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Imperial Library
Historical Claims
Puzzles and Cautions
The Priority of Public Monitoring
Variations among States
Variations within States
National Styles of Stealth Torture
Torture and Democracy
Does Torture Work?
Who Cares?
I Torture and Democracy
1 Modern Torture and Its Observers
Defining Torture
Monitoring Torture
2 Torture and Democracy
The National Security Model
The Juridical Model
The Civic Discipline Model
Hell Is in the Details
II Remembering Stalinism and Nazism
3 Lights, Heat, and Sweat
Sweating and Stealth in America
British Psychological Techniques
Interrogation Elsewhere in Europe
Sweating and Stealth in Russia
The Spread of the Russian Style
Remembering Pavlov
4 Whips and Water
Labussière’s List
Documenting Nazi Torture
Torture in Germany
Torture in Nazi-Occupied Europe
Remembering the War
5 Bathtubs
Masuy’s Bathtub
Marty’s Magneto
The French Gestapo and Electric Torture
The Decline of Sweating and Stealth
The German Gestapo and Modern Torture
Remembering Nuremberg
The Search for Electric Torture
III A History of Electric Stealth
6 Shock
The AC/DC Controversy and the Electric Chair
The Mystery of Electric Death
Early Police Devices
The Mystery of Shock
Early Medical Devices
Transmitting Shock
Later Medical Devices
Remembering the Animals
7 Magnetos
What Is a Magneto?
Indochina, 1931
Out of Indochina
Korea, 1931
Out of Korea
The Lost History of the Magneto
French and British Electrotorture after World War II
The Colonial Police and Wuillaume’s List
The Triumph of the Gégène
Algeria, 1960
Remembering the Gestapo
8 Currents
South Vietnamese Torture
Vietnam, 1968
Bell Telephone Hour
Out of Vietnam Again
Variation within the French Style
Cattle Prods
The Electric Cornucopia
Remembering Vietnam
9 Singing the World Electric
When Electrotorture Was New
Explaining Clean Electrotorture
Crafting Electrotorture
Surging Forward
The Americas
Middle East and North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Europe and Central Asia
Explaining the Surge
Remembering the Cold War
10 Prods, Tasers, and Stun Guns
Electric Utopia
Electric-Free Protest
Stun Technology
Covering America
Remembering Eutopia
11 Stun City
Magneto Torture in Chicago
Stun and Torture
Tasers and Torture
Burning Issues
Stun and Democracy
But No One Died
Civic Shock
Welcome to Stun City
IV Other Stealth Traditions
12 Sticks and Bones
Clean Whipping
Beating Feet
Remembering Slaves and Sailors
13 Water, Sleep, and Spice
Showers and Ice
Salt and Spice
Deprivation of Sleep
Remembering the Inquisition
14 Stress and Duress
Great and Lesser Stress Traditions
British Stress Tortures
French Stress Tortures
American Stress Tortures
Authoritarian Adaptations
Remembering the Eighteenth Century
15 Forced Standing and Other Positions
Old Users after the War
Positional Tortures in the Communist World
Positional Tortures in the Non-Communist World
The Universal Distributor Hypothesis Revisited
Remembering the Hooded Men
16 Fists and Exercises
Clean Beating
Adapting “the Necktie”
Exhaustion Exercises
Remembering the Grunts and the Cops
17 Old and New Restraints
Bucking (the Parrot’s Perch)
The Crapaudine 349 Standing Handcuffs
Adapting Old Restraints
The Shabeh
Remembering the Allied POWs
18 Noise
Low-Technology Noise
High-Technology Noise
The CIA and Sensory Deprivation Boxes
Beyond the Laboratory
Principles and Guinea Pigs
Remembering Evil
19 Drugs and Doctors
Police and Drugs
The CIA and Drugs
The Decline of Pharmacological Torture
Soviet Pharmacological Torture
Communist Pyschoprisons
Lines of Defense
Remembering the Prison Doctors
V Politics and Memory
20 Supply and Demand for Clean Torture
Historical Claims
The Priority of Public Monitoring
Variations among and within States
National Styles of Stealth Torture
The Strength of Low Technology
The Power of Whispers
Why Styles Change
Disciplinary Interventions
The Demand for Torture
21 Does Torture Work?
Can Torture Be Scientific?
Can Torture Be Restrained?
Does Technology Help?
Can Torture Be Professionally Conducted?
Works Better Than What?
Is Anything Better Than Nothing?
How Well Do Interrogators Spot the Truth?
How Well Do Cooperative Prisoners Remember?
How Good Is the Intelligence Overall?
Even When Time Is Short?
Remembering the Questions
22 What the Apologists Say
Remembering the Battle of Algiers
Information in the Battle of Algiers
French Interrogation Units
Coerced Information in the Algerian War
Saving Innocents, Losing Wars
Gestapo Stories
Stories from the Resistance
CIA Stories
The Interrogation of Al Qaeda
Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo
Testimonial Literature from Other Conflicts
Remembering Abu Ghraib
23 Why Governments Don’t Learn
How Knowledge Does Not Accumulate
How Knowledge Is Not Analyzed
How Torture Warrants Might Help
Regulating Torture
Variations in Regulative Failure
Stealth and the Regulation of Torture
How Knowledge Does Not Matter
Remembering the Soldiers
24 The Great Age of Torture in Modern Memory
The Great Rift
The Architecture of Amnesia
The Designs of Genius
Demons in the City
Algerian Souvenirs
Caring for the Memories
A A List of Clean Tortures
B Issues of Method
C Organization and Explanations
D A Note on Sources for American Torture during the Vietnam War
Selected Bibliography
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