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Imperial Library
1: Growing Up With War
War is death and suffering
Propaganda is war’s ally
War hurts the economy
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the illusion of political parties
The aspiration to end war, the reality of perpetual war
What to like and not like about Ike
I was no hero in the Air Force
Promoting peace, overcoming the war propagandists
2: Our Peaceful Nature
The Christmas truce
Moments of compassion among World War II fighting
3: Opposing War in Congress
4: Peace Is the Answer
Isaiah and the Prince of Peace
Swiss neutrality
5: Why Do the People Support the Wars?
The neoconservatives’ love of war
Spreading truth can build resistance to war
6: Pursuing US Empire
The French Jacobins’ philosophy behind US Empire
International arrangements advancing war
7: The War Issue
War is economically destructive
War in the age of plenty
Killing in the name of God
A revolutionary change in attitude
8: Foreign Policy and War
From peacemaker promises to war-maker reality
Bipartisan foreign policy and suppression of dissent
Don’t let bad laws hang around
The world slips from US control
9: Foreign Policy and Economics
War spending takes butter from the dinner table
Replacing bad ideas with good
What ideas will rise when the US Empire falls?
10: Central Bank Influence on Foreign Policy
Wage and price controls
The path to war
Opportunity in the dollar collapse
11: A Unilateral Declaration of Peace
12: Strong Leaders and Foreign Affairs
13: War Clichés, Miscalculations, and Tragic Consequences
War wounded as political props
The “blame America first crowd”
The peril of entangling alliances
Fear and hate
War turns out worse than expected
14: Drone Warfare
15: Suicide Terrorism
16: The Dictators
Dictators, big and small
Challenging the dictators
Apathy about dictators
Throwing out the dictators
A uniting mission for antigovernment movements
17: Isolationism v. Noninterventionism
Interventionism’s destructive power
Moving toward a peaceful foreign policy
18: Suicide by American Veterans
19: Making America Safe for Empire
The path away from liberty
Tyranny takes hold
The 9/11 boost to US Empire
Truth is treason in empire
The police state
The destructive US Empire and Global War on Terror
20: Diplomacy, Not Compromise, in Foreign Policy
Compromising the US into empire, tyranny, and bankruptcy
Start minding our own business
21: The Revolution’s Potential
Learning the truth from the whistle-blowers
Changed views concerning war
Government on the defensive
The American intellectual contest
Power corrupts
Decentralization and nullification
Soviet collapse
China changes
Arab Spring
America’s Freedom Revolution
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