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How to Use this Book
D AY 1: Put God at the beginning
D AY 2: See God everywhere
D AY 3: When God speaks, hear
D AY 4: See God in the beauty of creation
D AY 5: Let all creation remind you of the Creator
D AY 6: Admire the world as a work of art
D AY 7: Every season has its spiritual reward
D AY 8: The harmony of the universe
D AY 9: Nature shows us the Resurrection
D AY 10: Don’t underestimate God
D AY 11: Use what God gave you the way God intended
D AY 12: Look for truth in every way, find it in Christ
D AY 13: Use your education
D AY 14: Train yourself with secular learning
D AY 15: Believe—it’s the rational thing
D AY 16: Believe, then use your reason
D AY 17: Praise God for the beauty of light
D AY 18: Remember that everything is made for a reason
D AY 19: Appreciate God’s mercy after the Fall
D AY 20: Thank God for the wicked
D AY 21: Put good things in their place
D AY 22: Vice proves that our nature is good
D AY 23: Don’t look for evil outside ourselves
D AY 24: Don’t make excuses
D AY 25: Love the sinner, hate the sin
D AY 26: Moral evils are the only true evils
D AY 27: Turn evil into good
D AY 28: See how the Word stooped down to us
D AY 29: Imitate Christ and learn the power of humility
D AY 30: Remember God’s greatest gift
D AY 31: Recognize both natures in Christ
D AY 32: Don’t misjudge Christ’s Kingdom
D AY 33: Follow the Magi
D AY 34: Bring Christ the gifts of the Magi
D AY 35: Take Christ as your model of love
D AY 36: Christ taught by doing
D AY 37: Learn to suffer from Christ
D AY 38: Find your strength in Jesus’ weakness
D AY 39: Cross the bridge to heaven
D AY 40: Let your tears turn to joy
D AY 41: Live a life worthy of the Resurrection
D AY 42: What we mean by “the right hand of the Father”
D AY 43: Rely on God to make your soul fit for him
D AY 44: Make time for God
D AY 45: Clean out your heart before you pray
D AY 46: Be reconciled before you pray
D AY 47: Watch for distractions when you pray
D AY 48: Praying the Our Father
D AY 49: Dare to call God Father
D AY 50: Our daily bread is the Word of God and the Mass
D AY 51: Lead us not into temptation
D AY 52: Expect Satan’s attack when you pray
D AY 53: Look for quiet when you pray
D AY 54: Get rid of your anger before you pray
D AY 55: In prayer, quality counts more than quantity
D AY 56: Don’t despair when you’re in a dry spell
D AY 57: Make the Sign of the Cross everywhere
D AY 58: Let creation be your book
D AY 59: Be worthy of your creation
D AY 60: Know that you are God’s image
D AY 61: Learn to be like God
D AY 62: Put the right value on created things
D AY 63: Imitate God, not the animals
D AY 64: Find the temple in your heart
D AY 65: To know God, live a godly life
D AY 66: Recognize the good emotions
D AY 67: Follow the promptings of nature
D AY 68: Rely on what no one can take away
D AY 69: Free will is the problem—and the solution
D AY 70: Denying free will proves that there is free will
D AY 71: Foreknowledge doesn’t cancel free will
D AY 72: Use the gifts God gave you rightly
D AY 73: Find the best use of your talents
D AY 74: Stay on course
D AY 75: Cooperation is a law of nature
D AY 76: Everything takes faith
D AY 77: Don’t doubt—just pray
D AY 78: Feel the power of faith
D AY 79: Build your faith on the Stone
D AY 80: Believe what Christ tells you
D AY 81: Learn faith from Mary Magdalene
D AY 82: Study your faith
D AY 83: Put God’s rules first
D AY 84: Learn practice before theory
D AY 85: Love the truth as the martyrs did
D AY 86: Distinguish what’s important to be right about
D AY 87: See the truth in the works it produces
D AY 88: The errors of others don’t make you right
D AY 89: Learn how to control your thoughts
D AY 90: Thoughts of sin are seeds of sin
D AY 91: Let love lead your mind back to God
D AY 92: Find all the virtues in love
D AY 93: Drink from the fountain of love
D AY 94: Seek understanding with love
D AY 95: Live for others, not for yourself
D AY 96: Plant the seeds of love
D AY 97: Do what’s appropriate, but always in love
D AY 98: Remember that everyone is your “neighbor”
D AY 99: Give, and let God take care of the rest
D AY 100: Be kind even to people who don’t deserve it
D AY 101: Be generous in secret
D AY 102: Help the Church help others
D AY 103: Don’t be guilty of someone else’s despair
D AY 104: If you want faith, practice patience
D AY 105: We are called to endure pain and illness
D AY 106: Cultivate patience and be at peace
D AY 107: Let difficulties be your teachers
D AY 108: Make the right use of your worries
D AY 109: Feel pity for your persecutors
D AY 110: Learn to distinguish what really matters
D AY 111: Remember that God controls your destiny
D AY 112: Never despair of God’s help
D AY 113: Trust God to bring good even from the wicked
D AY 114: Love virtue for its own sake
D AY 115: Be like steel, not like wax
D AY 116: Learn good habits during Lent
D AY 117: Suit your practice to your nature.
