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Imperial Library
To the General Reader
To the Judaic Reader
To the Christian Reader
A Note to Would-Be Plagiarists
First, a few Words from the Rabbi
The Principal Sources of the Divine Law99 of the Religion of Orthodox Judaism
The Rabbinic Eras
Deceit Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms
No “Judeo-Christian” Tradition
Judaism’s Hermeneutic of Concealment in Theory and Practice
Power Over the Court System
Non-negotiable Rabbinic Dogma About Which There is No Debate
The Tarnish on Hillel’s Golden Rule
A Gigantic Heap of Self-perpetuating Legal and Textual Arcana
Falsifying Scripture with Gezara Shava
“A Hedge Around the Law”
Permissible Dissimulation through Dispensational Revelation
Modern Protestant View of Judaism
How the Masoretic Text Falsifies the Bible
Rabbis: The Bible Does Not Really Mean What It Says
Judaism’s Fractured Version of Adam, Eve and the Garden
Tyranny and Priestcraft
Strange Qualifications for Biblical Expertise
A Closer Look at “Rabbinic Literature”
“Hold back your children from higayon”
Dead Ritual Fetish: The Torah Scrolls
Nullification through Superstition: The Text as Totem and Fetish
More Gezera Shava “On that Very Day”
The Talmud: A Lawyer’s Book
From Kabbalah to Aggadah: A Sexual Progression
Pagan Reincarnation Dogma Alive in Orthodox Judaism
The Protestant and Catholic Synthesis of Humanism and Magic
Hasidic Paganism Lauded by Elie Wiesel, Martin Buber and U.S. Presidents
Sex Magic Part II
Goddess Worship in Judaism
Kiddush Levanah: Worship of the Moon
“Sexual mysteries at the very heart of Zoharic teaching”
Judaism’s Bible Code Nullifies the Word of God
The Kabbalistic Renaissance “...this task could not be accomplished without the cabala of the Jews”
The Mishnah: “In Splendid Isolation from Scripture”
Judaism’s False Messiah Syndrome
Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2007
The Talmud (with the Kabbalah) is Judaism’s holiest book
The Employment of the term “Antisemitism” as a Weapon in the War of Ideas
The Contents of the Babylonian Talmud: An Overview352
The Historic Record of the Christian Witness Concerning Judaism
The Authority of the Talmud
The Talmud in the Toilet
Talmudic Interpretation of Scripture
The Wisdom of the Talmud
The Superiority of Jews
The Inferiority of Gentiles
Gentile not a brother or a neighbor
Jews May Kill Non-Jews
Forbidden to praise a gentile:
Gentiles are not to be trusted to prepare or cook food for Jews:
The Talmud and Women
Christians in the Talmud
Jesus in the Talmud
The Modern Line: Blame the Romans, anyone but the Pharisees
The Institutionalization of Child Molestation in the Religion of Judaism Sexual Intercourse with Boys Less than Nine Years of Age: “Not a Significant Act”
The Halacha of Mesirah
Sexual Intercourse with Little Girls is Permissible
Genocide Advocated by the Talmud
Goldstein’s Massacre at the Mosque
Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis visit Idaho
The Banality of Evil
Talmudic Doctrine: All Opposition to Judaism is Representative of the Blind, Irrational Hatred that Esau had for Jacob
The Halachos of Manslaughter: “Lifting and Lowering”
Moses Maimonides: the West’s Favorite Rabbinic Worker of Iniquity
Divine Mandate to Kill Jesus Christ and Christians
Maimonides and Islam
The Rabbinic World in the Pre-Modern Age “...one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind”
Maimonides and Islam, Part II
Noachide Hoax: Judaism Actually Disparages the Noah of the Bible
Maimonides: Premiere Anti-Black Racist
The Legend of Maimonides the Humanitarian, as told by the New York Times
The Rabbinic Texts: The Most Virulent Source of Anti-Black Racism in the West
Maimonides and Kabbalah
Kaparot: The Sin Chicken
The Talmudic Man who was Reincarnated as a Talking Fish
Holy Paganism
Another Hoax: The Schindler’s List Quote
Non-Jews are “Supernal Refuse”
Desecration of Crucifixes / Spitting
Cursing the homes and graves of gentiles Cursing Cemeteries and the Graves of Christians and Gentiles
Ritual Murder
The Case of Ariel Toaff
Excerpts from the introductory sections of Ariel Toaff’s “Blood Passover” (“Pasque di Sangue”)
Judaism’s hatred for Christians is remarkable in the depth of its antagonism
Deceit and Dissimulation in Judaism, Part II
In the Time of Nicholas Donin
In the Time of Pfefferkorn
Martin Luther
Immanuel Kant
Opponents of Judaism Who Died at the Hands of the Nazis
Johann Reuchlin’s Statement on Kabbalah and the Rabbinic “Glosses” on Scripture:
The Talmud and the Papal “Index Expurgatorius”
U.S. Government Lays the Groundwork for Talmudic Courts
Sodomy in the Synagogue
Homosexual Molestation of Infants in the Circumcision Rite (“Bris”) of Orthodox Judaism
Orthodox Judaism: A Homo-Erotic Culture
The Rabbinic Hatred of Women
“Phariseeism Begins in Menstrual Blood”
Inside the “Menstrual Science” of the Rabbis
The X-Rated Talmud
The Rabbinic Penchant for Spinning Tall Tales
Judaism and Kabbalah: An Inseparable Unity
Pulsa D’nura
The Golem of Prague
Rabbi Judah Loew and Queen Elizabeth’s Dr. John Dee
The Challenge to Christianity
The Secret of Purim
Who are the Jews Today?
Judaic Opposition to Judaism
Moses Hess and the Secret Relationship between Judaism, Zionism and Communism
Judaism’s “Family Values” — Abortion
True and False Christian Zionism
Misnamed “Jews” Are not the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Converts and Conversions
Yom Tov: Holy Days and Observances
The Hanukkah Hoax
The Hebrew Calendar
Pesach (Passover)
The Ninth of Av (Tisha B’Av)
Totalitarian Obligation to Obey the Rabbis in All Things
Rosh Hashanah
Sukkot (The Feast of Booths)
The Attire of the Pharisaic Male
The Kosher (“Kashrut”) Food Racket
Business Ethics
Yom Kippur: The Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows
Critics, Criticism and Apologetics
The Western Wall of the Temple: Not
Criticism of Michael Hoffman’s Research
The Talmudic Mentality
Appendix I
Appendix II
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