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Imperial Library
Prince Lestat
Blood Genesis
Blood Argot
Part I — The Vampire Lestat
1. The Voice
2. Benji Mahmoud
3. Fareed and Seth
4. Trouble in the Talamasca and in the Great Family
Part II — The Open Highway through the Savage Garden
5. The Story of Rose
6. Cyril
7. The Story of Antoine
8. Marius and the Flowers
9. The Story of Gregory
10. Everard de Landen
11. Gremt Stryker Knollys
12. Lestat: The Jungles of the Amazon
13. Marius: Reunion on the Brazilian Shore
14. Rhoshamandes and Benedict
15. Lestat: Be It Ever So Humble
16. Fareed: Moment of Decision
17. Gregory: Trinity Gate. Shall We Dance?
18. Lestat: Sevraine and the Caves of Gold
19. Rhoshamandes: Murder Most Foul
Part III — Ragnarök in the Capital of the World
20. Rose: In the Topless Towers of Midtown
21. Rhoshamandes: The Devil’s Gambit
22. Gregory: Trinity Gate. Inheriting the Wind
23. Lestat: In the Multitude of Counselors
24. Lestat: He Who Cuts the Knot
25. Lestat: The Garden of Love
26. Lestat: Hostages to Fortune
27. Lestat: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Part IV — The Principality of Darkness
28. Lestat: The Prince’s Speech
29. Lestat: Pomp and Circumstance
30. Cyril: The Silence Heard Round the World
31. Rose: The People of the Moon and Stars
32. Louis: “Its Hour Come at Last”
Appendix 1. Characters and Their Chronology
Appendix 2. An Informal Guide to the Vampire Chronicles
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