D AY 118: Be cheerful
D AY 119: Praise according to your ability
D AY 120: Don’t forget to give thanks
D AY 121: Learn contentment from the fish
D AY 122: Be satisfied with enough
D AY 123: Be happy with enough, and you’ll get what you want
D AY 124: Learn the lesson of the bees
D AY 125: Give your leisure to the Lord
D AY 126: Be pleased with what pleases God
D AY 127: Trust God’s promises, and take what comes
D AY 128: Work for the Kingdom is never wasted
D AY 129: Beware of depression
D AY 130: Work through your grief
D AY 131: Loss is only temporary
D AY 132: Let reason console you for your losses
D AY 133: Don’t try to limit God
D AY 134: Everything in good order
D AY 135: See the big picture
D AY 136: Don’t blame God for what bad people do
D AY 137: God’s mercy works through us
D AY 138: Live a life worthy of your baptism
D AY 139: Hear the silence of Jesus
D AY 140: Live and talk like a Christian
D AY 141: Be Christian in your conversation
D AY 142: Train your tongue to serve righteousness
D AY 143: Think before you speak
D AY 144: Keep silent until the right moment
D AY 145: Weigh your words carefully
D AY 146: Lying is always a sin
D AY 147: Always avoid insults
D AY 148: Learn to tell good jokes from bad
D AY 149: Don’t even listen to slander
D AY 150: Run away from mockery
D AY 151: Don’t return insult for insult
D AY 152: Ignore insults and keep silent
D AY 153: Give praise instead of blasphemy
D AY 154: Don’t give an opening to rumor
D AY 155: Only you can hurt your own salvation
D AY 156: Hate only evil
D AY 157: Be Christian in your entertainment
D AY 158: Think about what your entertainment is teaching
D AY 159: Show your enthusiasm for God
D AY 160: Let your life match your words
D AY 161: Beware men of clever insincerity
D AY 162: Take your Christian life seriously
D AY 163: The more you work, the more you need Scripture
D AY 164: Your heart is like a flour mill
D AY 165: Discover the truth in Scripture
D AY 166: See the New Covenant in the Old
D AY 167: Rejoice in the knowledge of Scripture
D AY 168: Pay careful attention to Scripture
D AY 169: Don’t neglect Scripture
D AY 170: Approach Scripture with humility
D AY 171: Pray when you read the Bible
D AY 172: Don’t let confusing scriptures discourage you
D AY 173: Reading Scripture is a foretaste of heaven
D AY 174: Find your defense against temptation in Scripture
D AY 175: Take your examples from Scripture
D AY 176: Take the medicine that costs you nothing
D AY 177: Avoid the smoke of worldly cares
D AY 178: Examine your conscience before Mass
D AY 179: Don’t be like Herod!
