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Imperial Library
1 Power of Discernment
2 Divine Revelation
3 Quickening Power of His Spirit
4 The Holy Spirit
5 Still Small Voice
6 First Person
7 Dark Speeches and Riddles
8 Perceiving Thoughts
9 Audible Voice of Another
10 Audible Voice of God
11 Faith
12 Jesus—Son of God
13 Signs, Wonders, and Miracles
14 Love and Compassion
15 Stillness and Quietness
16 Defining Moments
17 Meditation
18 Wisdom of God
19 Self-Denial and Humility
20 Limited Fleecing
21 Prayer
22 Worship and Praise
23 Life Pauses and Selah Moments
24 Wise Counsel from Others
25 Fasting
26 Dreams
27 Visions
28 Visualization
29 Trances
30 Translation and Transported in the Spirit
31 Spiritual Sight
32 Spiritual Hearing
33 Spiritual Smell and Scents
34 Spiritual Touch
35 Spiritual Taste
36 Under an Open Heaven
37 Holy Spirit Encounters
38 Angels
39 His Glory
40 Apostles
41 Prophets
42 Evangelists
43 Pastors
44 Teachers
45 Calling and Submission to Local Leadership
46 Recurring and Directed Thoughts
47 Gift of Word of Wisdom
48 Gift of Word of Knowledge
49 Gift of Discerning of Spirits
50 Gift of Prophecy
51 Gift of Various Kinds of Tongues
52 Gift of Interpretation of Tongues
53 Gifts of Healing
54 Gift of Working of Miracles
55 Gift of Faith
56 Life Mistakes and Bloopers
57 Impressions
58 Memories
59 Coincidences
60 Circumstances and Divine Appointments
61 Supernatural Visitation and Divine Appearances
62 Anointed Songs, Music, and Dance
63 Prophetic Recognition, Body Checks, and Acts
64 Sanctified Imagination
65 Insight and Inspiration
66 Conscience
67 Creation and Nature
68 Weakness, Pain, and Suffering
69 Gift of Service
70 Gift of Hospitality
71 Gift of Exhortation
72 Gift of Giving
73 Gift of Ruling and Organization
74 Gift of Mercy
75 Gift of Helps
76 Gift of Governments and Administrations
77 Anointed Minstrels, Musicians, and Worship Leaders
78 Ordinary People, Believers, and Strangers
79 Children
80 Spiritually Seasoned Men and Women of God
81 God’s Correction and Judgment
82 Peace of God
83 Journaling, Writing, and Scribing
84 Times and Seasons
85 Holy Spirit Leads, Checks, and Prompts
86 Opportunities
87 The Word of God—Bible
88 Concordance Definitions
89 Bible Dictionaries
90 Bible Versions and Translations
91 Cross References
92 Bible Headers and Margins
93 Biblical Types and Symbolism
94 Biblical Allegories
95 Biblical Colors and Numbers
96 Parables
97 The Inner Witness
98 Movies, Commercials, and Advertisements
99 Animals
100 Arts and Craftsmanship
101 Books and Teaching Resources
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