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Imperial Library
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Part I Introduction
1. India and the World
2. Five Approaches to the Study of Indian Foreign Policy
3. Theorizing India’s Foreign Relations
Part II Evolution of Indian Foreign Policy
4. The Foreign Policy of the Raj and Its Legacy
5. Before Midnight: Views on International Relations, 1857–1947
6. Establishing the Ministry of External Affairs
7. Nehru’s Foreign Policy: Realism and Idealism Conjoined
8. Indira Gandhi’s Foreign Policy: Hard Realism?
9. At the Cusp of Transformation: The Rajiv Gandhi Years, 1984–1989
10. Foreign Policy after 1990: Transformation through Incremental Adaptation
11. India’s National Security
12. Resources
13. India’s International Development Program
14. India’s Soft Power
Part III Institutions and Actors
15. State and Politics
16. The Parliament
17. Officialdom: South Block and Beyond
18. The Private Sector
19. The Media in the Making of Indian Foreign Policy
20. Think-Tanks and Universities
21. Mother India and Her Children Abroad: The Role of the Diaspora in India’s Foreign Policy
22. Public Opinion
23. Indian Scientists in Defence and Foreign Policy
24. The Economic Imperatives Shaping Indian Foreign Policy
Part IV Geography
25. India and the Region
26. China
27. India’s Policy Toward Pakistan
28. Bangladesh
29. India’s Nepal Policy
30. India–Sri Lanka Equation: Geography as Opportunity
31. India’s Bifurcated Look to ‘Central Eurasia’: The Central Asian Republics and Afghanistan
32. The Gulf Region
33. India’s ‘Look East’ Policy
34. The Indian Ocean as India’s Ocean
Part V Key Partnerships
35. US–India Relations: The Struggle for an Enduring Partnership
36. Western Europe
37. India and Russia: The Anatomy and Evolution of a Relationship
38. Brazil: Fellow Traveler on the Long and Winding Road to Grandeza
39. Israel: A Maturing Relationship
40. India and South Africa
41. Unbreakable Bond: Africa in India’s Foreign Policy
Part VI Multilateral Diplomacy
42. India and Global Governance
43. India and the United Nations: Or Things Fall Apart
44. India and the International Financial Institutions
45. India’s Contemporary Plurilateralism
46. India in the International Trading System
47. Multilateralism in India’s Nuclear Policy: A Questionable Default Option
48. Multilateral Diplomacy on Climate Change
Part VII Looking Ahead
49. India’s Rise: The Search for Wealth and Power in the Twenty-First Century
50. Rising or Constrained Power?
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