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Imperial Library
1. The Role of Mid-Level Shape Priors in Perceptual Grouping and Image Abstraction
2. Symmetry Is the sine qua non of Shape
3. Flux Graphs for 2D Shape Analysis
4. An Integrated Bayesian Approach to Shape Representation and Perceptual Organization
5. Perceptual Organization of Shape
6. Two-Dimensional Shape as a Mid-Level Vision Gestalt
7. Shape Priors for Image Segmentation
8. Observations on Shape-from-Shading in Humans
9. Deformations and Lighting
10. The Shape of Space
11. The Visual Hierarchy Mirage: Seeing Trees in a Graph
12. Natural Selection and Shape Perception
13. Shape as an Emergent Property
14. Representing 3D Shape and Location
15. Joint Registration and Shape Analysis of Curves and Surfaces
16. The Statistics of Shape, Reflectance, and Lighting in Real-World Scenes
17. Structure vs. Appearance and 3D vs. 2D? A Numeric Answer
18. Challenges in Understanding Visual Shape Perception and Representation: Bridging Subsymbolic and Symbolic Coding
19. 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Two-Tone and Color Images
20. Perception and Action Without Veridical Metric Reconstruction: An Affine Approach
21. A Stochastic Grammar for Natural Shapes
22. Hard-Wired and Plastic Mechanisms in 3-D Shape Perception
23. Holistic Shape Recognition: Where-to-Look and How-to-Look
24. Shape Processing as Inherently Three-Dimensional
25. The Role of Shape in Visual Recognition
26. Human Object Recognition: Appearance vs. Shape
27. Shape-Based Object Discovery in Images
28. Schema-Driven Influences in Recovering 3-D Shape from Motion in Human and Computer Vision
29. Detecting, Representing and Attending to Visual Shape
30. Toward a Dynamical View of Object Perception
31. Modeling Shapes with Higher-Order Graphs: Methodology and Applications
32. Multisensory Shape Processing
33. Shape-Based Instance Detection Under Arbitrary Viewpoint
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