just after sunup, and I
Cornwall W ILL C OMSTOCK, the Earl of Lostwithiel, has been worrying that they’ll become trap
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