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Title Page
Praise for Tech Stress
Part 1: How Technology Is Hijacking Our Lives
1: Getting Back in Sync
2: Genetics: We’re Hardwired Like Ancient Hunters
Hardwired for Danger
Evolutionary Traps Defined
3: Stress: Do I Feel Safe?
When the Reptilian Brain Takes Charge
What You Can Do about Stress
4: A Closer Look at Stress
How the Brain Sorts Out Stress
Understanding the Freeze Response
Stressed or Hypervigilant?
Safe? Risky? or Life-Threatening?
Breath: The Mirror of Your Reactivity
A Threat or a Stimulating Challenge?
What You Can Do
5: Inactivity: Why Sitting Is the New Smoking
Sitting Nine Hours a Day
Creating a Dynamic Workstyle
What You Can Do
6: Strain: How Strain Causes Pain
Documenting the Role of Tension in Injury
What You Can Do
7: Am I Addicted to My Phone?
The Addictive Nature of Media
Evolutionary Traps Revisited
Knowledge Is Power, unless It’s Fake News
A Culture of Immediacy
Multitasking, Interruptions, and Distractions
Reducing the Risk of an Accident
Is My Phone Dumbing Me Down?
What You Can Do
8: Is My Phone Depressing Me?
Posture, Strain, and Pain
How Posture Can Drain Energy
Slouching Can Drive Down Your Hormones
Practical Things You Can Do About Your Posture
9: Caught Up in the 24/7 Lifestyle?
The Importance of Biorhythms
Consequences of Shift Work and Sleep Debt
Astronauts and the 24/7 Lifestyle
Virtual Binging
Jet Lag, Sleep Lag, and Life Lag
What You Can Do
10: Living a Virtual Life?
Farmer to Office Worker in Just Eighty Years
Social Life in the New Economy
Our Kids Living Virtual Lives
Part 2: Coping Strategies
11: Thirty Hacks for Sleep
Fear of the Dark
The Downside of Artificial Light
Restorative Sleep
Thirty Things You Can Do to Get to Sleep
12: Getting Off the Grid
13: Hangry? Low Blood Sugar?
14: Taking Microbreaks
15: Dynamic Movement (a.k.a. Exercise)
The Ideal Workout
How Often Do I Need to Exercise?
Getting Started
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
High-Level Fitness
Parenting: Finding the Time to Exercise
Make Yourself a Priority
16: Coping with Chronic Stress
We’re Hardwired to Respond to Stress, but Not 24/7/365
How Chronic Stress Differs from Crisis Stress
Gender Differences in Stress
Know Your Coping Style: Fight or Flight?
What You Can Do
17: Skills for Sanity
17.1. Identifying Energy Drains and Gains—Reclaiming Lost Energy
17.2. The Importance of Choice
17.3. Knowing Who You Are
17.4. Asking for What You Need
17.5. Sharing Gratitude
18: Reframing
18.1. Turning Failure into Success
18.2. Using Imagery to Change a Habit
18.3. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk: Thought Stopping
18.4. Rethinking Traumas from the Past
18.5. Celebrating What You’ve Done Right
19: Overcoming Burnout
The Stress Curve
Transforming Chronic Stress
20: Recovering from Injury
Make Healing Your Priority
Case Study: Biofeedback
Creating the Basis for Healing
Additional Resources for Recovery
Part 3: Practical Ergonomics
21: The Basics
1. Everyone Is Different: There Is No “Average” Person
2. Arrange Your Physical Environment to Fit Your Body—to Your Specific Height, Weight, and Proportions—to the Extent That You Can
3. Uncomfortable Posture Is a Risk Factor for Injury
4. Remind Yourself That Adaptations Are Usually a Compromise
5. Ergonomics Is Only One Piece of the Puzzle
Who Pays for What?
22: Which Desk? Which Chair?
The New Workstyle
Optimizing Your Chair
Cost-Effective Ergonomics
Choosing a Chair
Re-envisioning the Desk
Options for a Desk
23: Monitors and Mice
Adjusting the Monitor
24: Laptops, Tablets, and Phablets
Optimizing Your Laptop
Sharing a Desk at the Office
Working in a Coffee Shop
On the Road
Hotel Rooms
Working Informally at Home
At the End of the Day
25: Minimizing Risk
EMF: Knowing Your Risks
Promoting Balance in Our Children’s Lives
26: Final Thoughts
Acknowledgments: A Note from Erik Peper
Appendix A
Appendix B
Tech Stress Reading and References
Part 1. How Technology Is Hijacking Our Lives
Part 2. Coping Strategies
Part 3. Practical Ergonomics
About the Authors
About North Atlantic Books
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