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Title Page
Introduction to Acts
1. Title and Content
2. Genre, Authorship, and Date
3. Luke as a Theologian
4. Text
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Acts Outline
I. The Church Established 1:1–2:47
A. The Promise of the Father 1:1–8
1. What Jesus Continued to Do and Teach 1:1
2. Jesus Gives Final Instructions 1:2–3
3. Jesus Promises Baptism in the Holy Spirit 1:4–5
4. Jesus Promises Power for Witness 1:6–8
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B. Jesus Ascends to Heaven 1:9–11
1. Disciples See Him Taken Up 1:9
2. Angels Promise His Return 1:10–11
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C. The Witness of the Apostles 1:12–26
1. Prayer in the Upper Room 1:12–14
2. Matthias Chosen as an Apostolic Witness 1:15–26
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D. The Church Recognized and Empowered 2:1–40
1. The Day of Pentecost 2:1
2. The Signs of Wind and Fire 2:2–3
3. All Filled with the Spirit 2:4
4. The Crowd Amazed and Confused 2:5–13
5. Peter Manifests the Gift of Prophecy 2:14–40
a. Joel’s Prophecy Fulfilled 2:14–21
b. Jesus Exalted 2:22–36
c. Peter Calls for Repentance 2:37–40
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E. The Church Growing and Loving 2:41–47
1. Three Thousand Added 2:41
2. Continuing as Disciples 2:42
3. Apostolic Miracles 2:43
4. Fellowship and Worship 2:44–46
5. Continued Growth 2:47
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II. Ministry in Jerusalem 3:1–8:4
A. The Lame Man Healed 3:1–4:31
1. A Gift of Healing 3:1–10
2. Peter Exalts Jesus 3:11–26
a. The Prince of Life 3:11–21
b. A Prophet like Moses 3:22–26
3. Peter and John Arrested 4:1–4
4. Peter and John Brought to Trial 4:5–12
5. Peter and John Speak Boldly 4:13–22
6. Peter and John Return to Assembled Believers 4:23–31
a. Praying for Boldness and Miracles 4:23–30
b. A Fresh Filling with the Holy Spirit 4:31
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B. Apostles Tested and Triumphant 4:32–5:42
1. A United, Caring Church 4:32–37
2. A Purified, Growing Church 5:1–16
a. Judgment on Ananias and Sapphira 5:1–10
b. Fear and Continued Growth 5:11–16
3. The Twelve Apostles Arrested 5:17–26
4. The Verdict to Kill the Apostles 5:27–33
5. Gamaliel’s Advice Not to Kill the Apostles 5:34–39
6. The Apostles Disobey the Sanhedrin’s Command 5:40–42
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C. Seven Chosen to Serve 6:1–7
1. A Conflict Resolved 6:1–6
2. Continued Growth in Jerusalem 6:7
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D. Stephen Martyred 6:8–8:4
1. Stephen’s Ministry Stirs Opposition 6:8–11
2. Stephen Brought before the Sanhedrin 6:12–7:1
3. Stephen’s Defense 7:2–53
a. Joseph Rejected 7:2–16
b. Moses Rejected 7:17–37
c. God Rejected 7:38–43
d. The Temple Insufficient 7:44–50
e. The Holy Spirit Rejected 7:51–53
4. Stephen Stoned 7:54–60
5. Resulting Persecution Spreads the Gospel 8:1–4
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III. Ministry in Samaria and Judea 8:5–11:18
A. Philip’s Ministry 8:5–40
1. Philip’s Preaching and Miracles in Samaria 8:5–13
2. Peter and John Minister in Samaria 8:14–25
a. Samaritans Receive the Holy Spirit 8:14–17
b. Simon Offers to Buy the Gift 8:18–24
c. Peter and John Preach in Samaria 8:25
3. The Ethiopian Eunuch 8:26–40
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B. Saul’s Conversion 9:1–31
1. Saul Threatens the Disciples 9:1–2
2. Jesus Appears to Saul in Blinding Light 9:3–9
3. Jesus Sends Ananias to Saul 9:10–19
4. Saul Preaches in Damascus 9:20–25
5. Barnabas Befriends Saul 9:26–31
Study Questions
C. Peter’s Ministry in Judea 9:32–11:18
1. Peter Ministers in Lydda 9:32–35
2. Peter Brought to Joppa 9:36–43
3. Cornelius Sends for Peter 10:1–8
4. Peter’s Visions 10:9–22
5. Peter Meets Cornelius 10:23–33
6. Peter Announces Good News for Gentiles 10:34–43
7. Gentiles Baptized in the Holy Spirit 10:44–48
8. Peter Explains to the Apostles and the Church in Jerusalem 11:1–18
Study Questions
IV. Antioch: A New Center 11:19–18:22
A. The Gospel Reaches Antioch 11:19–30
1. Gentiles Believe in Antioch 11:19–21
2. Barnabas Sent to Antioch 11:22–26
3. Agabus Prophesies a Famine 11:27–30
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B. Peter’s Deliverance 12:1–24
1. Herod Kills the Apostle James 12:1–2
2. Herod Arrests Peter 12:3–6
3. An Angel Rescues Peter 12:7–19
4. Herod’s Death 12:20–24
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C. Paul’s First Missionary Journey 12:25–14:28
1. Barnabas and Saul Return to Antioch 12:25
2. Sent out by the Spirit and the Church 13:1–3