D AY 180: Get to Mass on time
D AY 181: Sacrifice yourself along with the Eucharist
D AY 182: The heavens are opened in the Eucharist
D AY 183: Learn to love the Mass
D AY 184: Take communion every day
D AY 185: Stay for the whole Mass
D AY 186: Take some time to reflect after Mass
D AY 187: Find your delight in heavenly food
D AY 188: Color your soul with the Mass
D AY 189: Find rest in the Church
D AY 190: Honor your parents and you honor God
D AY 191: Trust the whole church, not the loner
D AY 192: Follow this rule: universality, antiquity, consent
D AY 193: Love unity, avoid divisions
D AY 194: Submit to the teaching of the Church
D AY 195: Eat from the right fruit
D AY 196: Flee to the Church
D AY 197: Listen to God in your elders
D AY 198: It takes sacrifice to be a good shepherd
D AY 199: Apply what you hear in church to yourself
D AY 200: Don’t rely on worldly things
D AY 201: Don’t blame the Church for wicked Christians
D AY 202: Work to heal the wound of schism
D AY 203: Give the credit to Peter
D AY 204: Live like a Christian in marriage
D AY 205: Remember your marriage vows
D AY 206: Remember your own faults, too
D AY 207: Give up your double standard
D AY 208: Hold yourself to your own standard
D AY 209: Lift up your hearts
D AY 210: Keep the soul pure to keep the body pure
D AY 211: Marriage is good; virginity is better
D AY 212: Find God through continence
D AY 213: Be poor to be rich
D AY 214: Toss out the image of the devil
D AY 215: See the real power of wealth
D AY 216: Beware the life of ease
D AY 217: Use what you’ve been given for good
D AY 218: Be moderate and reasonable in clothing
D AY 219: Invest in heaven
D AY 220: Expect better returns from the poor
D AY 221: Share everything
D AY 222: Don’t take advantage of misfortune
D AY 223: Remember the poor and trust God to provide
D AY 224: Beware of prosperity—Satan lurks there
D AY 225: Beware the temptations of power
D AY 226: Be happy with enough
D AY 227: Use your money for good
D AY 228: Be thankful in adversity as well as in prosperity
D AY 229: See poverty as an opportunity for service
D AY 230: The sick need your help, not just sympathy
D AY 231: Deposit your wealth in heaven
D AY 232: Don’t worry about being too generous
D AY 233: Ill-gotten gains make wicked gifts
D AY 234: Feed the poor and you feed Christ
D AY 235: Think of the future
D AY 236: Learn the lesson of the grapevine and the elm
D AY 237: Judge yourself, not your neighbors
D AY 238: Put things right before you ask for forgiveness
D AY 239: To know God, confess your sins
D AY 240: Sincere repentance saves the wickedest
D AY 241: Five ways to repent
D AY 242: Be happy to be corrected
D AY 243: Attack your strongest sin first
D AY 244: Take the medicine that cures you
D AY 245: The “anger” of Christ is his mercy
D AY 246: Trust your Physician, even if the cure hurts
D AY 247: Repent for the sake of the Eucharist
D AY 248: Excommunication is a last resort
D AY 249: Learn to repent from Judas
D AY 250: Uproot sin and sow spiritual seed
D AY 251: Bear fruit that befits repentance
D AY 252: Make use of your sins
D AY 253: Keep your soul light as a feather
D AY 254: Weep, and find joy
D AY 255: Listen to your conscience
D AY 256: Learn to forgive
D AY 257: Sow on earth, reap in heaven
D AY 258: Be humble from the start
D AY 259: Give the credit to God
D AY 260: Humble yourself as Christ did
D AY 261: Forget the good you’ve done
D AY 262: When things go well, remember who you are
D AY 263: The better you get, the humbler you need to be
D AY 264: We are all equal in God’s sight
D AY 265: Keep struggling against vanity
D AY 266: Beware of desiring praise
D AY 267: Rise above popular opinion
D AY 268: Don’t run away from sloth
D AY 269: Be moderate and give thanks
D AY 270: The opposite of gluttony is moderation
D AY 271: Gluttony brings you down to earth
D AY 272: Control your body, and set your soul free
D AY 273: Be reasonably moderate
