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Part One:
Section One: Rethinking Small-Group Methodology
Big Idea #1: Think from the Inside Out...Not from the Outside In
Big Idea #2: Think Larger...Not Smaller
BigIdea #3: Think Friends...Not Intimacy
Section Two: Rethinking Small-Group Structure
Big Idea #4: Think Short-Term . . . Not Long-Term
Big Idea #5: Think Promotion Months . . . Not Ongoing Sign-Up
Big Idea #6: Think Church of Small Groups . . . Not with Small Groups
Section Three: Rethinking Small-Group Strategy
Big Idea #7: Think Easy . . . Not Hard
Big Idea #8: Think Ahead . . . Not Behind
Big Idea #9: Think Full Staff Participation . . . Not Staff Specialist
Section Four: Rethinking Small-Group Leadership
Big Idea #10: Think Apprentice . . . Not Expert
Big Idea #11: Think Decentralization . . . Not Staff Control
Big Idea #12: Think Leader Multiplication . . . Not Group Multiplication
Part Two:
Introducing the Four Fs: Focus, Form, Fill and Facilitate
Section One: Focusing Your Groups
Focus Step #1: Evaluate
Focus Step #2: Set Your Calendar
Focus Step #3: Set Your Goals
Focus Step #4: Set Your Structure
Focus Step #5: Build Your List
Section Two: Forming Your Groups
Form Step #1: Make the Big Ask
Form Step #2: Schedule the Team Leader Meeting
Form Step #3: Get Your Groups List Ready
Section Three: Filling Your Groups
Fill Factor #1: One-Step SignUps
Fill Factor #2: Teaching on the Power of Groups
Fill Factor #3: Testimonies, Videos and Dramas
Fill Factor #4: Small-Groups InfoTable
Fill Factor #5: Targeting Specific GroupTypes
Fill Factor #6: The Church-wide Campaign
Fill Factor #7: Newsletters and Mailings
Fill Factor #8: Selling the Previously Sold
Fill Factor #9: Promoting Groups to Newcomers
Fill Factor #10: Creating Urgency
Fill Factor #11: No Sign-Up Left Behind
Section Four: Facilitating Your Groups
Facilitate Principle #1: Training Group Leaders
Facilitate Principle #2: Structuring the First Group Meeting
Facilitate Principle #3: Conducting Week-to-Week Facilitation
Facilitate Principle #4: Conducting Monthly Facilitation
Facilitate Principle #5: Conducting Semester Facilitation
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