3. Evangelizing in Cyprus 13:4–13
4. Ministering in Pisidian Antioch 13:14–52
a. Preaching Effectively 13:14–41
b. Turning to the Gentiles 13:42–49
c. Paul and Barnabas Expelled 13:50–52
5. Ministering in Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe 14:1–25
a. Preaching, Miracles, and Opposition 14:1–7
b. A Cripple Healed 14:8–18
c. Paul Stoned 14:19–20
d. Confirming Believers 14:21–25
6. Reporting Back to Syrian Antioch 14:26–28
Study Questions
D. The Jerusalem Council 15:1–35
1. Believing Pharisees Demand Circumcision 15:1–5
a. Opposition Comes from Judea 15:1
b. Paul and Barnabas Sent to Jerusalem 15:2–4
c. Believing Pharisees Rise Up 15:5
2. The Question of Circumcision Considered 15:6–12
3. James Gives a Word of Wisdom 15:13–21
4. A Letter Sent 15:22–29
5. The Letter Causes Rejoicing at Antioch 15:30–35
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E. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey 15:36–18:22
1. Paul and Barnabas Separate 15:36–39
2. Paul Chooses Silas 15:40–41
3. Paul Takes Timothy with Him 16:1–5
4. The Macedonian Call 16:6–10
5. Ministry in Philippi 16:11–40
a. An Open Door 16:11–15
b. A Demon Cast Out 16:16–18
c. Paul and Barnabas in Prison 16:19–26
d. The Jailer Converted 16:27–34
e. Paul and Silas Released 16:35–40
6. Ministry in Thessalonica 17:1–9
7. Noble Bereans 17:10–15
8. Ministry in Athens 17:16–34
a. Encountered by Philosophers 17:16–21
b. Message to the Council of Mars’ Hill 17:22–34
9. Ministry in Corinth 18:1–17
a. Working with Priscilla and Aquila 18:1–4
b. Turning to the Gentiles 18:5–11
c. Brought before Gallio 18:12–17
10. Returning to Antioch 18:18–22
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V. Ephesus: A New Center 18:23–20:38
A. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Begins 18:23
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B. A Better Baptism 18:24–19:7
1. Apollos Helped by Aquila and Priscilla 18:24–28
2. Twelve Disciples at Ephesus 19:1–7
Study Questions
C. Revival and Riot in Ephesus 19:8–20:1
1. Two Years of Teaching 19:8–10
2. Special Miracles 19:11–16
3. Many Believe 19:17–20
4. Paul’s Purpose to Visit Rome 19:21–22
5. Silversmiths Stir a Riot 19:23–20:1
a. Silversmiths’ Wrath Affects the City 19:23–29
b. Total Confusion 19:30–34
c. The Crowd Quieted 19:35–41
d. Paul Leaves for Macedonia 20:1
Study Questions
D. Paul’s Third Journey Concludes 20:2–38
1. Macedonia and Greece Revisited 20:2–5
2. Eutychus Raised from the Dead at Troas 20:6–12
3. Sailing by Ephesus 20:13–16
4. Farewell to the Ephesian Elders 20:17–38
a. Paul’s Faithful Service 20:17–21
b. Willing to Die 20:22–24
c. Challenging by Example 20:25–35
d. A Sad Farewell 20:36–38
Study Questions
VI. The Road to Rome 21:1–28:31
A. Paul Goes to Jerusalem 21:1–26
1. Prophecy at Tyre 21:1–6
2. Prophecy at Caesarea 21:7–14
3. Welcomed at Jerusalem 21:15–19
4. Encouraging Jewish Believers 21:20–26
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B. Paul’s Arrest 21:27–23:35
1. Asian Jews Cause a Riot 21:27–30
2. Paul Rescued by the Romans 21:31–40
3. A Witness for Christ 22:1–21
4. Saved from Scourging 22:22–29
5. Facing the Sanhedrin 22:30–23:10
6. Encouraged by the Lord 23:11
7. A Jewish Plot Discovered 23:12–22
8. Paul Taken to Caesarea 23:23–35
Study Questions
C. Paul’s Appeal to Caesar 24:1–26:32
1. Paul Accused by the Jews 24:1–27
a. Tertullus Presents Their Case 24:1–9
b. Paul Answers 24:10–21
c. Felix Postpones Making a Decision 24:22–27
2. Trial before Festus 25:1–8
3. Festus Agrees to Send Paul to Caesar 25:9–12
4. Festus Presents Paul’s Cause to Agrippa 25:13–22
5. Paul before Agrippa 25:23–26:32
a. Festus Presents His Case 25:23–27
b. Paul Answers 26:1–23
(1) Paul the Pharisee 26:1–11
(2) Paul Converted and Commissioned 26:12–18
(3) Paul’s Faithful Witness 26:19–23
c. Festus and Agrippa Reject the Gospel 26:24–29
d. Agrippa Recognizes Paul’s Innocence 26:30–32
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D. Paul’s Voyage to Rome 27:1–28:15
1. Contrary Winds 27:1–8
2. Caught in a Storm 27:9–20
3. Paul’s Vision and Courage 27:21–37
4. The Shipwreck 27:38–44
5. Miracles at Malta 28:1–10
6. From Malta to Rome 28:11–15
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E. Paul a Prisoner, Yet Free 28:16–31
1. Paul under House Arrest 28:16
2. Paul Meets Rome’s Jewish Leaders 28:17–22
3. Paul Preaches to Jews in Rome 28:23–29
4. Two Years of Opportunity 28:30–31
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Appendix: Maps
Selected Bibliography
Scripture Index
Old Testament
New Testament
Subject Index
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