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Title Page
Taking the Pulse
Spotlight Artists
Section One: The Artistic Ingredient
If your artwork could talk, what would it say?
What three words do not describe your artistic style?
What shows up from time to time in your art that surprises you?
What art material or genre have you been hesitant about but have always wanted to try?
What is the one secret ingredient that makes your artwork uniquely yours?
Do you deliberately hide messages in your artwork?
Is there a color that rarely shows up in your artwork?
What is your current art obsession?
What is your biggest pet peeve in terms of art?
Is there one art material you couldn’t live without?
Section Two: Passion in Action
Who has had the most impact on your creative life?
How do you express passion in your artwork?
If you had your choice of fame versus income as an artist, which would you choose?
What is your most quirky creative habit?
What is the one choice as an artist that you regret having made or not made?
Is there an emotion that shows up more frequently than others in your artwork?
What obstacle has stopped you from achieving an art-related goal?
How do you express anger in your artwork?
If you could sell one piece of art to anyone, who would you want to buy it?
How do you express vulnerability in your artwork?
Section Three: Secrets Revealed
What is one thing you’ve never shared with the creative community?
Can you share a secret?
Do you enjoy working more intuitively or by carefully thinking through your process?
Do you think creative types are moodier than those with less artistic inclinations?
Have you ever lost a friendship over art?
What is one current trend that you wish would go away?
What expresses the innermost you?
Do you create art to work through inner issues, or is studio time more of a distraction to keep you from facing your problems?
Is creativity built-in, learned or both?
How has the Internet changed your artistic practice?
What is your biggest fear?
Have you ever received artwork from others and reworked it as your own?
What do you think your preferred art medium says about your personality?
What is your secret dream as an artist?
Over 100 Artists
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