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Wiley-Blackwell Handbooks in Organizational Psychology
Title page
Copyright page
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Series Preface
Railway Children
1 The Role of Psychology in Leadership, Change, and Organization Development
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Part I: Leadership
1.3 Part II: Change
1.4 Part III: Organization Development
Part I: Leadership
2 A Critical Review of Leadership Theory
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Leadership: A Critical Review of the Literature
2.3 Conclusion
3 Evidence-based Management and Leadership
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Origins of the evidence-based-practice idea
3.3 What is EBMgt?
3.4 Leadership and Differences between Leadership and Management
3.5 What Roles could Leaders Play in EBMgt?
3.6 How can Leaders become More Evidence-based?
3.7 What are the Costs and Benefits of becoming Evidence-based?
3.8 Future Research
3.9 Conclusion
4 Psychodynamic Issues in Organizational Leadership
4.1 The Vicissitudes of Leadership
4.2 Psychodynamic Concepts: An Overview
4.3 Bringing the Human Dimension Back into Organizations
4.4 Integrating Leadership Theories and the Psychodynamic Paradigm
4.5 A Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership Development
4.6 Organizational Coaching and Consultation
4.7 Psychodynamic Issues in Leadership: Future Challenges and Trends
4.8 Final Reflections
5 Do I Trust You to Lead the Way? Exploring Trust and Mistrust in Leader–Follower Relations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Foundational Role of Trust in Leader–Follower Relationships
5.3 Development of Trust in Leader–FollowerRelations: Antecedents
5.4 Trust in Leader–Follower Relations: Consequences
5.5 Trust As A Buffer: Mediation and Moderation of Trust Between Leadership and Follower Outcomes
5.6 Leaders Trusting Followers
5.7 Trust in Dynamic Leader–Follower Processes:the Transfer of Trust
5.8 Mistrust and Lack of Trust inLeader–Follower Relationships
5.9 Future Research Directions
5.10 Conclusion
6 Leader–Culture Fit: Aligning Leadership and Corporate Culture
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Organizational Culture and Leadership
6.3 Leader–Culture Fit
6.4 Research on Leader–Culture Fit
6.5 Conclusion
7 When Leaders are Bullies: Concepts, Antecedents, and Consequences
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Concepts in Use
7.3 Consequences of Exposure to Bullying and Abusive Supervision
7.4 Antecedents of Bullying and Abusive Supervision
7.5 Conclusion and Directions for Future Research
8 Leadership and Employee Well-being
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Leadership and Employee Stress/Psychosocial Risk
8.3 Leadership and Sickness Absence/Return to Work
8.4 Leadership and Employee Engagement
8.5 Leadership Development As An Employee-Well-Being Intervention
8.6 Conclusion
9 Transformational Leadership and Psychological Well-being: Effects on Followers and Leaders
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Well-being Outcomes: Burnout, Affect, and Mental Health
9.3 Effects of Transformational Leadership on Leader Stress and Psychological Well-being
9.4 Conclusion
10 Making the Mindful Leader: Cultivating Skills for Facing Adaptive Challenges
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Adaptive Leadership
10.3 What is Mindfulness?
10.4 How Mindfulness can Help Leaders
10.5 The first Problem: Mindlessness, Automaticity, and the Human Condition
10.6 The Second Problem: Mindlessness and the Drive to Survive
10.7 Mindfulness’ Potential Promise for Leaders
10.8 Understanding the Practice and Mechanisms of Mindfulness
10.9 Conclusion
11 The Future of Leadership
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Major Schools of Leadership
11.3 Emerging Pathways ForLeadership Theory and Research
11.4 Conclusion
Part II: Change
12 The History and Current Status of Organizational and Systems Change
12.1 Historical Foundations
12.2 Distinctions, Debates, and Controversies
12.3 Prospectus: Major Theories of Change
12.4 Conclusion
13 Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry: The Contribution of the Literature to an Understanding of the Nature and Process of Change in Organizations
13.1 Setting the Scene
13.2 Appreciative Inquiry
13.3 Positive Psychology
13.4 Understanding Change
13.5 The Change Process
13.6 What is Emerging for PP and AI in the Field of Organizational Change?
14 Participation and Organizational Commitment during Change: From Utopist to Realist Perspectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Participation and Organizational Commitment
14.3 Employee Participation in Organizational Processes
14.4 Research on Participation in Explicit-Change Settings
14.5 Employee Commitment in Organizational Processes
14.6 Research on Commitment in Explicit-Change Settings
14.7 Discussion and Directions for Further Research
14.8 Conclusion
15 Developmental Approaches for Enhancing Organizational Creativity and Innovation
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Perspective
15.3 Culture
15.4 Developing People
15.5 Structure
15.6 Developing Ideas
15.7 Managing Innovation
15.8 Improving Processes
15.9 Conclusion
16 Individual Readiness for Organizational Change
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Challenges to the Concept of Resistance to Change
16.3 Reconceptualizing Individuals’ Attitudes Towards Organizational Change
16.4 Concluding Remarks
17 Towards an Integration of Stage Theories of Planned Organizational Change
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Stage Theories of Change
17.3 Anti-stage Theories of Planned Organizational Change
17.4 Transtheoretical Model
17.5 The TTM and Organizational Change
18 Culture and Change in Developing Western Countries
18.1 Introduction to Culture and Change
18.2 Theories of organizational change
18.3 Organizational Change in Developing Countries
18.4 Country Profiles
18.5 The Model of Organizational Change in Developing Countries
18.6 The Special Case of Health Care
18.7 The Hospital: A Unique Organizational Environment
18.8 Conclusion
Part III: Organizational Development
19 A Critical Review of Organization Development
19.1 Introduction
19.2 The 1940s and 1950s—Kurt Lewin, NTL,and the Origins of OD
19.3 The 1960s—OD Comes to Maturity
19.4 The 1970s and 1980s—Red Flags and Rivals
19.5 The 1990s and the 2000s—OD Lost and Found?
19.6 Conclusion: OD in the 21st Century—a Time for Cautious Optimism
20 The Application of Systems Theory to Organizational Diagnosis
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Readiness for Change: Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo
20.3 The Scientific Method: An Approach to Organizational Diagnosis
20.4 A Brief History of Systems Theory
20.5 Conclusions: STS Models and Organizational Diagnosis
21 Organizational-development Research Interventions: Perspectives from Action Research and Collaborative Management Research
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Foundations
21.3 Clustering OD interventions
21.4 Discussion and future research
21.5 Conclusions
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