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Imperial Library
Title Page
Book 4 - Prologue: The Conclave of Judgement
1. The Plutocrat
2. The New Warden
3. A Plea For Help
4. High Altitude Interception
5. A Desperate Struggle
6. Psychotic Warship
7. Student vs Teacher
8. Captor and Captive
9. Canyon Access
10. The Battle For Woodland Vale Begins
11. Opening the Door
12. Buying Time
13. Stone's Awakening
14. Super Mutants
15. The Godtree
16. The Dragon
17. The Elder's Conspiracy
18. Secret of the Mausoleum
19. A Complicated Plight
20. Thrall-Collar
21. Thwarted By Dragons
22. Dead Heat
23. Last Light of a Setting Sun
24. The Forbidden Area
25. The Charnel Tree
26. Unremitting Danger
27. Another Narrow Escape
28. Hidden Secret
29. Between the Hammer and the Anvil
30. Divide and Conquer
31. Confronting Adder
32. Mirror Crystal
33. Adder's Strength
34. Invincible
35. Just A Little More
36. Downfall
37. Shepherd's Descent
38. Power of Faith
39. Eternal Warrior Spirit
40. Someone Who Can Fight
41. Skycloud's War-God
42. Best Case Scenario
43. Collaboration
44. Adder's Final Request
45. A Distant Figure
46. A Clean Break
47. Fireside Chat
48. The No-Good, Foul, Unreasonable Polaris Ploy
49. Martyr's Twilight
50. Hard-Fought Leisure Time
51. Art
52. To The Battle Lines
53. Familiar Faces
54. Union of Demons and Gods
55. The Northern Settlement
56. Decisive Engagement
57. Between the Hammer and Anvil
58. Can't Afford To Lose
59. Stirring Things Up
60. Cutting Off the Head
61. Intrusion
62. The Mission Begins
63. Revealed
64. Public Enemy
65. The Plight
66. Power Discrepancy
67. Fury of the Master Demonhunter
68. Grievous Harm
69. Sublime Transcendence
70. Apex Attack
71. Beyond All Expectations
72. Surprise Schemes
73. An Eighteen Year Grudge
74. Arcturus' Game
75. Assassination
76. War God's Fall
77. Dismal News
78. Fortitude
79. The Ancient Vessel
80. Siegebreaker
81. Survival
82. Castigation Fire
83. Hemmed In
84. Coal's Revenge
85. Reinforcements
86. King of the Wasteland
87. The Conclave Assembly
88. The Hand of Gehenna
89. Cutting the Weeds, Razing the Roots
90. Sentencing
91. Winning Them Over
92. Boiling the Seas
93. The Oracle
94. Divine Judgement
95. Contaminant
96. Escaping the Elysian Lands
97. Next!
98. Farewells
99. Arcturus Acts
100. A Warrior's Honor
101. A Torn Sleeve
102. Salvation
103. Beaten Bloody
104. Wolfblade's True Identity
105. Aftermath
106. The Purpose of Eboncrys
107. Making an Exorcist Staff
108. The Refiner
109. Leading Through
110. Exploring
111. Returning to the Southern Wilds
Epilogue - Death of a Tycoon
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