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Title Page
How cats work
Cat construction
1 Getting about
2 Jumping
3 Balancing act
4 Cat’s eyes
5 The cat’s whiskers
6 Hearing a pin drop
7 Smelling and tasting
8 An additional sense
9 Teeth
10 Paws and claws
Do cats have an intellect?
11 Brain
12 Fight and flight
13 Acting on instinct
14 Memory
15 Curiosity
16 It’s in the genes
A cat’s life
The territorial cat
17 Homeground
18 Leaving a mark
19 Declaring ownership
20 The search for prey
21 ‘Playing’ with prey
22 The deadly dazing pounce
Observations on a hunting cat
23 Cats on the hunt
24 Cat naps
25 Sleep behaviour
26 Dozing places
27 Waking
28 Washing
Cat families
The cat as a symbol of fertility
29 Sex and fertility
30 Courtship
31 Mating
32 Pregnancy
33 Having kittens
34 Feeding the kittens
Growing up fast!
35 Sexing kittens
36 Problems in the litter
37 Imprinting
38 Weaning
39 Learning about hunting
40 Kitten play
Cat behaviour
Social structure in feral cats
41 Making friends
42 Adult play
43 Making faces
44 Ear signals
45 Tail play
46 Tail signals
47 The witches’ cat
48 Scaredy cat
49 Clingy cat
50 Territorial disputes
51 Full scale fights
52 Dogs and cats
53 Cat talk – meow, trill, chirp
54 Cat chat
55 Silent meow
56 Purring
57 Paddling and purring
58 Eye-to-eye
Keeping cats
Domesticating the cat
59 Why we keep cats
60 Why cats like us
61 Moggies versus breeds
62 Breed characters
An introduction to cat breeds
63 Odd cats
64 Cats and new homes
65 Mealtimes
66 Hair care
67 Communicating with your cat
68 Catflaps
69 Using a collar and lead
70 Travelling cats
71 Keeping more than one cat
72 A good age
73 Neutering and vaccinating
74 The indoor cat
75 The attraction of catnip
76 Sleeping with your cat
77 Stress busting
78 Lap cat
79 Let’s play
80 Cat school
Cat troubles
Hybrid vigour
81 Fleas
82 Ticks and other external parasites
83 Internal parasites
84 Confinement stress
85 Excessive grooming
86 Eating houseplants
87 Fouling indoors
88 Not burying droppings
89 Spraying indoors
90 Damaging furniture
91 Dangerous climbing
92 Rough play
93 Aggressive behaviour
94 Armpit rubbing
95 Eating odd items
96 Getting too friendly
97 Bringing home prey
98 Fat cats
99 Fussy eaters
100 Roaming
Picture credits
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