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Mastering VMware vSphere Storage
Table of Contents
Mastering VMware vSphere Storage
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1. Getting Started with vSphere 5.x and vCenter 5.x
Physical and virtual architecture
A comparison between physical and virtual machines
Installing the VMware ESXi host
Installing VMware vCenter Server
Installing the VMware vCenter Server Appliance
Connecting to vCenter Server with vSphere Client
Connecting to vCenter Server with vSphere Web Client
2. Getting Started with vSphere Management Assistant
Deploying vMA
Configuring ESXi technical support mode
Enabling and accessing ESXi Shell
Enabling ESXi Shell from vSphere Client
Accessing ESXi Shell from DCUI
Accessing the remote ESXi Shell from the SSH client
Using the VMware commands
Reviewing ESXi and vCenter Server logs
The location of the vCenter Server log
The location of the vSphere Server log
Exporting the vm-support log file from vSphere Client
Exporting the vm-support log file from ESXi Shell
3. Using the Virtual Machine Monitor
The VMware vSphere ESXi architecture
Understanding the VMM
Software and hardware virtualization techniques
Using vSphere performance monitoring tools
4. Storage Scalability
vSphere storage APIs for array integration and storage awareness
Virtual machine storage profile
VMware vSphere Storage DRS
VMware vSphere Storage I/O Control
5. Optimizing Storage
Concepts of storage virtualization
Monitoring vSphere storage
vSphere storage management using the command line
Troubleshooting vSphere storage performance problems
First scenario
Second scenario
6. vSphere Storage Configuration Settings
vSphere storage components
LUN masking
vSphere 5 storage maximums
Identifying the vSphere log used to troubleshoot a storage problem
7. Analyzing vSphere Storage by CLI
Analyzing PSA and multipathing using esxcli
Applying VMFS volume copies resignaturing
Troubleshooting VMware snapshots and VMFS resignaturing
VMFS DataStore volume unmounting
Identifying and tagging SSD devices
8. Troubleshooting vSphere FC Storage
The vSphere Fibre Channel storage component
A vSphere Fibre Channel storage troubleshooting example
vRealize displays the WorkLoad Badge Metrics
9. Troubleshooting vSphere iSCSI Storage
vSphere iSCSI storage components
vSphere iSCSI storage troubleshooting examples
10. Troubleshooting vSphere NFS Storage
vSphere NFS storage components
A vSphere NFS storage case study
A vSphere NFS storage troubleshooting example
11. vSphere Storage Design
Storage design key points
The vSphere storage architecture
Getting started with vSphere storage design
Share storage size – how many datastore requirements fit?
Virtual machines per LUN
Datastore types – how many types fit your environment?
Storage I/O Control – is it needed to enable the feature?
A Shared I/O Control settings explanation
vStorage APIs for Array Integration
RDM – does it need to be used in your environment?
How to design ESXi multipathing policies
How to design zoning and masking
12. ESXi Host Design
ESXi host design key points
CPU capacity
Number of hosts
Host hardware types
Host naming conventions
An ESXi host design example
Management cluster specifications
Oracle cluster specifications
VMware ESXi physical specifications
Oracle cluster VMware ESXi physical specifications
13. Virtual Machine Design
Virtual machine design key points
Number of virtual CPUs
Ensuring the memory's performance
VM resource setting – limit, reservation, and share
Virtual machine hard disk – how to deploy and which types?
Multiple virtual disks
Virtual disk location
Swap file location
Virtual SCSI HBA type – which one fits your OS?
Virtual NICs
Virtual machine hardware compatibility
Considering guest OS
A virtual machine design example
14. vSphere Virtual Datacenter Design
vSphere virtual datacenter design key points
VMware vCenter Server
Which platform do you choose?
Deploying on a physical server or a virtual machine?
How to deploy VMware vCenter Server DB
vSphere clusters
Number of vSphere clusters
A tier one cluster
A tier two cluster
A management cluster
vSphere HA
Useful tips
vSphere FT
vSphere DRS
DRS automation levels
DRS rules
Convention for naming a host
A vSphere virtual datacenter design example
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