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Imperial Library
Foreword: The Debate on Pedophilia
Man-Boy Relationships: Different Concepts for a Diversity of Phenomena
Pederasty Among Primitives: Institutionalized Initiation and Cultic Prostitution
The Thera Inscriptions — Ritual or Slander?
The Historic Origins of Penal Statutes Concerning Sexual Activities Involving Children and Adolescents
Man-Boy Friendships on Trial: On the Shift in the Discourse on Boy Love in the Early Twentieth Century
Boys in Art. The Artist and His Model: Ferdinand and Hector Hodler. A New Approach.
Ephebophilia and the Creation of a Spiritual Myth in the Works of Ralph Nicholas Chubb
‘The Main Thing Is Being Wanted’: Some Case Studies on Adult Sexual Experiences with Children
Boy-Lovers and Their Influence on Boys: Distorted Research and Anecdotal Observations
Man-Boy Lovers: Assessment, Counseling, and Psychotherapy
A Model for Group Counseling with Male Pedophiles
Tolerance at Arm’s Length: The Dutch Experience
Understanding Childhood Sexualities
Man/Boy Love and the American Gay Movement
The Study of Intergenerational Intimacy in North America: Beyond Politics and Pedophilia
Objectivity and Ideology: Criticism of Theo Sandfort’s Research on Man-Boy Sexual Relations
Response to Bauserman
Response to the Bauserman Critique
Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia
Loving Boys: A Multidisciplinary Study of Sexual Relations Between Adult and Minor Males, Volume 1, by Edward Brongersma
Boys on Their Contacts with Men: A Study of Sexually Expressed Friendships, by Theo Sandfort
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