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Other Books by This Author
Title Page
The Magician’s Nephew
I: The Wrong Door
II: Digory and his Uncle
III: The Wood Between the Worlds
IV: The Bell and the Hammer
V: The Deplorable Word
VI: The Beginning of Uncle Andrew’s Troubles
VII: What Happened at the Front Door
VIII: The Fight at the Lamp-Post
IX: The Founding of Narnia
X: The First Joke and Other Matters
XI: Digory and his Uncle are Both in Trouble
XII: Strawberry’s Adventure
XIII: An Unexpected Meeting
XIV: The Planting of the Tree
XV: The End of this Story and the Beginning of all the Others
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
I: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
II: What Lucy Found There
III: Edmund and the Wardrobe
IV: Turkish Delight
V: Back on this Side of the Door
VI: Into the Forest
VII: A Day With the Beavers
VIII: What Happened After Dinner
IX: In the Witch’s House
X: The Spell Begins to Break
XI: Aslan is Nearer
XII: Peter’s First Battle
XIII: Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time
XIV: The Triumph of the Witch
XV: Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time
XVI: What Happened About the Statues
XVII: The Hunting of the White Stag
The Horse and His Boy
I: How Shasta Set Out on His Travels
II: A Wayside Adventure
III: At the Gates of Tashbaan
IV: Shasta Falls in with the Narnians
V: Prince Corin
VI: Shasta Among the Tombs
VII: Aravis in Tashbaan
VIII: In the House of the Tisroc
IX: Across the Desert
X: The Hermit of the Southern March
XI: The Unwelcome Fellow Traveller
XII: Shasta in Narnia
XIII: The Fight at Anvard
XIV: How Bree Became a Wiser Horse
XV: Rabadash the Ridiculous
Prince Caspian
I: The Island
II: The Ancient Treasure House
III: The Dwarf
IV: The Dwarf Tells of Prince Caspian
V: Caspian’s Adventure in the Mountains
VI: The People that Lived in Hiding
VII: Old Narnia in Danger
VIII: How They Left the Island
IX: What Lucy Saw
X: The Return of the Lion
XI: The Lion Roars
XII: Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
XIII: The High King in Command
XIV: How All Were Very Busy
XV: Aslan Makes A Door in the Air
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I: The Picture in the Bedroom
II: On Board the Dawn Treader
III: The Lone Islands
IV: What Caspian Did There
V: The Storm and What Came of It
VI: The Adventures of Eustace
VII: How the Adventure Ended
VIII: Two Narrow Escapes
IX: The Island of the Voices
X: The Magician’s Book
XI: The Dufflepuds Made Happy
XII: The Dark Island
XIII: The Three Sleepers
XIV: The Beginning of the End of the World
XV: The Wonders of the Last Sea
XVI: The Very End of the World
The Silver Chair
I: Behind the Gym
II: Jill is Given a Task
III: The Sailing of the King
IV: A Parliament of Owls
V: Puddleglum
VI: The Wild Waste Lands of the North
VII: The Hill of the Strange Trenches
VIII: The House of Harfang
IX: How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
X: Travels Without the Sun
XI: In the Dark Castle
XII: The Queen of Underland
XIII: Underland Without the Queen
XIV: The Bottom of the World
XV: The Disappearance of Jill
XVI: The Healing of Harms
The Last Battle
I: By Caldron Pool
II: The Rashness of the King
III: The Ape in its Glory
IV: What Happened That Night
V: How Help Came to the King
VI: A Good Night’s Work
VII: Mainly About Dwarfs
VIII: What News the Eagle Brought
IX: The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
X: Who Will Go into the Stable?
XI: The Pace Quickens
XII: Through the Stable Door
XIII: How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken In
XIV: Night Falls on Narnia
XV: Further Up and Further In
XVI: Farewell to the Shadowlands
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