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School Trip
Jeremy Wilder at the Museum
Stay with the class
Sneak through the blue door
Rush out through the emergency exit to rescue the class
Try and find Ms. Xavier. Maybe you can sneak after the class together
Say you have Ms. Xavier in your pocket
Keep quiet and don’t mention Ms. Xavier
Say you’ll join the Bugman
Tell the Bugman you’d rather die – warning, this ending is too scary for one of the authors!
Sneak through the green door
Volunteer to help Steve find the Bugman
Throw the exploding chewing gum at the ladybug/ladybird
Put your hands up and go to stand by the wall with the two scientists
Stand up for what you believe in
Tell the Bugman you want to join WOE
Stay with Steve and defy the Bugman
Volunteer to help Kennedy find Ms. Xavier and Frankie
Race up to fight off the Ladybug with your laser pen
Suggest you should keep looking for Frankie
Run outside
Decide to join him (ant jaws are pretty ferocious)
Refuse the Bugman’s offer
Press the arrow
Press the red button
Press the green button
Suggest you follow the trail of the class and the Bugman
Tell the journalists you think the Bugman has a hideout under the elephant statue
Tell the journalists you’re just a kid on a school trip
Follow Frankie through the staff only door
Try to grab the remote
Put your hands up
Race over to add sugar to the water bowl
Help Frankie use the string as reins
Keep pulling on the butterfly reins
Tell Frankie to stop pulling on the butterfly reins
Chase after Ms. Xavier to get the remote back
Press the black button and jump in front of the transmogrifier
Press the gray button and jump in front of the transmogrifier
Stay on the butterfly’s back to distract the Bugman
Attack the ant with the mini screwdriver
Continue through to the rest of the exhibit
Team up with Spider Girl
Grab the remote
Rush to save Ms. Xavier
Help Rose distract the Bugman
Team up with the boy drawing the weta
Ask Jeremy Wilder, “Why?”
Join WOS as a spy
Become an entomologist
Stay silent and see what happens
Help Eric look for Ms. Xavier
Tell the Bugman where Eric went
Keep quiet and hope Eric and Ms. Xavier are okay
Obey instructions and grab a terrarium
You choose: Ant. Grasshopper
You choose: Bee. Caterpillar
You choose: Cat. Lepidoptera
Insect Glossary
Praying Mantis
Stick insect
Whip Scorpion
The WOS mailing list is available on Miss Lilly Lionheart’s website
The WOE Mailing list is available on Miss Lilly Lionheart’s website
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