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Imperial Library
PART ONE: The World’s End
CHAPTER 1: Here deeds have understood the words they were darkened by
CHAPTER 2: Hard studies all, which have cost me dear
CHAPTER 3: By indirection, find direction out
CHAPTER 4: I am part of that part which once, when all began, was all there was
CHAPTER 5: We all seek what enlightenment we can
CHAPTER 6: A home in dark grass
PART TWO: Judging Distances
CHAPTER 7: And my brother is part of the ocean
CHAPTER 8: Now my voice is heard, who knows by whom?
CHAPTER 9: Movement between strange locales
CHAPTER 10: No wiser than when I began
CHAPTER 11: Deep in the soul of impulse, memory
CHAPTER 12: Circumstance and time conspire
CHAPTER 13: The play becomes clear when all the actors are dead
CHAPTER 14: Are they living still, those friends scattered to the world’s ends?
CHAPTER 15: I am part of the Darkness before man
CHAPTER 16: The powers of Nature all about me lay revealed
CHAPTER 17: I, for this, have been committed
PART THREE: The sky is darkened as I descend the stair
CHAPTER 18: And in trust itself, the greatest trap
CHAPTER 19: All that I now possess seems to me far away
CHAPTER 20: The art of our necessities is strange
CHAPTER 21: Death stands in the background, but do not be afraid
CHAPTER 22: A dance so complex even the dancer forgets the steps
CHAPTER 23: Infinite hush in an ocean of silence
CHAPTER 24: Full of high state and woe
CHAPTER 25: I saw the struggle of intellect against darkness
CHAPTER 26: Dull to the betrayal of their own decay
CHAPTER 27: Uncertain shapes, visitors from the past
CHAPTER 28: So even Hell has laws?
CHAPTER 29: I crave for death, I long for rest
CHAPTER 30: I’ve watched and waited for your light
CHAPTER 31: The clock hands fall, and time comes to an end for me
EPILOGUE: To Hinder a Gentleman from Hell, Part 2
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