D AY 274: Use God’s gifts in moderation
D AY 275: Beware your passions
D AY 276: Don’t let passion outrun reason
D AY 277: Manage your passions, manage your life
D AY 278: Make the right use of your passions
D AY 279: Calm your mind—or at least your tongue
D AY 280: Don’t insult God’s image
D AY 281: Don’t let anger force the Spirit out
D AY 282: Don’t excuse your anger from Scripture
D AY 283: Find the right use for your anger
D AY 284: Blame yourself for your anger
D AY 285: Never be angry—at all
D AY 286: Don’t blame your bad mood on someone else
D AY 287: Control your anger before you pray
D AY 288: Christ suffered to keep you from anger
D AY 289: Rip out covetousness by the roots
D AY 290: Don’t look for more than what belongs to you
D AY 291: Destroy covetousness before it destroys you
D AY 292: Try window-shopping instead
D AY 293: Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall
D AY 294: Set aside old grudges
D AY 295: Overcome the things that make you fight
D AY 296: Overcome your jealousy
D AY 297: Guard against every vice
D AY 298: Set one vice against another
D AY 299: Don’t blame the world for your failings
D AY 300: Turn temptation into triumph
D AY 301: Avoid the first approaches of evil
D AY 302: Expect the devil to attack where you’re weakest
D AY 303: Know how Satan works
D AY 304: Endure temptation—it’s God’s training for you
D AY 305: Starve Satan
D AY 306: Remember that God, not Satan, is in control
D AY 307: Not even the devil can make you sin
D AY 308: Throw off your shackles
D AY 309: Be a child of light and conquer Satan
D AY 310: Fear the Lord, not the devil
D AY 311: Keep on your toes
D AY 312: Don’t worship idols in your heart
D AY 313: Keep your perspective
D AY 314: Remember death, and live
D AY 315: Live like a visitor to this world
D AY 316: Think of yourself as a guest in this life
D AY 317: Remember, your life belongs to God alone
D AY 318: Fear the death of the soul, not of the body
D AY 319: Learn from nature that we are immortal
D AY 320: Death is transformed into sleep
D AY 321: Make light of what is mortal
D AY 322: Know the resurrection by the proofs
D AY 323: Share in the sufferings of the martyrs
D AY 324: Why not choose death?
D AY 325: The resurrection is easy for God
D AY 326: Be ready for the end of the world
D AY 327: Remember the judgment of Christ
D AY 328: Measure your duty by heaven, not earth
D AY 329: Nothing gets past God
D AY 330: Don’t judge by appearances
D AY 331: Why are the wicked joyful?
D AY 332: Pity the prosperous sinner
D AY 333: Not being with God is the real punishment
D AY 334: Fear God, not death
D AY 335: Evil is evil, even if God turns it to good
D AY 336: This hurts me more than it hurts you
D AY 337: Everyday martyrdom
D AY 338: Practice what you preach
D AY 339: Become famous for good deeds
D AY 340: Keep trying to spread the Good News
D AY 341: You are the soul of the world
D AY 342: Bring your neighbors to church
D AY 343: Save souls through service
D AY 344: Let your struggles help others
D AY 345: Never stop praying for others
D AY 346: Pray for the straying
D AY 347: Welcome the straying when they turn back
D AY 348: Pray for conversions
D AY 349: Learn persuasion from the Lord
D AY 350: Treat opponents mildly
D AY 351: Be gentlest with the most abrasive people
D AY 352: Don’t be surprised when evil enters the Church
D AY 353: Fear nothing: the Lord is with you
D AY 354: Find the best models to imitate
D AY 355: Remember the martyrs
D AY 356: Show reverence to what is sacred
D AY 357: Rely on the prayers of the saints
D AY 358: Venerate the saints and martyrs
D AY 359: Honoring the saints goes back to the Apostles
D AY 360: Honor Mary in Christ’s flesh
D AY 361: Honor the virginity of Mary
D AY 362: Learn from Mary how to live
D AY 363: Imitate Mary’s modesty
D AY 364: See what God has done for you
D AY 365: Continue in the Word
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