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Table of Contents
Editors’ Introduction
Series Foreword
Foreword: The Paper Time Machine Goes Electric
I Paper Wars
1 A Game Out of All Proportions: How a Hobby Miniaturized War
2 The History of Wargaming Project
3 The Fundamental Gap between Tabletop Simulation Games and the “Truth”
4 Fleet Admiral: Tracing One Element in the Evolution of a Game Design
5 The Wild Blue Yonder: Representing Air Warfare in Games
6 Historical Aesthetics in Mapmaking
7 The “I” in Team: War and Combat in Tabletop Role-Playing Games
II War Engines
8 War Engines: Wargames as Systems from the Tabletop to the Computer
9 The Engine of Wargaming
10 Design for Effect: The “Common Language” of Advanced Squad Leader
11 Combat Commander: Time to Throw Your Plan Away
12 Empire of the Sun: The Next Evolution of the Card-Driven Game Engine
13 The Paths of Glory Lead but to the Gaming Table
14 A New Kind of History: The Culture of Wargame Scenario Design Communities
III Operations
15 Operations Research, Systems Analysis, and Wargaming: Riding the Cycle of Research
16 The Application of Statistical and Forensics Validation to Simulation Modeling in Wargames
17 Goal-Driven Design and Napoleon’s Triumph
18 Harpoon: An Original Serious Game
19 The Development and Application of the Real-Time Air Power Wargame Simulation Modern Air Power
20 Red vs. Blue
21 Hypergaming
IV The Bleeding Edge
22 Wargaming Futures: Naturalizing the New American Way of War
23 Creating Persian Incursion
24 Modeling the Second Battle of Fallujah
25 Playing with Toy Soldiers: Authenticity and Metagaming in World War I Video Games
26 America’s Army
27 We the Soldiers: Player Complicity and Ethical Gameplay in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
28 Upending Militarized Masculinity in Spec Ops: The Line
V Systems and Situations
29 Wargames as Writing Systems
30 Playing Defense: Gender, Just War, and Game Design
31 Debord’s Nostalgic Algorithm
32 The Ludic Science Club Crosses the Berezina
33 War Games
34 Troubling the Magic Circle: Miniature War in Iraq
VI The War Room
35 Wargames as an Academic Instrument
36 Lessons from the Hexagon: Wargames and the Military Historian
37 Simulation Literacy: The Case for Wargames in the History Classroom
38 The Amateur Designer: For Fun and Profit
39 Struggling with Deep Play: Utilizing Twilight Struggle for Historical Inquiry
40 Model-Driven Military Wargame Design and Evaluation
VII Irregularities
41 Gaming the Nonkinetic
42 Inhabited Models and Irregular Warfare Games: An Approach to Educational and Analytical Gaming at the US Department of Defense
43 Chess, Go, and Vietnam: Gaming Modern Insurgency
44 Irregular Warfare: The Kobayashi Maru of the Wargaming World
45 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God: When Military Action Meets Religious Strife
46 Cultural Wargaming: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communications Using Wargames
VIII Other Theaters
47 Wargaming (as) Literature
48 Tristram Shandy: Toby and Trim’s Wargames and the Bowling Green
49 Third Reich and The Third Reich
50 How Star Fleet Battles Happened
51 Total Global Domination: Games Workshop and Warhammer 40,000
52 When the Drums Begin to Roll
53 War Re-created: Twentieth-Century War Reenactors and the Private Event
IX Fight the Future
54 War, Mathematics, and Simulation: Drones and (Losing) Control of Battlespace
55 How to Sell Wargames to the Non-Wargamer
56 Wargaming the Cyber Frontier
57 The Unfulfilled Promise of Digital Wargames
58 Civilian Casualties: Shifting Perspective in This War of Mine
59 Practicing a New Wargame
Acknowledgments and Permissions
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