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Contents at a Glance
1. Relational Database Design Using Oracle
Position the Server Technologies
The Oracle Server Architecture
The Oracle WebLogic Server
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Computing
Exercise 1-1: Investigate Your Database and Application Environment
Development Tools and Languages
Understand Relational Structures
Real-World Scenarios
Data Modeling
Entities and Relations
Exercise 1-2: Design an Entity-Relationship Diagram for the Geological Cores Scenario
Rows and Tables
Summarize the SQL Language
SQL Standards
SQL Commands
A Set-Oriented Language
Use the Client Tools
SQL Developer
Create the Demonstration Schemas
Users and Schemas
The HR and OE Schemas
Demonstration Schema Creation
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
2. Data Retrieval Using the SQL SELECT Statement
List the Capabilities of SQL SELECT Statements
Introducing the SQL SELECT Statement
The DESCRIBE Table Command
Exercise 2-1: Describing the Human Resources Schema
Capabilities of the SELECT Statement
Execute a Basic SELECT Statement
The Primitive SELECT Statement
Syntax Rules
Exercise 2-2: Answering Our First Questions with SQL
SQL Expressions and Operators
The NULL Concept
Exercise 2-3: Experimenting with Expressions and the DUAL Table
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
3. Restricting and Sorting Data
Limit the Rows Retrieved by a Query
The WHERE clause
Comparison Operators
Exercise 3-1: Using the LIKE Operator
Boolean Operators
Precedence Rules
Sort the Rows Retrieved by a Query
The ORDER BY Clause
Exercise 3-2: Sorting Data Using the ORDER BY Clause
Ampersand Substitution
Substitution Variables
Define and Verify
Exercise 3-3: Using Ampersand Substitution
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
4. Single-Row Functions
Describe Various Types of Functions Available in SQL
Defining a Function
Types of Functions
Use Character, Number, and Date Functions in SELECT Statements
Using Character Case Conversion Functions
Exercise 4-1: Using the Case Conversion Functions
Using Character Manipulation Functions
Exercise 4-2: Using the Character Manipulation Functions
Using Numeric Functions
Working with Dates
Using Date Functions
Exercise 4-3: Using the Date Functions
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
5. Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
Describe Various Types of Conversion Functions Available in SQL
Conversion Functions
Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE Conversion Functions
Using the Conversion Functions
Exercise 5-1: Converting Dates into Characters Using the TO_CHAR Function
Apply Conditional Expressions in a SELECT Statement
Nested Functions
General Functions
Exercise 5-2: Using NULLIF and NVL2 for Simple Conditional Logic
Conditional Functions
Exercise 5-3: Using the DECODE Function
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
6. Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
Describe the Group Functions
Definition of Group Functions
Types and Syntax of Group Functions
Identify the Available Group Functions
Using the Group Functions
Exercise 6-1: Using the Group Functions
Nested Group Functions
Group Data Using the GROUP BY Clause
Creating Groups of Data
The GROUP BY Clause
Grouping by Multiple Columns
Exercise 6-2: Grouping Data Based on Multiple Columns
Include or Exclude Grouped Rows Using the HAVING Clause
Restricting Group Results
The HAVING Clause
Exercise 6-3: Using the HAVING Clause
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
7. Displaying Data from Multiple Tables
Write SELECT Statements to Access Data from More Than One Table Using Equijoins and Nonequijoins
Types of Joins
Joining Tables Using ANSI SQL Syntax
Qualifying Ambiguous Column Names
Exercise 7-1: Using the NATURAL JOIN
The JOIN ON Clause
Exercise 7-2: Using the NATURAL JOIN…ON Clause
N-Way Joins and Additional Join Conditions
Join a Table to Itself Using a Self-Join
Joining a Table to Itself Using the JOIN…ON Clause
Exercise 7-3: Performing a Self-Join
View Data That Does Not Meet a Join Condition by Using Outer Joins
Inner versus Outer Joins
Left Outer Joins
Right Outer Joins
Full Outer Joins
Exercise 7-4: Performing an Outer-Join
Generate a Cartesian Product of Two or More Tables
Creating Cartesian Products Using Cross Joins
Exercise 7-5: Performing a Cross-Join
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
8. Using Subqueries to Solve Problems
Define Subqueries
Exercise 8-1: Types of Subqueries
Describe the Types of Problems That the Subqueries Can Solve
Use of a Subquery Result Set for Comparison Purposes
Star Transformation
Generate a Table from Which to SELECT
Generate Values for Projection
Generate Rows to be Passed to a DML Statement
Exercise 8-2: More Complex Subqueries
List the Types of Subqueries
Single- and Multiple-Row Subqueries
Correlated Subqueries
Exercise 8-3: Investigate the Different Types of Subqueries
Write Single-Row and Multiple-Row Subqueries
Exercise 8-4: Write a Query That Is Reliable and User Friendly
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
9. Using the Set Operators
Describe the Set Operators
Sets and Venn Diagrams
Set Operator General Principles
Exercise 9-1: Describe the Set Operators
Use a Set Operator to Combine Multiple Queries into a Single Query
The UNION ALL Operator
The UNION Operator
The INTERSECT Operator
The MINUS Operator
More Complex Examples
Exercise 9-2: Using the Set Operators
Control the Order of Rows Returned
Exercise 9-3: Control the Order of Rows Returned
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
10. Manipulating Data
Describe Each Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statement
DML Statement Failures
Insert Rows into a Table
Exercise 10-1: Use the INSERT Command
Update Rows in a Table
Exercise 10-2: Use the UPDATE Command
Delete Rows from a Table
Removing Rows with DELETE
Exercise 10-3: Use the DELETE Command
Removing Rows with TRUNCATE
Control Transactions
Database Transactions
The Transaction Control Statements
Exercise 10-4: Use the COMMIT and ROLLBACK Commands
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
11. Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables
Categorize the Main Database Objects
Object Types
Users and Schemas
Naming Schema Objects
Object Namespaces
Exercise 11-1: Determine What Objects Are Accessible to Your Session
Review the Table Structure
Exercise 11-2: Investigate Table Structures
List the Data Types That Are Available for Columns
Exercise 11-3: Investigate the Data Types in the HR schema
Create a Simple Table
Creating Tables with Column Specifications
Creating Tables from Subqueries
Altering Table Definitions After Creation
Dropping and Truncating Tables
Exercise 11-4: Create Tables
Explain How Constraints Are Created at the Time of Table Creation
The Types of Constraints
Defining Constraints
Exercise 11-5: Work with Constraints
Two-Minute Drill
Q&A Self Test
Lab Question
Self Test Answers
Lab Answer
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